Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

I hate both of my alt characters and wish they were the same class, much easier to level 3 warlocks or 3 hunters since they can use the same raid gear etc.

That is a really good point actually. Since my main objective would be to use the 2 and give the best stuff to one account, may be best. Although my main is a Titan and I've been wanting to try another. Smartest route may be to just go another Titan though...
That is a really good point actually. Since my main objective would be to use the 2 and give the best stuff to one account, may be best. Although my main is a Titan and I've been wanting to try another. Smartest route may be to just go another Titan though...

Everyone on TMT has at least 2 of our main class. Zero and Frost are the exception where they have 3 of each class. And then our 2nd class for the other 4 members is the complete opposite of what the other is running. So our 3 locks go TItan and myself being the TItan go warlock lol

Zero and myself did it out of frustration since we had issues with armor drops in VoG. But Zero just loves playing his hunter so he decided that 3 is better. He's still chasing boots :frown: except this time it's the radiance dance machines :lol:
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Recently started playing this game again and I forgot how fun it was :D

What's the deal with that gun Husk of the Pit? I see all of you guys talking about it and how hard it is to get. I got it after doing that mission where you get the sword. The gun sucks though :lol:

Also, just saw this

Saw that expansion thing, yeah cool!

The Husk evolves into a third and final form, which is exotic - so you'll wanna use it and level it up. 2nd form comes from Eris.

Saw that expansion thing, yeah cool!

The Husk evolves into a third and final form, which is exotic - so you'll wanna use it and level it up. 2nd form comes from Eris.

Just equip it and level it up when you're doing random missions.

It's not any random missions, it only charges while killing Hive.

Ah good to know. I figured there had to be a catch to it

Yeah i would have put desitny down a long time ago if it wasnt for NT. I really dont have gamer friends and the ones that are, are on xbone. Oh and welcome back marcielago marcielago

Good to be back :smokin. I'm trying to split my time between this and a few other games so I don't get burned out on it again. It helps keep it fresh
@shottadru yea I meant we don't run a lot on destiny

@JulesLives if I'm ever online and you need help just send me an invite.
lol I went to hit u a few times bro but U was in a party of 3 already. Let's try to organize this weekend. Maybe we can do VOG for old time sake.
Everyone on TMT has at least 2 of our main class. Zero and Frost are the exception where they have 3 of each class. And then our 2nd class for the other 4 members is the complete opposite of what the other is running. So our 3 locks go TItan and myself being the TItan go warlock lol

Zero and myself did it out of frustration since we had issues with armor drops in VoG. But Zero just loves playing his hunter so he decided that 3 is better. He's still chasing boots :frown: except this time it's the radiance dance machines :lol:

It is clear now, what I must do.

(Sentence comes off kinda epic, actually)
I dooooooooo. (Well, it's the crappy little one-eared one that comes with the PS4, but oh well.)

Get a headset, they are better IMO. Unless you play with surround sound, then it'll give you the same effect. But being able to hear where things are sneaking up on you from is a nice thing to have.
Get a headset, they are better IMO. Unless you play with surround sound, then it'll give you the same effect. But being able to hear where things are sneaking up on you from is a nice thing to have.

No joke I'm browsing online as we spea...type.

Anyone know of any good current deals? Prolly not lookin to spend more than like $50 if possible, maybe up to like 60-70 max.
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I have these

Amazon product ASIN B00CHYOP8A
That brand makes great headsets as a whole. I'm personally not a fan of turtle beach and what not.

Ooh, I like those. In the white too, goes along with my system/controllers.

Just browsing eBay too, some other brands: Gio Teck, PDP Afterglow and then the Sony Gold obviously (which I would have gotten at Black Friday cheap but was too late.)

Those other brands any good? Otherwise I may just go with your Tritton's.
[@=/u/79112/shottadru]@shottadru[/@] yea I meant we don't run a lot on destiny :lol:

[@=/u/99579/JulesLives]@JulesLives[/@] if I'm ever online and you need help just send me an invite.
lol I went to hit u a few times bro but U was in a party of 3 already. Let's try to organize this weekend. Maybe we can do VOG for old time sake.

No doubt.

