Dexter Season 8 - Premeres June 30th - 2min sneak peak

Y'all are whack if you think the show is anything without Deb.

The reason why she was so important is because she was supposed to be that "Balance" that Dexter never had. She was the only person he could ever "Love" or "Care" for. Without Deb, the balance of Dexter is gone. She is basically what makes Dexter...human.

You take Deb out of the show and Dexter is just some serial killer who acts like a machine. Deb represents Dexter's human substance.

That's why this season is so different/interesting. Deb is different now. She isn't that balance that Dexter had. Dexter knows it too. That's why he's trying so hard to protect her. It's more than just being her brother.

Agreed shes the character foil of Dexter. She's about everything Dex is not. Its almost meaningless without her. What does Dex do for multiple seasons, prior to season 7 who's the main person he's hiding his secret from, who keeps him from becoming a complete animal? Deb.
She also happens to be the best actress/actor on the show outside of Michael C Hall. So yes, the show would suffer GREATLY if they were to lose Deb. All the blind hate for her from everybody is because she is extremely good at her job as an actress, to be annoying, to be whiny, etc. Make those stupid faces.
That's the point.
Got that Joffrey Borathean "Imma make you hate me" kind of role.
:lol: then in season's been two episodes fam. :lol:

You clearly have misread what she is about. Rita wasn't ****. Dex was hiding who he truly is with Rita. His "wife" made him appear normal to the outside world. The guy barely reacted when he found his wife butchered man.

Deb is the absolute biggest key in Dexter's universe. Period.

She also happens to be the best actress/actor on the show outside of Michael C Hall. So yes, the show would suffer GREATLY if they were to lose Deb. All the blind hate for her from everybody is because she is extremely good at her job as an actress, to be annoying, to be whiny, etc. Make those stupid faces. :lol: That's the point. She could be bland and vanilla like Angel, or Quinn and have no interesting dialogue or stories to tell, everyone would love her, but that don't make it "better"

When this all clears up, she's going to be the center of it all. Good, bad, indifferent, Deb is going to be the conclusion of Dexter's story.

Didn't read everything, just wanted to comment that the bolded is not true.

He killed a random dude in a fit of rage that stemmed from Rita's death. Might actually be the only kill the entire series where he's not in control.
A Dexter thread on NT is not complete until the annual "I hate Deb.
She's annoying.
I wish she ends up on Dexter's table this season." rants start.
:lol: then in season's been two episodes fam. :lol:

You clearly have misread what she is about. Rita wasn't ****. Dex was hiding who he truly is with Rita. His "wife" made him appear normal to the outside world. The guy barely reacted when he found his wife butchered man.

Deb is the absolute biggest key in Dexter's universe. Period.

She also happens to be the best actress/actor on the show outside of Michael C Hall. So yes, the show would suffer GREATLY if they were to lose Deb. All the blind hate for her from everybody is because she is extremely good at her job as an actress, to be annoying, to be whiny, etc. Make those stupid faces. :lol: That's the point. She could be bland and vanilla like Angel, or Quinn and have no interesting dialogue or stories to tell, everyone would love her, but that don't make it "better"

When this all clears up, she's going to be the center of it all. Good, bad, indifferent, Deb is going to be the conclusion of Dexter's story.
If this happens I'll be throw the tv and cable box out the window mad.
I used to hate Deb(it peaked when she told him she loved him), but I've actually enjoyed her this season.

Now it's I hate Quinn
:wow: holy ****!!!!!!!

Man, Miami Metro got bodies bein walked out without bein seen. :lol:

Deb looks actually drunk doin these scenes. You guys need to get on board.
Yeah she did look drunk and I didn't like it. I don't think she's interesting but she's driving the plot in her role.

Also I'm doubting the killer is Vogel. Y'all jumped on the chance when she called Dex about a break in like she set it up but just like the Doomsday killer the writers would have to keep those scenes up all season until the reveal. Here she's getting gifts now and ****, way too elaborate to say its her or she's all the way in on it. I just think she has here own agenda that'll branch off after Dex finds the killer. Still wonder how Hannah will fit in to this.

Shame Dex didn't make any Hannibal Lecter comments when he found this cannibal who treats his kills like ingredients and is so anal about it.
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Vogel is interesting.

She seems to hate Deb. Yet, she was questioning Dex having true emotions over her, like insinuating Dex has something most serial killers don't.

Could she "cure" Dex? Or maybe someone else if Vogel gets dealt with.

What were those pills she had next to Deb?

Vogel is gonna be a huge key to the conclusion I'm thinking.
I thought those were Deb's pills and I thought that end scene was implying Cogel was gonna drug/kill her with it. Drug her to better chances of them talking and her helping Deb or kill cuz she's in the way and keeping Dex from being the truly perfect psychopath.
Looks like Dexter has put his trust in this doctor and now she is really going to screw up Deb. Jennifer Carpenter has been driving this season beautifully.
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Read this series finale theory on IMDB

Wanna know how Dexter ends? Alright, here goes:

The killer Dexter is looking for right now? It's HIM.

