Do the ladies compliment you on your body?

Dec 27, 2002
working out FTW!
All the time. If youre in the CT area need help in the gym ill put you on my program and diet. I actually got my body fat percent done today at my gym. 11.1%and I weigh 205lbs now. Id post pics but this isnt Itd be aiyoo for NT.
Yea. I've been working out for a while now and I watch what I eat. It also helps that I wear fitted shirts.
just recovered from a football injury so the body will be back in full in about 6 weeks cant wait for them compliments again
yea but i mostly get comment on my butt

but now this was brought up i need to start working on my abbs more
ive been foucusing on my upper body more for basketball season next year
I used to be really chubby, but then puberty kicked in, & I lost a lot weight. So yeah, during that time period Igot a lot of compliments from females. I continue to work out, but I can't keep up a diet/eating routine, so I've gained some of my childhood weightback.
Yeah, I get crazy comment on my buddha pot belly. Some rub it for good luck.

6 pack is on the way out.
Ya, i usually get the 'Your the biggest asian i know!' (no thats what she said).
at hanging with white girls.

...btw hgh and ph FTW
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