Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

HM KF isnt THAT hard if your team has the mechanics of NM down. Just a couple slight adjustments

We got up to oryx and couldnt take him down. Think we might need to raise our light levels into the teens

The Non shader color of the Harrowed gear is sickkkkk. Like a eggplant/galaxy colorway
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Got up to oryx yesterday and then got gear checked bcos some of us weren't high enough :{

Prolly take him down tonight.
I'm down today for normal mode raid on Oryx.


GT: Never Had Much

About to hop on now and see what's up with the daily, this weeks NF and the 3 day weekend buys Xurs.
I'm down today for normal mode raid on Oryx.


GT: Never Had Much

About to hop on now and see what's up with the daily, this weeks NF and the 3 day weekend buys Xurs.

I'll be online in 15 mins if you're still doing the NF
I'm down today for normal mode raid on Oryx.


GT: Never Had Much

About to hop on now and see what's up with the daily, this weeks NF and the 3 day weekend buys Xurs.

just added you.

Okay cool I just did my googles to see how to know if someone added you (so much better on 360 why all the change is beyond me) and it said to go to activity alerts and I added like 9 people who've added me the past month.

I think your unfriendeddd because you were listed as adding me 12 min ago.
Normal mode raid or tier 3 court of oryx today xb1 crew?
Down for both tonight. 8 or 9 EST probably.

I'm down too.

Good playing with you Willy Pete on the nightfall.

I need an exotic shard to infuse something.

Bout to do some more googles.

About to run the 3 Vanguard strikes to see what I get though.

And probably do some quests I have to do.
Are you still able to get non raid gear/weapons that's 300+ even if you did it?

Exoic engrams can decyrpt into 310 gear once you hit 300 light but aside from that NO. Legendaries and rares can decrypt into 300 but nothing higher.
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Exoic engrams can decyrpt into 310 gear once you hit 300 light but aside from that NO. Legendaries and rares can decrypt into 300 but nothing higher.

I got some 302 boots from a strike yesterday, fwiw.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that nightfall rewards can drop at 300+ but I've never seen engrams decrypt into higher than 300.
Just landed a 310 Suros and a 310 Hunter helmet (gravity something-) from the dude with the sword under the Oryx map.

I landed 2/2 exotic engrams last two runs. with 3 of coins
Just landed a 310 Suros and a 310 Hunter helmet (gravity something-) from the dude with the sword under the Oryx map.

I landed 2/2 exotic engrams last two runs. with 3 of coins

Yeah I posted that exotics can decrypt to 310 in my earlier post, just not legendaries or rares.
I'm down too.

Good playing with you Willy Pete

Sorry y'all. Snuck my way into a hard raid on my main. Don't hate me. I still got a normal left to do this week


:lol we made it to oryx then split up. Wasn't too bad Rollin g with Un and them. I'm up to 308 now. Could be at 309-310 if I can manage to upgrade my 298 helmet to a 310.

Got 316 boots, 313 sniper, and a 313 ghost so I'm definitely happy considering I didn't think I'd be running one at all.
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