Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

35 kills 2.92 K/D 7590 points........and we lose
AND I couldn't clip it
Control is not about k/d......

It's about teamwork and point captures.....

Especially when you're the mvp....

That loss is on you....

The flags are only capped to boost your points for kills. You don't get points for keeping your flags, you get points from kills while having a flag.

It's why you can have all 3 capped the entire game but if your entire team goes negative you will still lose.

So kills do matter the most in control. Also maybe you missed the part where I had over 7000 points

I get over 1/3 of the points necessary to win for my team and it's my fault
***** please, that loss was on everyone but me.
The flags are only capped to boost your points for kills. You don't get points for keeping your flags, you get points from kills while having a flag.

It's why you can have all 3 capped the entire game but if your entire team goes negative you will still lose.

So kills do matter the most in control. Also maybe you missed the part where I had over 7000 points

I get over 1/3 of the points necessary to win for my team and it's my fault
***** please, that loss was on everyone but me.
PwnStar actually proved this as well. He made it a challenge and accomplished it twice already. His team held 0 flags and still won the game

The flags are only capped to boost your points for kills. You don't get points for keeping your flags, you get points from kills while having a flag.

It's why you can have all 3 capped the entire game but if your entire team goes negative you will still lose.

So kills do matter the most in control. Also maybe you missed the part where I had over 7000 points

I get over 1/3 of the points necessary to win for my team and it's my fault
***** please, that loss was on everyone but me.
PwnStar actually proved this as well. He made it a challenge and accomplished it twice already. His team held 0 flags and still won the game

Only proves my point. If you can't kill more than you die, you're useless to your fireteam. Especially in Control.

Also, why PwnStar look like a young Unser from SOA? 
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So I'm trying to help my boy level up and we're going through his story. We're doing the summoning pits strike and phogoth is like HALF WAY dead.

"I'm about to hold the team down"-Him

"What?"- Me

"I'm about to hold the team down!!!" - Him

*hears the golden gun get activated*

"guardian down"

"My fault, thought I could kill him" Him

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dude thought Pho'Goth was going down from 1/2 health from the golden gun.

That reality that you aren't what you thought you were (word to Dennis Green)
A lot of insecurities rose to the surface once shottadru posted his K/D.

Again I was talking about being a 30. The discussion prior was about hitting 30 and I recently hit 30 so I made a joke and then yall started investigating me lol. Yall dumb sensitive in here.
nah you tried to stunt and fail, nobody cares about us lvl 30 or us 9.0 kd from yo booboo suros. We was on ps4 flexing lvl 30's months ago b. You just an undercard *****
I would have hit 30 months also but thankfully on Xbox I have an array of games to play, I left Destiny alone and recently came back and got last piece of raid gear needed.

I see you are investigating me also, lol you PS people swear yall lawyers, I actually just got the Suros from IB this weekend so that has nothing to do with my play.

I'm still waiting to see how good you guys are PS boys just here buffing each other off.
Until then more clips

Someone sounds like they need a snickers. Here you go.

I have an Xbox One. It has been turned on about 5 times in the past 4 months. I wasted $500 on it. Graphics on it suck. The interface sucks, and even the NFL fantasy/TV thing sucks too. Worst $500 I ever spent on anything in my life. The only Xbox exclusive title that stirred up any interest was Titanfall. And everyone stopped playing it after a month. Forzzzzzzza? Exactly Zzzzzz. The only significant Xbox One Exclusive hasn't even come out yet (Halo 5). Other than that, you can get all the same games on both consoles.

Please post a clip of you getting a kill with a Hawkmoon and we'll talk. Until then, sit down in your corner and go back under the Xfail bridge. Oh wait, it'll be a year before you can even do that.

What you don't realize is we, unlike you, don't have to scream about what console is better and post garbage videos of going to a control point and getting sniped, then respawning and shotgunning someone. Most of your clips are you getting killed then using some kinda cheese to piece together a killstreak.

Umad Bruh? Men lie, women lie, numbers don't.

