Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

:lol: that many huh. And here I was complaining that I got 1 key out of like 20

Probably farmed at least 100 cheats in terms of popping them multiple times. I got 3 keys out of that and I probably did less than Bos or Frost. But I'm full of engrams on all 3 characters including my mail and vault.

That sniper tho
Outlaw with that stability

So they already changed perks on weapons for people? Or is this one of those accounts with new weapons already?
Wait a updated their Destiny app in the past week. It should have a black theme now. That is the old looking UI that it has right there. Calling ducktales until updated

not srs

semi srs

Last edited:
149 network keys
466 axiomatic beads
403 house banners
379 silken codex
What the actual ****

I'm medically unable to work or attend school so I pretty much play all day every day and these numbers are insane even to me.

The only thing that stands out to me are the Motes of Light.. freshpairs freshpairs you don't play Iron Banner? :smh:
naw man when i first played crucible back on launch hunters/bladedancers ruined that experience for me. **** would make me mad they were too were damn OP. Being a titan probably didnt help either.
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