DMX hospitalized in critical condition from overdose

Being on life-support is no joke. It means something is beyond wrong and that you should actually be dead at this moment in life. Sometimes being taken off of life support doesn’t leave you the same person.
His last performance at Summer Jam was very sobering to see, pun not intended. I just knew he was out of it.
he looked healthy on Drink Champs

edit: he looked overweight on Drink Champs.

i think the general consensus regarding his weight gain was the elation that he was no longer using drugs. i remember people saying the same thing during his verzuz w/snoop dogg. but we've seen him at his worst when he was a shell of whom he used to be & looking frail, sick & bony. so regarding the weight, most people figured he was doing well with his sobriety. i'm always amazed at how you can maintain sobriety for a long time & one thing can make you cope with your demons the same way you used to with with your vices on front street, all it takes is one trigger. as he's done for so many of us, i'll keep him in my prayers & ask for the universe to have it's way regarding the situation.
This scenario is truly saddening. X taught me (and probably everyone here) so many life lessons with his music and his philosophies on how to deal with people/situations. I've accepted this is most likely the end of the road, but he does not deserve to go out like this.
Like was stated earlier, I'm hoping for a miracle, but expecting the worst.
Man the longer this goes on with no updates, the more it sinks in we might really lose Earl :frown: The man was obviously a big part of most of our lives growing up, and it's incredibly tragic we're seeing it most likely end like this. Lost too many friends and idols to drugs, always hurts man :smh:
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