Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Hahaha! I didn't mean to be an @** when I replied to you, Booty. Apologies if it came across that way.


So there's some information going around that indicates that, with respect to PvP, those two perks (GHF/HSeeker) may not be as useful as they seem. Essentially the argument is that, when going up against other PRs, for example, the amount of extra damage those perks produce do not significantly change your TTK in comparison to your opponent using a weapon without those perks (say, Hawksaw/PDX).

With Headseeker specifically, the way the perk works requires you to hit the body first, then the head for bonus damage. However, in the time it takes the perk to activate, it's very likely that a (skilled) player will have already taken the advantage by only hitting headshots (ie. you probably should disengage, or lose the fight).

Here is a link to a study done on HS:

Hope this helps/spurs further discussion!

Def some interesting points about the combo of those 2 perks and headseeker and such. I guess I will have to give it a spin in crucible eventually and see how I like it. 
This Grasp has everything I wanted. Don't care about scope not being oas either. Grenadier used to be the perk I'd laugh at all the time but now it's clutch for Crucible. Tripmine party even though they nerfed it.

I am all about my double stability + grenadier perk

The infamous crouch enhanced zoom + grenadier combo is still terribly amusing for someone to roll though 
This Grasp has everything I wanted. Don't care about scope not being oas either. Grenadier used to be the perk I'd laugh at all the time but now it's clutch for Crucible. Tripmine party even though they nerfed it.

I am all about my double stability + grenadier perk

The infamous crouch enhanced zoom + grenadier combo is still terribly amusing for someone to roll though 
I think we've changed it to the god Grasp roll of Exhumed and Guerilla Fighter.
man i finally did okay in iron banner!!! lol im hyped
Despite what a good number of Destiny players think, this Clash mode is one of the better Iron Banners...........especially since it puts all players on the same agenda in terms of an objective, DON'T DIE.

Compared to having Control mode for Iron Banner, where some members of your team will be fulfilling the objective of capturing AND defending zones..........where other members are busy rushing/camping to work on "individual k/d ratio" ratings or any individual agenda that will go against the winning goal for the game mode.

So even a **** Crucible player can succeed in "Iron Banner Clash," if they stick with their teammates and not rush into "gangs of 4 or 5 enemy players."
Is there a decent guide for tier 12? 

Nah, it's luck-of-the-draw really. Just download one of the third party apps (i.e. Ishtar Commander) and every time you get a piece of gear that has desirable perks, pop it into the machine to see if you're getting the most out of it.

I don't raid, so most of my gear is coming from Trials, IB, and the odd CoE = I need to be selective with what I infuse haha.

Looking for a full Pariah set, but that LH chest is hella stingy with the loot :smh:
This past Friday and Saturday, Iron Banner Clash has been a complete sweat party. 

It was like a 6v6 version of Trials, EVERY SINGLE IRON BANNER GAME WAS A SLOW-SNIPING CONTEST.  1K-yds, Longbow, LDR, you name least 4-5 players per team was holding one. 

#ShotgunSquad was completely at a disadvantage these last 2 nights of Iron Banner......... *sighs*
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@illsupra  I was just finishing up with Destiny to bed when you messaged last night. You truly did not want in that group, though. Five game losing streak and these guys kept saying, "Hey, we're getting better!" with KD's ranging between .8 and .4. I got my green bounties done and had enough.

Nice to see the PS4 NT crew playing some Iron Banner.

Guess Destiny isn't entirely dead, maybe just barely breathing.
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