Dexter Season 8 - Premeres June 30th - 2min sneak peak

Anyone else think that Quinn saw Dexter inject that tranquilizer into Deb's neck when she was about to crack.? It happened very fast but I'm not sure if it hints at anything.
I don't think Quinn saw ****. But I loved Vogel's reaction. "well that was interesting" :lol: :lol: :lol:

I like the "idea" of that theory, that Dex is hunting himself, etc, but I doubt they can pull that off. That's getting just a little too out there, this from a show that has featured a dead dad talkin to his son for 8 seasons, but hey.

Still tho, we had Deb walk in blitzed, only Quinn sees her, takes her into an interrogation room, no one sees anything, he calls Dex, who drives however many minutes it takes, still no one sees her, he drugs her, and carries her *** out the cop shop, not a cop in sight.

I took a piss in the bushes once, 7 cops shined their damn flashlights at me outta nowhere.

Maaaaaaan :lol:
At the preview next week.

Seem like Vogel doesn't like the attention Dex keeps giving to Deb.. Vogel wants her out of the picture. 

Why do I sense Deb and Quin aren't over each other.... Like I Know they care for each other... But I see one last spark this season. IF Deb doesn't get the axe. 
Well I hope somebody keeps smashing Jamie.
At the preview next week.

Seem like Vogel doesn't like the attention Dex keeps giving to Deb.. Vogel wants her out of the picture. 

Why do I sense Deb and Quin aren't over each other.... Like I Know they care for each other... But I see one last spark this season. IF Deb doesn't get the axe. 
Well I hope somebody keeps smashing Jamie.

Giving Jamie up for Deb?

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I hope Deb offs herself. Most irritating character of all time. No one told you to support Dexter's killing and to shoot La Guerta :lol:
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I hope Deb offs herself. Most irritating character of all time. No one told you to support Dexter's killing and to shoot La Guerra
I agree
No one told you to support Dexter's killing and to shoot La Guerta :lol:

That was main thing that irked me with the finale last season. There was absolutely zero reason for her to shoot LaGuerta. LaGuerta was siting on floor still someone immobile from drugs, and Deb just shot her for no reason. Dex had the situation under control, Dex could of done the deed himself, all Debra had to do was walk away or let Dex shoot LaGuerta like he was planning to.

Why pull the trigger when you know your going to immediately regret it. It just made no sense logically or even in the heat of the moment seeing as she was no threat and there was no urgency. Maybe if she had/was reaching for a gun, or if she was calling/radio for help. But none of these were the case.
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Y'all being too hard on Deb.  She's done a lot to protect or try to help Dexter.  She killed LaGuerta to protect him once again.

I think she has a right to be screwed up or pissed at Dexter.  The same thing was with Rita, people saw her as a nag

but let's not forgot Dexter is a liar, he's distant and secretive and for the most part not concerned with anything that doesn't involve satiating his blood lust

not even his own children

it's understandable that the people closest to him would be frustrated by him, hell even I am at this point
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Y'all being too hard on Deb.  She's done a lot to protect or try to help Dexter.  She killed LaGuerta to protect him once again.
I think she has a right to be screwed up or pissed at Dexter.  The same thing was with Rita, people saw her as a nag
but let's not forgot Dexter is a liar, he's distant and secretive and for the most part not concerned with anything that doesn't involve satiating his blood lust
not even his own children
it's understandable that the people closest to him would be frustrated by him, hell even I am at this point


You all hate Deb because she is awesome as an actress. She has ran the emotional hell ALL because of this man that she STILL protects. Rudy was going to kill her because of Dexter. She's lost a fiance, a partner (Doakes) a boss, a sister in law, she fell in love with her own brother and had to deal with that, she had to give up her own sanity/morals to protect him otherwise he'd be in jail, her nephew would be in the system, etc. He made her an accessory to murder when she walked into that church. She fired on LaGuerta because she knew she was getting closer and closer to busting both of them. (the gas station evidence she had just seen) Not to mention being promoted to a position she wasn't ready for, dealing with all the crap that department has gone thru.

That's a **** load to take in, and I know I'm forgetting some things. All of it, because of Dexter, who we all just give a pass to, because we like him and root for him. HE is the one that made Deb what she is now. And everyone hates her for it. :lol:

She's excellent at her job folks.
Who cares if she's a good actor? Her constant meltdowns have become the focal point of the season since the writers have run out of ideas. The past 3 seasons have been focusing on deranged women rather than Dexter himself. Does anyone even care about the serial killer? Two brain parts just showed up at a doorstep, but wait, Deb is being a lunatic again...