The Xbox One just passes 10 million console sales while PS4 is over 13 million on the way to 15 million by then end of the holidays. PS4 >>

Your K/D is .9 

Not even a whole point.

.9 - You die more than you kill.

Translation: You are useless to your fireteam.


Even worse, your combat rating is under 100. You can scream to the heavens about how you a God in Destiny. But at the end of the day, all we gotta do is look at you on and see.

There you go bruh. You ain't no God in Destiny. No one needs to see the clips of how garbage you are anymore.

It's a video game. Let's get back to having fun now that you got this work...

LMAOOOOOO yall mad sensitive this is fun.

I love how PS people love throwing out sales figures. You do know the PS is sold in more markets compared to Xbox and is cheaper.

What exclusive PS have that's good? Drive Club can't compared to Forza. Ya'll got what baseball...who plays baseball tho...

Overall I have an excellent game collection on my Xbox one. Like yall here going mad hard, it's quite funny. The COD thread has no quarrels, console wise anything. I would be mad also if it took years to finally be ahead of the curve with a title. COD has been curving PS for years.

That's you opinion about interface etc. The PS interface is actually trash to me. Also I am a man not a boy so I can't use that small controller.

Again keep looking at my numbers, I just wrote that because I was happy to finally be 30 now its all these caps and all that. Easy on the keyboard killer. Who cares about that stuff on Destiny, the game isn't even competitive. This is the first time I've seen a group of people go hard about Crucible/IB. If we were talking COD it makes sense that's a very competitive multiplaying game, like you're happy because yall here carrying each other, buffing each other off after a raid LMAOOOO

It's a video game and look at all you just wrote...yet none of yall posted not 1 clip anything. Yall all just talking still...Show me

something better man, all yall responding but skipping over that. No 1 posting they K/D or dope clips. Just screaming lol

I can give you a reason to use your Xbox, ill get someone to gameshare Destiny with u then come run, can't mash your keyboard there...

Calm down it's just a video game.
You keep asking for people to post clips, but yet everyone responding to you has a higher K/D and Combat rating than you.

The PS vs. MS debate has been beyond dead and old. MS paid to have the DLCs early for Xbox players if that is what you mean by CoD has been curving PS players. End of the day it is about $$ and it is normally only at the most a month. But the Xbox players get extremely tight when they saw that PS has the Destiny exclusives for an entire year.
Who trying to play with a destiny God
It's 9.18 over 5 matches, so its actually pretty decent.

And he's playing on Xbox One, so his post is a veiled plea for people to join him, as no one actually owns an Xbox One. 

Yeah thing was they said you only boys who pee sitting down own a playstation im a man so I got a man machine
keep that console war outta here man
Tell the ps fanboys to keep it out..being they have no games they need to start console quarrels on sneaker forums to be entertained
Who trying to play with a destiny God
So you got like 9 kills and then you'd hide the rest of the match?

It's a video game, if this is what makes you feel like a success in life then more power to you
look how good i am at hiding, validate the reason you make dumb comments by showing me your clips...oops you can't. 

Man you gotta let it go. He made a snide comment, it happens, move on.
I just found the Destiny thread, came here to converse with fellow lovers of the game then he comes at me sideways for...sorry
I just found the Destiny thread, came here to converse with fellow lovers of the game then he comes at me sideways for...sorry
Hey like I said, as long as you think this makes your life come full circle you do you. You are the one coming in here boasting and calling yourself the god, yet your overall K/D ratio was 0.98 last I checked yesterday, that was lower than mine and I don't even play Crucible like that.

Then you come in here talking how Xbox is better after that? Child please, I tried to to defend it, but now you want to come at me. Hey you buy your inferior product, going to love you 720p at 24fps when we are running Destiny 2 at 1080p at 60fps.
Again you are assuming you guys as talking about hitting 30, I just posted it showing my level because I finally hit 30 this week. You went to talk about my K/D and me camping. Keep checking my numbers, I didn't look cuz I don't care you obsessed with me after I made 1 comment. 

