Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

I'm 299.8 lol, struggling, my 289 MG is holding me back, smh. Why Bungie never drop high MGs or Rockets? Anyways running HS for the next few hours, hit me if you down.
Started at the Warpriest, ended with the sisters

Hawkmoon 290
Silence Of a'arn 303
harrowed elulims frenzy 316
harrowed chasm of yuul 319
chasm of yuul 307
worm gods boon 318
No Backup plans 290
Truth 310

all that and now I'm at 306
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Titan run up to oryx
316 ghost
316 chest
319 mark
318 yasmin with firefly :pimp:
320 shotty using for my spindle :smokin
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Titan run up to oryx
316 ghost
316 chest
319 mark
318 yasmin with firefly

320 shotty using for my spindle
Just saw someone with Grasp of Malok and he rolled glass half full and head seeker :smh: :smh: :smokin
Dude said he's been farming that strike for 4 to 5 hrs. I've only been on it for2 and I haven't even seen one person get the pulse rifle to drop. :smh:
Just saw someone with Grasp of Malok and he rolled glass half full and head seeker :smh: :smh: :smokin
Dude said he's been farming that strike for 4 to 5 hrs. I've only been on it for2 and I haven't even seen one person get the pulse rifle to drop. :smh:
That was the secret gun AllChem was talking about a couple pages ago. :lol:

He got it with a stability perk in the middle tree too.
I've made the decision to no longer raid with DETRIMENTS.

If you ain't rockin atleast a 305 high impact sniper and 305 high impact heavy machine gun combo for any part of the hardmode then I'm just not gonna go in there with you. No disrespect to anyone or their weapon loadout but at the same time I'm not tryin to hear cats complain and try to blame others why we can't get past certain checkpoints, when their weapon loadouts are absolute trash.

The crazy part is if you play Destiny on the regular then you should KNOW the mechanics of each encounter by now. Firing primaires at the Warpriest and Golgoroth ain't gonna fly with me anymore. Go LFG a Fireteam to carry you cause I ain't about that life.

DON'T BE A DETRIMENT... That is all.

Shots fired??? No, SHOTS LANDED. BANG BANG. :lol:
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Nah for real tho... I'm cool with everyone. Ya'll know that.

But this raid life is serious bidness. Everyone knows how heated it can get when running the hard mode. I'm just trying to avoid all that. :lol:
Chem God ain't tryna help us peasants anymore? Damn, :frown:

As long as you got that impact sniper and heavy machine gun then I got you AO. That special and heavy is crucial for the hardmode runs.
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