That's how I got my Gjllarhorn :evil:
Actually thinking about these. $100 bucks through BestBuy but I have a relative that works there that should be able to get a nice discount. They're reviewed pretty well from what I can see, and I'm always a sucker for flash (the glow):

And, I mean "choir of God" sound......this guy
that glow gonna get old fast bruh. and all itll do once its old is eat battery. just keep that in mind
I just use my Beats Studios... they are awesome, except for when my mic isnt plugged all the way in
Definitely need to get in on this Headset convo. Anyone with one that they really like? I'm thinking about picking these up.

House of Wolves
Date: March 10th, 2015
Locations: Cosmodrome, Moon, Venus, Reef
Activities: 3 Story, 1 Strike, 1 Raid, 4 PvP Maps

Comet: Plague of Darkness
Date: September 2015
Locations: Moon, Venus, Mars, Hive Ship
Activities: 12 Story, 4 Strike, 1 Raid, 1 Location, 6 PvP Maps
Bonus: New subclasses and 2 new weapon types

Vex [illegible]
Date: TBA
Locations: Venus, Mars
Activities: 3 Story, 2 Strike, 1 Raid, ? PvP Maps

Forge of Gods
Date: TBA
Locations: TBA
Activities: TBA

Destiny reddit

Image shows a bigger DLC pack called "Comet: Plague of Darkness", coming September 2015, only after mentioning that House of Wolves will release on March 10 (which does fall on a Tuesday). Next two DLC packs after Comet appear to be "Vex ???" (too hard to make out second word, possibly Vex Void, Vex You, Vex V60, or even just Vex TBD) and "Forge of Gods". Forge of Gods could possibly have to do with Cabal, but I'm not entirely sure. It appears to be very early in production.

As FWC said in another tweet, though, only a rumor.

EDIT: Original source is apparently a Bungie Forums post. Take of that what you will:

EDIT 2: As /u/the_vault-technician so kindly pointed out, the OG OG source is from this Italian Destiny forum in which the poster claims that the photo was taken during a Bungie meeting. He talks more about Comet, saying, "I repeat: the expansion Comet (after the house of wolves) NOT 'DESTINY 2, This is just a massive DLC that will be marketed on a disk from which to make a download of destiny, is like a DLC but normal much larger and heavier."

The poster uploaded the photo towards the beginning of December. Here's the link: https://translate.googleusercontent....zoyV7UGjIFJB7g

Everything's been translated from Italian to English so it obviously won't be as easy to read. You'll also have to scroll down a bit for the photo.

I think we can consider Comet/Plague of Darkness as Destiny 1.5. It'll include tons of new content, and that even includes three new subclasses, two new weapon types, a new base level, and a new location called "Hive Ship" all according to the image. It'll have its own DLC, Vex and FoG. I think, though, that it'll be released as a "re-release", physically, of Destiny, and that it'll include TDB, HoW, and PoD.

EDIT 3:ohwell:u/Zereta also reminded us of the data-mined list of Hive bosses leaked back in October. The list includes enemies like "Gnath, the Diviner", "Cryth, the Siphon", "Noctu, the Lightslayer", "The Wall", "Voldor, the Willkeeper", "Divined Vision", "Dredge Exploder", "Storgor, the Shatterer", "The Veil", and The Oversoul. (Source: At the time, we believed this to be the list of Crota's End bosses, despite "Crota, Son of Oryx" being noticeably absent. However, now we know that it obviously isn't. That being said, each name, when discovered, was tagged with "Raid" and "Hive Ship". See where I'm going with this? It would appear that this was actually the leaked list of bosses included in the upcoming raid in Comet, as, again, "Hive Ship" is listed as a playable patrol area in the photo with Comet. Therefore, it's very safe to say that Comet will revolve around the Hive. Now, as to what the Raid actually has to deal with, we'll have to wait and see. There's a fair chance that it involves Oryx, given that Eris has hinted at us fighting him through some of her in-game dialogue, though his name is absent from the list. Feel free to speculate!
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This is an interesting strategy from Bungie to say the least
Comet: Plague of Darkness
Date: September 2015
Locations: Moon, Venus, Mars, Hive Ship
Activities: 12 Story, 4 Strike, 1 Raid, 1 Location, 6 PvP Maps
Bonus: New subclasses and 2 new weapon types

I wonder how much this update will cost
I just use my Beats Studios... they are awesome, except for when my mic isnt plugged all the way in

Wait whaaaaaat - they work with the PS4? I have a pair of these. They don't
It'll have to be later tonight for me, but I'm completely down to ride then.
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