Does that argument make sense? You don't play Crucible much and happy you have a higher K/D? You could of played 1 match, that makes it quite possible to have a higher K/D than someone who plays it often.

I'm happy you at 1080, 60 fps but show me some just talking I shut your slick comment up with proof.
I just found the Destiny thread, came here to converse with fellow lovers of the game then he comes at me sideways for...sorry
Hey like I said, as long as you think this makes your life come full circle you do you. You are the one coming in here boasting and calling yourself the god, yet your overall K/D ratio was 0.98 last I checked yesterday, that was lower than mine and I don't even play Crucible like that.

Then you come in here talking how Xbox is better after that? Child please, I tried to to defend it, but now you want to come at me. Hey you buy your inferior product, going to love you 720p at 24fps when we are running Destiny 2 at 1080p at 60fps.
Any clips man? Or are you a camper? Messiah/981fa917-45d8-47c7-a05f-8ca268355f8d
Again you are assuming you guys as talking about hitting 30, I just posted it showing my level because I finally hit 30 this week. You went to talk about my K/D and me camping. Keep checking my numbers, I didn't look cuz I don't care you obsessed with me after I made 1 comment. 

Does that argument make sense? You don't play Crucible much and happy you have a higher K/D? You could of played 1 match, that makes it quite possible to have a higher K/D than someone who plays it often.

I'm happy you at 1080, 60 fps but show me some just talking I shut your slick comment up with proof.
Mad, you are the one posting clips like a insecure little teenager trying to defend your point, I wasn't even thinking about you until you quoted me for no reason. The looking up of K/D was something one of my raid buddies did and told me in chat yesterday, ask Zero23, he'll tell you. I don't need to prove anything as I don't crucible at all unless I'm running with the guys I raid with. Other than reaching rank 3 in IB I don't really care at all about my K/D or anything

Now if you want to look up my bungie profile and see me at VoG, where I prefer playing and where I do work then go ahead. And if you want to read through the posts here you can see what the raid people we run with on PSN do. Hell, we dominate this entire thread. You are the first Xbox person here since Memphis.

You can continue this all you want but frankly, you aren't even worth acknowledging so I bid you adieu.

I'm done with you and frankly have fun.

I have full raid gear what do I need to see what you do..

U like checking my stats you can see my VOG stats being you so curious.

But maybe you can post clips PS5, you did get party chat on PS4 a feature of Xbox 360.

Until then here is me camping some more... Messiah/981fa917-45d8-47c7-a05f-8ca268355f8d
Tell the ps fanboys to keep it out..being they have no games they need to start console quarrels on sneaker forums to be entertained


Where to begin.... And then he says we can't show him clips....


Imma leave it alone. I'll just say anyone with an Xbox one either doesn't make good decisions or just wants to go against the grain.
Xbox Record That > Save and Share. Good idea to leave it alone the feature is not comparable. 
any tips to get better gear?
take advantage of the faction system. at minimum you should have leveled up a factions gear to get to level 29.
Originally Posted by shottadru  

But maybe you can post clips PS5, you did get party chat on PS4 a feature of Xbox 360.

Until then here is me camping some more... Messiah/981fa917-45d8-47c7-a05f-8ca268355f8d

Xbox Record That > Save and Share. Good idea to leave it alone the feature is not comparable. 


if youre gonna come at ps4's neck... have more concrete ground to stand on. saying we dont have a feature, then backtracking saying yours is better (subjective. cuz posting straight to youtube or streaming live on psn or twitch is awesome, not to mention a dedicated hardware button is foolproof whereas IVE SEEN voice control not work) and then saying ps4 stole a feature from xbox as if the opposite isnt true. i had the 360 last gen, i just picked the better of the 2 this time around. but we dont gotta get into it... im just saying.. if u gonna put something down, have some talking points that make sense first.

You talk a lot.
but i never tell a lie.
I'm waiting for clips man...until I see some good PS IB/Crucible work ill keep posting me "camping" Messiah/a42c646c-4a45-40ae-8302-963ab8835afc
A lot of insecurities rose to the surface once shottadru posted his K/D.
Again I was talking about being a 30. The discussion prior was about hitting 30 and I recently hit 30 so I made a joke and then yall started investigating me lol. Yall dumb sensitive in here.
A lot of insecurities rose to the surface once shottadru posted his K/D.

