Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

I got my 5th exotic bounty last night lol. I've never had the chance to get SGA once yet (not that I'd use it, I just wanna do something different). I only had the chance to get Pocket Infinity once and I did it as my very first bounty. I think I'll just do invective again since it's so easy. Just sucks spending 12.5k glimmer on ammo packs for the last part of the bounty.
Titans finally have their class bounty from Eris again.

Too bad it is that danm shoulder charge Wizards one again. @Biggie62 you better get to practicing!
zero23 zero23 please do so I can laugh my *** off :lol: ...nephew loves that damn shoulder charge, and be racking up hella kills with it in Crucible.
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My Hunter just hit 32.

Starts with the Hunter and ends with the Hunter for me. Feels great man. :smokin
@Zero23 please do so I can laugh my *** off
...nephew loves that damn shoulder charge, and be racking up hella kills with it in Crucible.
Good thing it wasn't recorded when we were doing the bridge cross, and I killed the killed the gatekeeper on the other side and took an extra swing as the sword despawned on me it sent me flying off the side and I died

Congrats Bro. Welcome to the 32 club. 
My Hunter just hit 32.

Starts with the Hunter and ends with the Hunter for me. Feels great man.
Don't get all high and mighty like Zero was last night to @illsupra in the tower.

*Zero stands in front of Frost*

Frost - "What are you looking at?"

Zero - "Some measly 31 with no raid helmet"

Frost - "**** you, son"

Good thing it wasn't recorded when we were doing the bridge cross, and I killed the killed the gatekeeper on the other side and took an extra swing as the sword despawned on me it sent me flying off the side and I died :rofl:

Don't get all high and mighty like Zero was last night to @illsupra
in the tower.

*Zero stands in front of Frost*
Frost - "What are you looking at?"
Zero - "Some measly 31 with no raid helmet"
Frost - "**** you, son"


Anybody still do Vault around here?

I know it's stupid but I still want the Vex, it's more of an aesthetic thing with me, and the original aura of it. Just want to own it.

On another note, I still need to complete the new Raid. Obviously not gonna be on tonight, but sometime this week I'd love to join a group.
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@Zero23 please do so I can laugh my *** off
...nephew loves that damn shoulder charge, and be racking up hella kills with it in Crucible.
Good thing it wasn't recorded when we were doing the bridge cross, and I killed the killed the gatekeeper on the other side and took an extra swing as the sword despawned on me it sent me flying off the side and I died

Don't get all high and mighty like Zero was last night to @illsupra in the tower.

*Zero stands in front of Frost*

Frost - "What are you looking at?"

Zero - "Some measly 31 with no raid helmet"

Frost - "**** you, son"

BRUH, that was hilarious. I was like wait, you just said got the gatekeeper then you slowly float down the side of the bridge. We guna have to get Bos to be the official video clip guy for TMT.

I still remember Frost standing in the tower doing that to randoms as a 30 and a 31. I had to get him back especially since he gets all the exotics in the Destiny universe. Just no Raid Helm yet. 

So @illsupra  you guna delete your third Titan and power level it up and then run Crota again? I'll run with you. We guna run with Quad too at some point before the reset. Might as well get it all out the way at once. 
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