Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

I'm down for the raid tonight after Boardwalk if y'all are tryin to run, PSN is in sig. It should be known now though that I have no prior raid experience :lol:
HOw do you invite someone to help you with a story mission on the xb1?

After you hit level 20, does the game just turn into a grind fest?
HOw do you invite someone to help you with a story mission on the xb1?

After you hit level 20, does the game just turn into a grind fest?
It's an ultra grind fest. Game becomes the ultimate test of patience. Only children will test you more.
gun is trash. i already regret buying it.

I missed this.

It's not trash man...I soloed the weekly nightfall with it.

That solar damage plus regenerating ammo combo is perfect for the harder difficulties.

Can confirm, gun is the bees knees. Also, I don't know if you guys know this or not, but if you have other secondary weapons it'll refill the ammo for those too. Just wait for the breaker to regenerate it's ammo then switch to another gun. Boom, free ammo.

This is clutch for missions that have ammo modifiers or when you don't have ammo synths

anyone trying to run...anything? I'm down for whatever. PS4: OVO-XO-THENORTH

Nightfall? I'll add you
Went back to using the shingen in pvp and I have been dominating these past few games 
Oh baby how could I have ever put you down
I missed this.

It's not trash man...I soloed the weekly nightfall with it.

That solar damage plus regenerating ammo combo is perfect for the harder difficulties.
Can confirm, gun is the bees knees. Also, I don't know if you guys know this or not, but if you have other secondary weapons it'll refill the ammo for those too. Just wait for the breaker to regenerate it's ammo then switch to another gun. Boom, free ammo.

This is clutch for missions that have ammo modifiers or when you don't have ammo synths
Nightfall? I'll add you
nope. trash. u can only carry 6 bullets. so regenerating a whole 6 bullets is wack. huge recoil.  the only benefit of the rifle is literally ammo regen. soon as i found out... i can only hold 6 bullets? NOPE! not only that, but u only regenerate 1 bullet every 6 seconds. id understand if it was every 2 or 3... but 6?

that means for u to get all 6 back takes 36 seconds. and u think thats USEFUL in a pve? im sorry. my "final boss" sniper rifle has 300 solar damage too. but has like 6 or 7 in the mag, and i can carry almost 30 rounds. ill take that over a slow 6 ANY day. and if u solo'd the weekly nightfall, u prolly used the cheese spot under the platform. in which, u could solo with anything. ask jbc, the second i emptied my first clip with it, i instantly regretted wasting coins on it
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I missed this.

It's not trash man...I soloed the weekly nightfall with it.

That solar damage plus regenerating ammo combo is perfect for the harder difficulties.
Can confirm, gun is the bees knees. Also, I don't know if you guys know this or not, but if you have other secondary weapons it'll refill the ammo for those too. Just wait for the breaker to regenerate it's ammo then switch to another gun. Boom, free ammo.

This is clutch for missions that have ammo modifiers or when you don't have ammo synths

Nightfall? I'll add you

nope. trash. u can only carry 6 bullets. so regenerating a whole 6 bullets is wack. huge recoil.  the only benefit of the rifle is literally ammo regen. soon as i found out... i can only hold 6 bullets? NOPE! not only that, but u only regenerate 1 bullet every 6 seconds. id understand if it was every 2 or 3... but 6?

that means for u to get all 6 back takes 36 seconds. and u think thats USEFUL in a pve? im sorry. my "final boss" sniper rifle has 300 solar damage too. but has like 6 or 7 in the mag, and i can carry almost 30 rounds. ill take that over a slow 6 ANY day. and if u solo'd the weekly nightfall, u prolly used the cheese spot under the platform. in which, u could solo with anything. ask jbc, the second i emptied my first clip with it, i instantly regretted wasting coins on it

Not sure if srs. Icebreaker is almost too good. The ammo regen is clutch to the point of almost being broken. I never noticed it took 6 seconds to regenerate honestly. The gun one shots most things if you aim for precision points anyway so you shouldn't really be emptying the clip. I've had the ammo regenerate while I was still aiming down the sights. I did notice though that the more shots you take, the longer it takes to come back, but even then you can change to your primary and the ammo will still come back even if you're not holding it!