Again I was talking about being a 30. The discussion prior was about hitting 30 and I recently hit 30 so I made a joke and then yall started investigating me lol. Yall dumb sensitive in here.
nah you tried to stunt and fail, nobody cares about us lvl 30 or us 9.0 kd from yo booboo suros. We was on ps4 flexing lvl 30's months ago b. You just an undercard *****
I would have hit 30 months also but thankfully on Xbox I have an array of games to play, I left Destiny alone and recently came back and got last piece of raid gear needed.

I see you are investigating me also, lol you PS people swear yall lawyers, I actually just got the Suros from IB this weekend so that has nothing to do with my play.

I'm still waiting to see how good you guys are PS boys just here buffing each other off.
Until then more clips Messiah/f6c59a63-6b1f-4432-ac2e-9f035fc207b8
A lot of insecurities rose to the surface once shottadru posted his K/D.

Again I was talking about being a 30. The discussion prior was about hitting 30 and I recently hit 30 so I made a joke and then yall started investigating me lol. Yall dumb sensitive in here.
nah you tried to stunt and fail, nobody cares about us lvl 30 or us 9.0 kd from yo booboo suros. We was on ps4 flexing lvl 30's months ago b. You just an undercard *****
I would have hit 30 months also but thankfully on Xbox I have an array of games to play, I left Destiny alone and recently came back and got last piece of raid gear needed.

I see you are investigating me also, lol you PS people swear yall lawyers, I actually just got the Suros from IB this weekend so that has nothing to do with my play.

I'm still waiting to see how good you guys are PS boys just here buffing each other off.
Until then more clips Messiah/f6c59a63-6b1f-4432-ac2e-9f035fc207b8
Someone sounds like they need a snickers. Here you go.

I have an Xbox One. It has been turned on about 5 times in the past 4 months. I wasted $500 on it. Graphics on it suck. The interface sucks, and even the NFL fantasy/TV thing sucks too. Worst $500 I ever spent on anything in my life. The only Xbox exclusive title that stirred up any interest was Titanfall. And everyone stopped playing it after a month. Forzzzzzzza? Exactly Zzzzzz. The only significant Xbox One Exclusive hasn't even come out yet (Halo 5). Other than that, you can get all the same games on both consoles.

Please post a clip of you getting a kill with a Hawkmoon and we'll talk. Until then, sit down in your corner and go back under the Xfail bridge. Oh wait, it'll be a year before you can even do that.

What you don't realize is we, unlike you, don't have to scream about what console is better and post garbage videos of going to a control point and getting sniped, then respawning and shotgunning someone. Most of your clips are you getting killed then using some kinda cheese to piece together a killstreak.

Umad Bruh? Men lie, women lie, numbers don't.

The Xbox One just passes 10 million console sales while PS4 is over 13 million on the way to 15 million by then end of the holidays. PS4 >>

Your K/D is .9 

Not even a whole point.

.9 - You die more than you kill.

Translation: You are useless to your fireteam.


Even worse, your combat rating is under 100. You can scream to the heavens about how you a God in Destiny. But at the end of the day, all we gotta do is look at you on and see.

There you go bruh. You ain't no God in Destiny. No one needs to see the clips of how garbage you are anymore.

It's a video game. Let's get back to having fun now that you got this work...
LMAOOOOOO yall mad sensitive this is fun.

I love how PS people love throwing out sales figures. You do know the PS is sold in more markets compared to Xbox and is cheaper.

What exclusive PS have that's good? Drive Club can't compared to Forza. Ya'll got what baseball...who plays baseball tho...

Overall I have an excellent game collection on my Xbox one. Like yall here going mad hard, it's quite funny. The COD thread has no quarrels, console wise anything. I would be mad also if it took years to finally be ahead of the curve with a title. COD has been curving PS for years.

