Discussion on cheating on tests, exams etc

I cheat in classes that don't really matter or are easy like Environmental Science.

AP Physics, it's pretty much impossible to cheat because there are no multiple choice.

He gives us the formula sheet that is given out during AP tests and that's it. I need to get AAPhysics on my calculator...
Bunch of other formulas not given out in that sheet.

If you don't know how to apply the equation or get the concept, the formula is useless to you anyway, so I don't see the benefit in cheating on thesetests.
academic dishonesty leading to the forfeit of your financial aide and or expulsion from school = not worth it.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen


And people always wonder why this country is so messed up.

High school is easy. Those who cheated in H.S were stupid; laziness is a form of stupidity...

I've yet to cheat in college--and I doubt I ever will. I would rather get a low grade, and I have, than cheat.

By cheating, you rob yourself of the opportunity to measure and determine your true capabilities--which is what an "education" is all about.

But as has been established in many of these "is college worth it" type threads already, the majority of y'all aint even about "education"; rather y'all are about getting through school as quickly and as easily as possible so you can make some frivolous amount of money...

It's only when y'all become shackled in that slave shift known as a 9-5, reporting to an individual who was a better cheater than yourself-- only then will y'all have realized that by cheating, all you did was, ironically enough, cheat yourself in the long run.





i dont cheat (as a rule) i mean if someone is giving away answers like some dude said im not going be like no no no i want to do this on my own

but at the same time if i see you cheating or you bump me and hold up the number 4 im do my best to help you out.
Originally Posted by ryaneff23

Back in like 6th through 8th grade I'd have a rubber band, stretch it around a book, then write all the +$@$ i needed for the test. Then you can wear it on your wrist, and if it's not stretched it just looks like lines drawn on the rubber band. When it's time to take the test you just need to stretch that back out. Worked better than a normal cheat sheet cuz there was way less risk involved.


Still use this method in college... never had a problem!!!
never do it... if your in college you can get expelled or fail the class automatically if you get caught... im not going to lie i did peek on a few answers butnever to the extent where i cheated the whole test looking at someones sheet... i just got too shook...
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

academic dishonesty leading to the forfeit of your financial aide and or expulsion from school = not worth it.

these the kind of kids that used to piss me off in school
Dudes in here acting like none of us study for our tests and just RELY on cheating.

Me personally...I study for my tests but still cheat in every way possible. (6 pt font cheatsheets in the sleeve of my hoodie so I can pull it out with my handand look, wear hat low to my eyebrows so i can look down and sneak easy peeks at my neighbors scantrons, iPhone on the lap in huge lecture hall tests,waterbottle trick etc...)

I wanna know my #$$@. I just wanna cheat to make sure I get a good grade.
Rubberband trick is getting used for my psych exam tomorrow

Hat for peeking at neighbors who already agreed to let me look off of his (which is pretty hard to do)
Gotta utilize every method. Got my notes on my iPhone. If I can't get it out, got the same notes inside my hat and in my sleeve
Got 2 water bottles for definitions

If I don't get at least a 65 on this
I'm a Business major, and all I've learned since taking my classes is that the rich cheat, and the rich cheat very well. . .
Funny this came up...

My buddy wrote down all the answers to a test I missed and I am making it up tomorrow. Professor told me to meet in his office at 2 and it was still multiplechoice scantron. My question to you guys is do you think he will change up the test as he went over it after the class originally took it? I missed cuz of anemergency...its a lower division history class if that helps?

Everyone had the same test in the class when they took it...
Originally Posted by Ecook0808

Funny this came up...

My buddy wrote down all the answers to a test I missed and I am making it up tomorrow. Professor told me to meet in his office at 2 and it was still multiple choice scantron. My question to you guys is do you think he will change up the test as he went over it after the class originally took it? I missed cuz of an emergency...its a lower division history class if that helps?

Everyone had the same test in the class when they took it...
I say you try to answer a few on your own first, compare it with the answer your friend has...Then if it seems correct, the rest should be also.
Plain and simple you do what you gotta do to pass.

I'll never not study and simply rely on cheating. No I'll study my $%$ off and in the end if the oppurtunity to get a better grade is there. Then byall means I'm taking that $$$#.

EDIT: Got damn...I'm reading some of the !!+! you guys are doing with the whole water bottles and rubberbans...wow when I said I would cheat, I meantlooking at someone elses paper not all that! That's waaaaay to risky in my opinion.

Especially at my school with 4 TA's + the teacher walking around. I don't know how anyone can get away with that. Shoot just yesterday in my finalthis dude got caught by the TA looking at his notes....SAD! Took his test right then and there.

BTW I ain't had a test on a scantron every since I started my major courses. I'm econ btw
Yeah was thinking about doing that, the problem is Im taking it in his office while he is in the room I assume...Im gunna memorize all the answers and if theyseem correct Im golden.

Thanks man
for my film class i just copy and paste comments posted on imdb for my film journal. cheating in college is way easier than high school though
In highschool if one teacher was giving out a test I would get one of my smarter friends or a female that was taking the test in an earlier period right downall their answers on a lil piece of paper for me and I would just use that.... always worked out pretty good and damn near impossible to get caught cuz thepaper is so small...

but yea cheating in college>>>>>>highschool
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Originally Posted by Sid Nasty

i believe in cheating in any classes that dont really have anything to do with your major. otherwise your just cheating yourself. your gonna go into your field without sufficient knowledge and skills

Not if its engineering, when recruiters actually say that you only need roughly 10% of the crap you know from your major courses at your job. Besides that, most engineering field have super computers that calculate the systems of equation in seconds that usually takes the person by hand 20-30 minutes.

itouch is the greatest invention of all time
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

You right. My ability to learn/read about things I don't care about sucks unfortunately. This is where cheating helped me earn my college degree.
You earned your college degree by cheating?

Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

You right. My ability to learn/read about things I don't care about sucks unfortunately. This is where cheating helped me earn my college degree.
You earned your college degree by cheating?


Finally somebody got that.
My Chemistry teacher in high school had a lazy eye so I never knew if she was watching or not, which made cheating difficult in that class.
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