Plus, what other gun will replenish ammo for your other weapons? Hell, you could run out of ammo with final boss, switch to icebreaker and let the ammo regenerate, then switch back to final boss and it'll have a full mag and almost 15 rounds. It's like having a constant supply of special ammo. But I don't know, to each his own. I just really hope they don't nerf it
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Not sure if srs. Icebreaker is almost too good. The ammo regen is clutch to the point of almost being broken. I never noticed it took 6 seconds to regenerate honestly. The gun one shots most things if you aim for precision points anyway so you shouldn't really be emptying the clip. I've had the ammo regenerate while I was still aiming down the sights. I did notice though that the more shots you take, the longer it takes to come back, but even then you can change to your primary and the ammo will still come back even if you're not holding it!

Plus, what other gun will replenish ammo for your other weapons? Hell, you could run out of ammo with final boss, switch to icebreaker and let the ammo regenerate, then switch back to final boss and it'll have a full mag and almost 15 rounds. It's like having a constant supply of special ammo. But I don't know, to each his own. I just really hope they don't nerf it
they wont nerf it cuz its wack. and u didnt notice the ridiculously long regeneration time but are raving about how good it is? the gun doesnt one shot anything outside of the normal level missions. but even the high level strike playlists? forget about it lol. even the devils lair strike with that gun was ridiculous. 6 shots on the spiders legs, have to wait a whole nother 28 seconds so i can shoot again? thats clutch???? lol u can have it. and of course you empty the clip. have u played ANYTHING high level? try one shotting phogarth. or the archon priest. or the 3 psions. go head and do that weekly on level 28. or the nightfall. show me exactly how clutch 6 bullets every 36 seconds are.

when you do high level strikes... u need to be loaded up on ammo synthesis. waiting 20+ seconds to shoot 6 times will get you killed EVERY time in high level strikes etc.
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You're getting a little bit too worked up over this.

You can't do well with the gun. We can. No big deal.
nowhere near worked up. no idea why people love suggesting someone is worked up or mad whenever they cant find a good point. and "put in work" as in sit under a platform and chip away at health. got it. lol

bring on the patience and time xur. make it happen
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Not sure if srs. Icebreaker is almost too good. The ammo regen is clutch to the point of almost being broken. I never noticed it took 6 seconds to regenerate honestly. The gun one shots most things if you aim for precision points anyway so you shouldn't really be emptying the clip. I've had the ammo regenerate while I was still aiming down the sights. I did notice though that the more shots you take, the longer it takes to come back, but even then you can change to your primary and the ammo will still come back even if you're not holding it!

Plus, what other gun will replenish ammo for your other weapons? Hell, you could run out of ammo with final boss, switch to icebreaker and let the ammo regenerate, then switch back to final boss and it'll have a full mag and almost 15 rounds. It's like having a constant supply of special ammo. But I don't know, to each his own. I just really hope they don't nerf it

they wont nerf it cuz its wack. and u didnt notice the ridiculously long regeneration time but are raving about how good it is? the gun doesnt one shot anything outside of the normal level missions. but even the high level strike playlists? forget about it lol. even the devils lair strike with that gun was ridiculous. 6 shots on the spiders legs, have to wait a whole nother 28 seconds so i can shoot again? thats clutch???? lol u can have it. and of course you empty the clip. have u played ANYTHING high level? try one shotting phogarth. or the archon priest. or the 3 psions. go head and do that weekly on level 28. or the nightfall. show me exactly how clutch 6 bullets every 36 seconds are.

when you do high level strikes... u need to be loaded up on ammo synthesis. waiting 20+ seconds to shoot 6 times will get you killed EVERY time in high level strikes etc.

:stoneface: let's be real bro, of course you're not gonna one shot strike bosses. I'm talking about lower tiered enemies, think: hobgoblins, Wizards, Knights (unshielded). And no, I didn't notice the "ridiculously long" regeneration time because honestly it doesn't seem that long. I don't even think it takes 36 seconds to replenish the ammo so I don't know where you're getting that. I think the ammo regeneration is tiered off meaning the more of it you use, the longer it takes. I say this because when I would kill an enemy in one shot, say a hobgoblin, my ammo would regenerate while I was still aiming down the sights. If I were to take a couple more shots , it would take a few more seconds. But that's it. Seconds. You make it seem like there's a cool down period like consumables.