That's you opinion about interface etc. The PS interface is actually trash to me. Also I am a man not a boy so I can't use that small controller.

Again keep looking at my numbers, I just wrote that because I was happy to finally be 30 now its all these caps and all that. Easy on the keyboard killer. Who cares about that stuff on Destiny, the game isn't even competitive. This is the first time I've seen a group of people go hard about Crucible/IB. If we were talking COD it makes sense that's a very competitive multiplaying game, like you're happy because yall here carrying each other, buffing each other off after a raid LMAOOOO

It's a video game and look at all you just wrote...yet none of yall posted not 1 clip anything. Yall all just talking still...Show me

something better man, all yall responding but skipping over that. No 1 posting they K/D or dope clips. Just screaming lol

I can give you a reason to use your Xbox, ill get someone to gameshare Destiny with u then come run, can't mash your keyboard there...

Calm down it's just a video game.
KEYBOARD WARRIOR? The pot is calling the kettle black. Look at all the posts you made in the past two days. I didn't realize Grown Men had the time to respond to every little comment about them on a sneaker forum about a video game. Let it go bruh. You been on it for over 2 days you still hot trash. You can post all the cute gifs and make all your posts Internet tacticool, but you still hot trash.

And having to assert you a "Grown Man" over and over makes me really wonder if you got some kinda underlying Freudian questionable tendencies. No one else here questioned your manhood, because this is a thread about a video game. If that's the case, you got some larger problems than looking cool on a sneaker forum in a thread about a video game.

I hope you can unrustle your jimmies and get back to enjoying this video game. We get it. You like Xbox One more than PS4. And you like to post clips of yourself getting owned. It's cool bruh. Move along now.
This whole thing is ESF fault
, he made a slight joke that was taken too seriously by a defensive crowd (no offense).  Then the back and forth.  This thread was pretty neutral too.
This whole thing is ESF fault
, he made a slight joke that was taken too seriously by a defensive crowd (no offense).  Then the back and forth.  This thread was pretty neutral too.
All it takes is one idiot to start crying console war.... 
This whole thing is ESF fault
, he made a slight joke that was taken too seriously by a defensive crowd (no offense).  Then the back and forth.  This thread was pretty neutral too.
All it takes is one idiot to start crying console war.... 
Yea, my bad guys. 
 I honestly was just making a quick joke that I thought would lighten the mood after the previous few posts about K/D.
Yall numbers higher cuz yall all here carrying each other and going hard. I would also if I had no other games to play.

Why would I boast about my K/D when i didn't even know it, I never look cuz who cares? Destiny is not a real competitive game for multi, at 1 point I just did the nightfall daily raid and didn't come back until next tuesday. Its your PS boys who started this whole PS vs MS and K/D debate. I was just happy to be 30 for the 543th time and yall went up in arms. Spitting out sales figures when he owns 1 console. Who cares how many people copped it.

Actually not tight about the DLC because I will be on COD DLC's earlier as usual. Yes MS paid the money because they know gaming isn't for loners and they invested in their community. Like you stated b4 in regards to exclusive most of ours from the list is for people with friends, PS is for people without friends. I would be happy like you guys also if I just started getting to really enjoy games with friends. LOL dudes here ganging up on me here like yall a clan LMAOOOO.
I've been off it bro ESF cleared it up and I talked to him on other threads. I talked to you also Bamez b4, we don't agree all the time but we respectfully disagree. Rest of your PS buddies tho needs a hug man. Mad uptight, it's a sneaker forum, people make jokes and are sarcastic.

Actually don't I'm having fun trolling some of yall.
Destiny bros! Finally hit 29 3/4. I can feel it, this week is my week to hit 30. Can't wait till the reset on Tuesday. VOG time for sure.
I've been off it bro ESF cleared it up and I talked to him on other threads. I talked to you also Bamez b4, we don't agree all the time but we respectfully disagree. Rest of your PS buddies tho needs a hug man. Mad uptight, it's a sneaker forum, people make jokes and are sarcastic.