Rita was his wife, so it's unfair to say she was being a @#$%@ for asking where he was at 3 am :lol: Deb is acting up even though the whole point of last season was her eventually accepting her brothers lifestyle, even to the point where she wanted him to kill for her. Now it's "you made me like this :frown:"
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Y'all being too hard on Deb.  She's done a lot to protect or try to help Dexter.  She killed LaGuerta to protect him once again.
Explain how it protected him? He was perfectly fine and had situation handled. Dexter was gonna kill her how does Deb doing it instead protect him? When she covered up for him after she caught him killing Travis that was protecting him, but LaGuerta killing just made no logical sense.

Me personally, I never had a real problem with Deb except for the "I'm in love with Dexter" angle, everything else abotu here and rest of the seasons I was fine with her character.
Y'all being too hard on Deb.  She's done a lot to protect or try to help Dexter.  She killed LaGuerta to protect him once again.
Explain how it protected him? He was perfectly fine and had situation handled. Dexter was gonna kill her how does Deb doing it instead protect him? When she covered up for him after she caught him killing Travis that was protecting him, but LaGuerta killing just made no logical sense.

Me personally, I never had a real problem with Deb except for the "I'm in love with Dexter" angle, everything else abotu here and rest of the seasons I was fine with her character.
ok maybe not to protect him, but choosing not to take down Dexter was in direct conflict to the person she is and what she's devoted her life to.

Whether or not she killed LaGuerta or Dexter did she would have still had this meltdown because her brother would still be who he is and a peer is gone

I think she saw herself in LaGuerta, especially in the way LaGuerta relentlessly went after the truth about the BHB.  I think LaGuerta was seen as a mentor to her even though she and Deb went at it a lot.. 

I'll admit, i'm not really feeling this season, but that's not due to one specific character and it' only been 3 episodes so i'm holding out hope
ok maybe not to protect him, but choosing not to take down Dexter was in direct conflict to the person she is and what she's devoted her life to.

Whether or not she killed LaGuerta or Dexter did she would have still had this meltdown because her brother would still be who he is and a peer is gone

I think she saw herself in LaGuerta, especially in the 
LaGuerta relentlessly went after the truth about the BHB.  I think LaGuerta was seen as a mentor to her even though she and Deb went at it a lot.. 

I'll admit, i'm not really feeling this season, but that's not due to one specific character and it' only been 3 episodes so i'm holding out hope
Yeah she has been breaking down since the beginning of last season when she started covering for Dex. The drinking and drugs started back then after she found out and now it just has escalated faster as a result of the kill.
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She doesn't have a right to be mad at Dex IMO. He told her to kill him in that finale she chose to go against everything she believed in for him and he didn't even ask for it.

That's one thing I'm hoping Dex brings up the next time Deb tries to go off and guilt trip him. She went from trying to make Dex not a killer to being okay with it to being a killer herself. She didn't have to shoot LaGuerta either, just Tracy Morgan exit out that container and let Dex do him.

You all hate Deb because she is awesome as an actress. She has ran the emotional hell ALL because of this man that she STILL protects. Rudy was going to kill her because of Dexter. She's lost a fiance, a partner (Doakes) a boss, a sister in law, she fell in love with her own brother and had to deal with that, she had to give up her own sanity/morals to protect him otherwise he'd be in jail, her nephew would be in the system, etc. He made her an accessory to murder when she walked into that church. She fired on LaGuerta because she knew she was getting closer and closer to busting both of them. (the gas station evidence she had just seen) Not to mention being promoted to a position she wasn't ready for, dealing with all the crap that department has gone thru.

That's a **** load to take in, and I know I'm forgetting some things. All of it, because of Dexter, who we all just give a pass to, because we like him and root for him. HE is the one that made Deb what she is now. And everyone hates her for it. :lol:

She's excellent at her job folks.

There isn't anymore protecting on Deborah's part, though. Per the last three episodes, she's been grappling with her conscious and now she's ready to confess/has already. Obviously, she doesn't realize the major consequences that come along with her confession. If she confesses-- her *** is going to jail for life, too. She isn't innocent anymore. She's killed a number of people, has been an accomplice, conspiracy to kill, tampering with evidence, etc.