I'm a level 27. Everything I play is the highest level. The only thing I haven't tried yet is VOG and that's because of my scheduling. I did two tiger strikes today (both of them Devil's Lair), the daily heroic on 26 (only because I played with another NTer who was a 24 so it wouldn't let us play at 28) and the nightfall. Not one time did I feel pressed for special ammo. I was actually more pressed during the daily heroic for primary ammo because of the juggler modifier. I don't see how you could be "waiting to shoot" when you have two more weapon slots. Unless you run around only using a sniper and neglect your other two weapons.
let's be real bro, of course you're not gonna one shot strike bosses. I'm talking about lower tiered enemies, think: hobgoblins, Wizards, Knights (unshielded). And no, I didn't notice the "ridiculously long" regeneration time because honestly it doesn't seem that long. I don't even think it takes 36 seconds to replenish the ammo so I don't know where you're getting that. I think the ammo regeneration is tiered off meaning the more of it you use, the longer it takes. I say this because when I would kill an enemy in one shot, say a hobgoblin, my ammo would regenerate while I was still aiming down the sights. If I were to take a couple more shots , it would take a few more seconds. But that's it. Seconds. You make it seem like there's a cool down period like consumables.

I'm a level 27. Everything I play is the highest level. The only thing I haven't tried yet is VOG and that's because of my scheduling. I did two tiger strikes today (both of them Devil's Lair), the daily heroic on 26 (only because I played with another NTer who was a 24 so it wouldn't let us play at 28) and the nightfall. Not one time did I feel pressed for special ammo. I was actually more pressed during the daily heroic for primary ammo because of the juggler modifier. I don't see how you could be "waiting to shoot" when you have two more weapon slots. Unless you run around only using a sniper and neglect your other two weapons.
if the only time u can 1shot an enemy is lowlevel enemies...then why mention that as a bonus in your first response? and no, i was with jbc when i copped it and shot one round then counted, 2 rounds then counted. 6 seconds each. but ill let this go, cuz i dont really care what gun yall use. it is what it is. if yall happy with it so be it.
Lower TIER not, lower LEVEL. There is a difference. A level 28 Minotaur is still a lower tiered enemy than the level 26 Archon Priest. And I didn't state it as a bonus, I only mentioned the fact that you shouldn't be running out of a full clip of sniper ammo, unless it's against a strike boss so the regen wait shouldn't matter.

But you're right, it doesn't matter what guns we use so this is pointless. Let's move on
Before we move on, I will say once again that I own both, the Patience and Time and the Ice breaker, and also believe the Ice Breaker is better, the ammo only needs to regen when you empty the clip, so as long as you don't empty the clip there will be no wait time.

Also the camo perk on the Patience and Time is useless in the end game such as the raid bc even if you're camouflaged, harpies can still see and shoot you in addition to always running out of bullets. Not only this but what good is camo if there is no silencer, although you're in camo, enemies can still find by your muzzle fire.

I'll take ammo regen over camouflage, it just depends on the situation. The P&T is good for head shot bounties and long range stealth, and the ice breaker is good for everything else.
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Bit the bullet and got the Icebreaker and I am glad I did. When I run an exotic in another slot, I just switch to Praydeth Revenge sniper.

I'm convinced that Vex Mythoclast is def OP. Will be slightly nerfed once everyone and their mom is running around with one. It is 2 shot from damn near any range. I run up on a pvp team with 2-3 of them last night :x :smh:
Unless you out number them, they will win every battle unless they just suck.
Bit the bullet and got the Icebreaker and I am glad I did. When I run an exotic in another slot, I just switch to Praydeth Revenge sniper. I never realized I ran out of green ammo like I did until I noticed others with icebreaker and I didn't have it yet.

I'm convinced that Vex Mythoclast is def OP. Will be slightly nerfed once everyone and their mom is running around with one. It is 2 shot from damn near any range. I run up on a pvp team with 2-3 of them last night :x :smh:
Unless you out number them, they will win every battle unless they just suck.
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Before I had icebreaker I couldn't finish the raid. After I got icebreaker I finished the raid. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

On the real tho that gun is awesome and the regen time is damn near nonexistent. If you play smart you never have to wait to shoot with it.

It will always have ammo for you. Even if you spam shots you'll get a bullet back to fire in seconds so there's no waiting 36 seconds to shoot

It and invective are the only secondary weapons that I use cuz that ammo regen is clutch and in high-level PvE your best damn friend.

Waiting mere seconds for a new bullet >>>>>>>>>>> waiting 5 minutes for the ammo synthesis to cool down.
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