Describe your daily commute... how long is it taking you?

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

To School:
2hrs Brooklyn to Staten Island.
If I'm lucky a 1hr and a half.


20-25 mins to school
i switch job locations so depends but for the past month about 10 mins there at 530 am and commute home about 15 at 230pm
i switch job locations so depends but for the past month about 10 mins there at 530 am and commute home about 15 at 230pm
Take the bus at 7 am, in the traffic for about an 1h. Get drop off at the subway, ride for around 30 minutes, then arrive, at my job 30 min early... Yeah. it sucks
Take the bus at 7 am, in the traffic for about an 1h. Get drop off at the subway, ride for around 30 minutes, then arrive, at my job 30 min early... Yeah. it sucks
Luckily I get a ride to the Metro, but then it's about a 30 minute ride followed by a 20 minute walk to work afterward. So almost 2 hrs of the day spent commuting.
Luckily I get a ride to the Metro, but then it's about a 30 minute ride followed by a 20 minute walk to work afterward. So almost 2 hrs of the day spent commuting.
1 hour per way on the MTA. So a total of 2 hours on a good day. Sometimes its like 2.5 hours. SMH
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