Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

I gotta disagree. I think it improved the map. Pulling A closer to B stops the B-C advantage you'd have spawning on that side. Also the new box positions stop cross map sniping. And the new position at B lets it be more open. The new Heavy Ammo spawn at A is too easy to pick off for an opposing team, though.

The only addition Id like to see now is allowing people to shoot through the awning that covered old C point. Too easy to spawn trap C with a guy up there.

All of this.

Spawning on C side was basically a guaranteed win if you had a decent team.
Got a bunch of shards and energies tonight from raid and 3 night falls. The based curse in full effect. :smh:
Oh by the way how do you level an alt so quick?? I've been trying for 5 days and my Titan at level 5 :lol:
I got Monte Carlo form the nightfall

Myself, Zero, Frostbite, and BosKickzz are running Iron Banner and the bottom guy on our team got the Plan C 

The very next game, I finish 4th on the team and they give me Patience and Time 

You work, you lose. Settle for mediocracy, lol 
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