Actually don't I'm having fun trolling some of yall.
The irony of this whole statement is that ESF was making a joke and you were too uptight to see him being sarcastic.

Here's a clip of it:
It's 9.18 over 5 matches, so its actually pretty decent.

And he's playing on Xbox One, so his post is a veiled plea for people to join him, as no one actually owns an Xbox One. 

Yeah thing was they said you only boys who pee sitting down own a playstation im a man so I got a man machine
This whole thing is ESF fault :lol: , he made a slight joke that was taken too seriously by a defensive crowd (no offense).  Then the back and forth.  This thread was pretty neutral too.
All it takes is one idiot to start crying console war.... 

Yea, my bad guys. :smh:  I honestly was just making a quick joke that I thought would lighten the mood after the previous few posts about K/D.

ESF, you kinda turned this thread into the Playstation thread. :lol:
Most of us do run together, hence defeating your argument about PS4 being for loners. We do Crucible, raid, weekly strikes, dailies, patrols, bounties, and even farm materials together.

The fact that we can carry each other in Control fights your argument yet again. Hey, if you solo Crucible then have fun and more power to you, I did it plenty of it to do my bounties for the exotics along with others in this thread. I have fun running with my group of 2-10 consistently that I know can hold their own, will listen to directions, follow proper objectives, and most important of all have fun together through jokes. I rather win a Crucible match with my 5 friends and have a lower K/D score then get 25 kills with a 3.5 K/D solo and lose 20000 to 14000.

This thread was never about boasting what each other received or how someone was god of destiny. Many of us have helped each other learn fights and encounters by showing reddit posts, youtube clips, and just our personal opinions on how to accomplish certain things in the game. It was about sharing ideas and hints. Loot drops and accomplishments were posted, but it wasn't in sheer arrogance calling one a "God."
Yea, Shotta isn't a bad dude at all. Regular contributer to the X1 thread; almost all positive posts too. I'll have to remember to just focus on the topic outside of the console threads. 

There was a rumor that the DLC would be coming early to people who had the season pass but I cant seem to find anything confirming or denying it. Anyone know?
Yea, Shotta isn't a bad dude at all. Regular contributer to the X1 thread; almost all positive posts too. I'll have to remember to just focus on the topic outside of the console threads. 

There was a rumor that the DLC would be coming early to people who had the season pass but I cant seem to find anything confirming or denying it. Anyone know?
Doubt it. They letting people get in on an early preview in Vegas by doing little Bungie tasks they tweet and screenshotting it, but I haven't seen anything about DLC coming early. Would be nice though. The Raid from the DLC supposed to be unlocked after DLC initially drops just like this past one.
Most of us do run together, hence defeating your argument about PS4 being for loners. We do Crucible, raid, weekly strikes, dailies, patrols, bounties, and even farm materials together.

The fact that we can carry each other in Control fights your argument yet again. Hey, if you solo Crucible then have fun and more power to you, I did it plenty of it to do my bounties for the exotics along with others in this thread. I have fun running with my group of 2-10 consistently that I know can hold their own, will listen to directions, follow proper objectives, and most important of all have fun together through jokes. I rather win a Crucible match with my 5 friends and have a lower K/D score then get 25 kills with a 3.5 K/D solo and lose 20000 to 14000.

This thread was never about boasting what each other received or how someone was god of destiny. Many of us have helped each other learn fights and encounters by showing reddit posts, youtube clips, and just our personal opinions on how to accomplish certain things in the game. It was about sharing ideas and hints. Loot drops and accomplishments were posted, but it wasn't in sheer arrogance calling one a "God."

I play destiny with friends also but people I actually been playing with for years, my exact point what were yall doing b4 destiny ? Seems like playing alone if u needed a separate thread for the game and it seems like yall run together often. The multi experience isn't the same between the system.

Jesus Christ you dudes going hard about my god comment. It's sarcasm, I hit 30 I was happy. I made that comment yall all ran online to check my stats lmao like cool out i started writing here because I just got back into the game and u dudes in here like mean girls.
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