That's right. Dexter is the very killer he (and Vogel) are chasing. The one whose hand we saw on the video tape. The one scooping melon balls of empathy out of his victim's skulls, in an effort to show that he's not heartless.

See, Dexter doesn't know he's the killer. He's blacking out - as alluded to this past episode when Deb tells him she "doesn't remember" killing El Sapo.

Dexter's killings have gone to an unconscious level. A subconscious level. The twist at the end of this season will be Dexter realizing that the final killer he's looking for is none other than himself.

But wait - there's more!

Vogel knows. Not only does she know, but she's watching him. Learning from him. Maybe she's writing a book, or maybe she just gets her rocks off manipulating Dexter's head the way she's done since he was a kid. Molding him. Shaping him. Making him "perfect". Watching him kill, doing all the things she physically and mentally couldn't do herself. Truth is, she's twisted. She's even sicker than a serial killer; she's a serial killer puppet AND creator.

Guess what else? Dexter knows. Well, subconscious Dexter knows, anyway. Which is why the "killer" is sending the melon-balls of empathy to Vogel... to prove to his creator that yes, a part of him can feel.

Deb is the catalyst that snaps Dexter out of it. She hits rock bottom this season, then starts climbing. The thing that gets her out of her hole is Dexter being in trouble, and in turn, Dexter spends this season helping Deb recover from her own demons. Deb's transformation from by-the-book police lieutenant to tormented drug-addict devastates Dexter to the point where he needs to fix it. IT SHOWS THAT DEXTER HAS EMPATHY. That he's not inhuman. That he's not simply a robot who can be set on the path of destruction.

Dexter finds out that Vogel knows... and he's PISSED. See, she didn't just "help" him. She created him. When Harry came to her for advice, she took the lump of clay that was young Dexter Morgan and shaped him into the serial killer he'd turn out to be. The code was her idea. Channeling the killing was her idea. She made it seem like Harry's doing by laying low and staying out of the way, knowing that Harry was the one person Dexter was likely to trust 100%.

See, Dexter DOES have empathy. There IS hope. Vogel already alludes to this when she says "Hmmm... that's odd... the killer shouldn't feel that way". In creating him, Vogel selfishly stepped all over Dexter's psyche. She destroyed whatever last vestige of the old Dexter's restraint (killing animals rather than humans?) by basically giving him - through Harry's tutelage - full permission to kill people.

SOOOO, Dexter ultimately realizes everything, and... Dexter murders Vogel.

This part seems obvious, especially after the conversation they had about chain of events, butterfly effect, and Deb's words about "what if". Killing his creator is Dexter's way of "undoing" everything that was done to him, to his victims, and most of all, to Deb. It's his final kill. The story has come full circle.

In the end, somehow, I see him with Deb. ONLY the two of them could understand what each of them had gone through. No amount of therapy or dating - not even with Hannah or Joey - could provide the relationship the two of them have forged over a lifetime of trust. They know only each other. Need and require only each other.

And that's it. That's the final season of Dexter. The last killer is Dexter himself, and rather than kill himself to atone for all his transgressions (including the ones he inflicted upon his sister) he kills the person who made him. Full circle. The end.

Wild stab at the final scene? Him and Deb and Harrison on the boat, sailing off into the sunset. His desire to kill is not only sated but finally eliminated (perhaps reflected in the boat being renamed).

Dexter is free.

This theory might also explain why, in this season's cover, Dexter is now under the plastic.
That theory is so dumb. The only credible part is something that the writers are forcefully putting in our face; whether or not Dex has empathy and how unlike he is from other psychopaths. Vogel just about brings that up in a way each ep.

It doesn't make sense cuz Deb claiming not to remember killing El Sapo does not allude to Dex blacking out. So far nothing has alluded to that. Also if Dex is doing it subconsciously it still doesn't explain why he's targeted Vogel even if she knows w/e. She was claiming to have this problem before she got to Miami.

Besides, writers already did that twist with Doomsday.
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If that's true it shuts down my theory of the killer being her son, who was in therapy with Dexter.
That was a solid episode. I'm wondering if all the Deb haters will have their wishes granted cuz I think Debs gonna die.

I can see the series closing with Quinn becoming Capt. The idiot finally comes of age and leads the dept.
At the preview next week.

Seem like Vogel doesn't like the attention Dex keeps giving to Deb.. Vogel wants her out of the picture. 

Why do I sense Deb and Quin aren't over each other.... Like I Know they care for each other... But I see one last spark this season. IF Deb doesn't get the axe. 
@ IMDB theory.

This show has gotten convoluted at times but c'mon.
Looks like Deb boss is trying to work his way in..

He tryna slide in them guts early. Wouldnt be surprised if Quinn ends up getting involved with the Dex-Deb thing after that whole confession incident. Remember he was skeptical of Dex from the jump.
This season is painful. Seriously, can't take anymore of Deb...

Very interested in what happened after the show. Guessing that was for the season.
Ya'll realize that Deb's boss is Powder? Or as most know him, Boondock Saint? :nerd:

I was :wow: when I realized it.
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