Dexter Season 8 - Premeres June 30th - 2min sneak peak

Every season you guys ***** about Deb, but you guys need to get, she drives the show flawlessly.

Her turning into this crazy homicidal nutjob is actually quite awesome. She was so morally perfect before, and always a hard working cop, track down anyone doing wrong. Last season she was helping Dex make moves, and cover things up for him, now she's having him cover for her, it's really smart the way they move both pieces.

In order to save herself, she may have to take Dexter down. But that won't work, I think that would ruin her even more.

So then.......if someone, say Vogel, were to kill Deb since she isn't at her best right now and may not see it coming as good as when she was fully alert. If that person kills Deb, that sets Dex into a rampage, and that's how he gets "caught"/killed by someone in the line of duty. (Quinn?) I don't think it would be Angel. We'll see.
am i the only one that thinks deb will have dex on the table in the series finale?

Deb can barely clean her lady parts effectively, let alone carry out a deliberate murder like Dexter ala Saran Wrapping the move........

I do imagine Dexter to die and somehow be at piece................. For Whatever Reason, I can see them making Angel taking care of Harrison........

We'll See...........
Every season you guys ***** about Deb, but you guys need to get, she drives the show flawlessly.
I disagree. Dexter's opposition drives the show much better than deb.

Oppositions like his bro, doakes, trinity killer, etc.

Please show me deb scenes as good as this.

Please show me deb scenes as good as this.

That's great, 1 minute scenes here and there that you think "carry the show" vs her doing this for EIGHT SEASONS, every single episode.

She absolutely acts her *** off in this show, and outside of Dex himself, she's the best actor/actress the show has. She does a tremendous job, despite the ugly faces, or the constant crying, that's her job to do that ****. :lol: She does it flawlessly.
Please show me deb scenes as good as this.
That's great, 1 minute scenes here and there that you think "carry the show" vs her doing this for EIGHT SEASONS, every single episode.

She absolutely acts her *** off in this show, and outside of Dex himself, she's the best actor/actress the show has. She does a tremendous job, despite the ugly faces, or the constant crying, that's her job to do that ****.
She does it flawlessly.
Like I said, Dexter's opposition. Which has been going on for 8 seasons as well.

I'm not talking about her acting.

Her CHARACTER gets worse and worse each season.

Also, that's so easy to say when she's one of the main characters.
The only opposition he's had of value was Rudy, Doakes, Trinity, Chase and Victor. A few scenes here and there with each. Their story may help drive, their performance not so much. Victor, Chase and Rudy were the 3 best actual performances with Dex. Trinity was overrated as hell.
The only opposition he's had of value was Rudy, Doakes, Trinity, Chase and Victor. A few scenes here and there with each. Their story may help drive, their performance not so much. Victor, Chase and Rudy were the 3 best actual performances with Dex. Trinity was overrated as hell.
They're minor characters. I don't see how you can compare their performances to deb's when deb is supposed to have "better" performances.

My point is that if deb died, I wouldn't care.
Y'all are whack if you think the show is anything without Deb.

The reason why she was so important is because she was supposed to be that "Balance" that Dexter never had. She was the only person he could ever "Love" or "Care" for. Without Deb, the balance of Dexter is gone. She is basically what makes Dexter...human.

You take Deb out of the show and Dexter is just some serial killer who acts like a machine. Deb represents Dexter's human substance.

That's why this season is so different/interesting. Deb is different now. She isn't that balance that Dexter had. Dexter knows it too. That's why he's trying so hard to protect her. It's more than just being her brother.
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Good for you, if Deb dies, the show will suffer. Dex can't carry it on his own.
What they did with Deb's character the last two seasons nearly ruined the show. THANK god they changed her and her opinion of Dex this season.
Y'all are whack if you think the show is anything without Deb.

The reason why she was so important is because she was supposed to be that "Balance" that Dexter never had. She was the only person he could ever "Love" or "Care" for. Without Deb, the balance of Dexter is gone. She is basically what makes Dexter...human.