She didn't know Rudy's motives only Dexter did. The kids would've never went to the system since they got pawned off on the grandparents. Her character has been a on a constant roller coaster throughout the seasons. Deborah latches onto any man that represents some type of father figure to her or is self destructive.

It doesn't really make sense for Deborah to be this distraught over LaGuerta based on how they're relationship played out. Feeling bad for killing her, understandable, but some of her stunts have been a bit irrational.

The key her is that SHE DID NOT HAVE TO, but SHE DECIDED TO give up her morals. Dexter gave her plenty of opportunities to turn him in--she didn't take one. So for her to continue to *****, "You're the reason I'm blah, blah, blah" that's annoying.

Same thing with Dexter's ol' lady. She became extremely annoying and it was time for her to GO!


I'm still trying to figure out how the Hannah McKay storyline is going to fold into the mix. Jamie is at her brother's restaurant and McKay shows up. They discuss their hatred for Deborah and plot to kill her. Quinn stumbles on the plans and ends up busting Dex in a twist. Dex escapes before his court date and has Deb kill him. Kinda wishing it was all up on Netflix so I could binge watch. lol

Have you'll seen the DVD packaging image? I'd post it but I think it'd be a spoiler. Check Wikipedia for those interested. :smokin :nerd:
I've wanted Deb dead for 4 or 5 seasons now...

hope the writers deliver.

Her character literally cries in every episode.

You all hate Deb because she is awesome as an actress. She has ran the emotional hell ALL because of this man that she STILL protects. Rudy was going to kill her because of Dexter. She's lost a fiance, a partner (Doakes) a boss, a sister in law, she fell in love with her own brother and had to deal with that, she had to give up her own sanity/morals to protect him otherwise he'd be in jail, her nephew would be in the system, etc. He made her an accessory to murder when she walked into that church. She fired on LaGuerta because she knew she was getting closer and closer to busting both of them. (the gas station evidence she had just seen) Not to mention being promoted to a position she wasn't ready for, dealing with all the crap that department has gone thru.

That's a **** load to take in, and I know I'm forgetting some things. All of it, because of Dexter, who we all just give a pass to, because we like him and root for him. HE is the one that made Deb what she is now. And everyone hates her for it.

She's excellent at her job folks.
Everybody here knows you're Debs biggest fan. Bottom line is she's annoying as all Hell and most of us here would love to see her off'd.
She's done a great job with the role but the character is annoying for the most part. That's a testament to he acting ability.
Bottom line is she's annoying as all Hell and most of us here would love to see her off'd

Because you guys would like to see more of Quinn or Angel or some other worthless character and their pointless storylines/drivel while Michael C Hall acts by himself thru every episode. :lol:

BTW, Mathews.

I wonder what sort of key he holds in all this. He was Harry's partner, looked after Dex and Deb, knows what LaGuerta thought of Dex, now brings in Vogel like nothing, and really Mathews has been pointless all these years outside of just bein a pain in the ***. Does he have a bigger role in what is to come?
Because you guys would like to see more of Quinn or Angel or some other worthless character and their pointless storylines/drivel while Michael C Hall acts by himself thru every episode. :lol:

BTW, Mathews.

I wonder what sort of key he holds in all this. He was Harry's partner, looked after Dex and Deb, knows what LaGuerta thought of Dex, now brings in Vogel like nothing, and really Mathews has been pointless all these years outside of just bein a pain in the ***. Does he have a bigger role in what is to come?

I think he knows that dexter and deb had something to do with killing laguerta. So he brings in ole girl to get into dexters head. Then mathews exposes them all, leading to a series finale where dexter dies.:smh:
I agree about Deb being an integral part of the show but imo writers could've had Trinity kill her and propel Rita's role (the actress who portrays can act) or he could've killed Deb and Rita and instead of making Dex dump Harrison off on Jamie actually make him a real father and have his son be his emotional human symbol.

The only time they play up the Harrison angle is when Dex is almost caught and is thinking of running.

But the way things are turning out now, Deb's importance from day 1 is all culminating in this final season.

Still think she killed that guy though and wouldn't be surprised if she died.

I honestly think that harrison will see dexter kill someone maybe deb maybe someone else. It will mess him up like it did when he saw his mother get carved up.
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