You take Deb out of the show and Dexter is just some serial killer who acts like a machine. Deb represents Dexter's human substance.

That's why this season is so different/interesting. Deb is different now. She isn't that balance that Dexter had. Dexter knows it too. That's why he's trying so hard to protect her. It's more than just being her brother.

Thank you.

And strangely, if they somehow flip these two, I might lose it. I don't think they're going to straighten Dex out, and make Deb wrap dudes up in plastic, but just in terms of morality, if she starts going after bodies and he's trying to stop her from that, that's a very nice storyline/twist. Serial killer preventing bodies is nice as hell. :lol:

We saw signs of it last season when that big dude got off and she asked Dex to take care of it. She's starting to make choices in terms of right and wrong no matter what her morals might say. Like season 5 when she had Dex and Lumen cornered but she let them go cuz she understood why they wanted Chase dead. It's like they were leading up to Deb's decision making being a key story later on.
Is the chick from prison suppose to make a return? I thought she was suppose to out Dexter, but it seems the Vogel storyline has taken precedence.

Definitely couldn't see Dexter without Deborah, but you really can't ignore how draining she's become in the past few seasons. Her constant whining was unbearable to watch.
Vogel look like she could end up being the killer.

Deb ain't a killer like dexter, only a matter of time before she folds under pressure
I agree about Deb being an integral part of the show but imo writers could've had Trinity kill her and propel Rita's role (the actress who portrays can act) or he could've killed Deb and Rita and instead of making Dex dump Harrison off on Jamie actually make him a real father and have his son be his emotional human symbol.

The only time they play up the Harrison angle is when Dex is almost caught and is thinking of running.

But the way things are turning out now, Deb's importance from day 1 is all culminating in this final season.

Still think she killed that guy though and wouldn't be surprised if she died.
She was hallucinating. The flashbacks were all blurry. They are trying to throw us off the scent.
Good for you, if Deb dies, the show will suffer. Dex can't carry it on his own.
The show suffered for two seasons even with deb. So if deb died I don't think the show would suffer that much, especially since it's the last season.

Also, Dexter's wife has died, which I think is almost just important of a character as Deb. She was supposed to be Dexter's "wayout" but, obviously that didn't happen.
Y'all are whack if you think the show is anything without Deb.

The reason why she was so important is because she was supposed to be that "Balance" that Dexter never had. She was the only person he could ever "Love" or "Care" for. Without Deb, the balance of Dexter is gone. She is basically what makes Dexter...human.

You take Deb out of the show and Dexter is just some serial killer who acts like a machine. Deb represents Dexter's human substance.

That's why this season is so different/interesting. Deb is different now. She isn't that balance that Dexter had. Dexter knows it too. That's why he's trying so hard to protect her. It's more than just being her brother.
Yeah, I'm wack for not liking one of the most irrational characters of Dexter. You have to be irrational yourself if you think everyone who watches Dexter loves Deb.

I understand the role that Deb plays, but this is the last season. She get offed for all I care and that's something that we should be expecting.

In season 7, my opinion of Deb was slightly in her favor, but then in season 8 she made me not like her again.
:lol: then in season's been two episodes fam. :lol:

You clearly have misread what she is about. Rita wasn't ****. Dex was hiding who he truly is with Rita. His "wife" made him appear normal to the outside world. The guy barely reacted when he found his wife butchered man.

Deb is the absolute biggest key in Dexter's universe. Period.

She also happens to be the best actress/actor on the show outside of Michael C Hall. So yes, the show would suffer GREATLY if they were to lose Deb. All the blind hate for her from everybody is because she is extremely good at her job as an actress, to be annoying, to be whiny, etc. Make those stupid faces. :lol: That's the point. She could be bland and vanilla like Angel, or Quinn and have no interesting dialogue or stories to tell, everyone would love her, but that don't make it "better"

When this all clears up, she's going to be the center of it all. Good, bad, indifferent, Deb is going to be the conclusion of Dexter's story.
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