Do yall Miss High School or Middle School?

Oct 3, 2010
I was just chillin today and some high school kids was at the movie theatreI was in and I started thinking to myself,,,,

Do I miss high school? It used to be mad fun than a mug mug shun. I used to do some crazy things and mug. I miss the freedom of having no responsibilities and mug. I miss talking to the baddest urban sloutes in my school and mad macking on them.

Middle school was some fun too. Used to make honor roll all the time and just hang out and skate and stuff and have fun. Errybody was cool and no  beef in the school. It was just a youthful time in my life.

I just really miss that joint like a mug shun. How yall feel?
Originally Posted by Three6mafia2007

Middle School, High school was lackluster

How s? Shun I got to work every week and got college work and stuff that cost me mad doe than a mojo shun. I'd trade my left cheek and sack to have high school back.
Looking back, I probably miss 8th grade the most (middle school was 6-8 for me, btw). High school I miss just for knowing I'd go back and do some things different. 8th grade, I wouldn't change a thing.
This is a good thread topic.. I'm always thinking about this.. both were completely enjoyable times in my life... for me though I believe HS>MS..

Middle school was extremely care free.. only thing on your mind was getting to lunch and going out to play two hand touch in the yard.. everybody had that crush in MS that gave them butterflies and #%!!.. overall it was a great time.

High school however was like middle school for the lack of "real life" responsibilities.. but in High School, the carefree of life + the freedom that you were allowed, made it easy to find your identity as a person and really enjoy interacting with people.. and find out what you're really interested in.

I loved both, but High School was Def better.
I miss HS so much. But 8th grade was probably the greatest year ever. SO much $%%@#%@ fun

But HS overall was much, much better than MS.
Originally Posted by sircharles2ol3

This is a good thread topic.. I'm always thinking about this.. both were completely enjoyable times in my life... for me though I believe HS>MS..

Middle school was extremely care free.. only thing on your mind was getting to lunch and going out to play two hand touch in the yard.. everybody had that crush in MS that gave them butterflies and #%!!.. overall it was a great time.

High school however was like middle school for the lack of "real life" responsibilities.. but in High School, the carefree of life + the freedom that you were allowed, made it easy to find your identity as a person and really enjoy interacting with people.. and find out what you're really interested in.

I loved both, but High School was Def better.
True speech Shun. I got my first skeet in middle school. Man yall making me tear up. I will not cry I say shun... I wont shun.
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

Yea I think you missed high school too cause your language sucks.

I actually use proper english., I only say mug mug and shun so the urban people here can understand me.
I was just thinking about this earlier. I'm class of '03 and I do miss those days. MS > HS. 6th grade was the best year for me though. Just the friends, freedom, shoes, memories, etc. What wouldn't I give to go back to those days!
Middle school was meh, to much of a transition going from a tiny elementary school knowing only like 100 kids and then going to middle school with like 5 times that many kids was kinda just shock... plus I had very little friend/people skills at that age. HS was
and it definitely allowed me to develop those people skills and taught me how to make relationships with people... Plus HS sports was

If it weren't for HS, my college life would have been
Originally Posted by petermans

...What's a MugMug?
Mug Mug is like "whatever ever or bad or like f yeah" Its kind of hard to explain., ITs a DMV thang. Lots of Urban dread head youths say it here
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

I miss elementary school .. middle school .. high school equally!!

IDK bout ele school shun.. I used to poo my pants like a mug. Matter fact, when I was 11 in 5th grade, I was taking a mad dump and yall know how the teacher always gave you a bathroom buddie? Well my buddie was standing outside chilin. Well some older 6th grade urban youth came in the bathroom and threw tissue or my stall while I was taking a dump. I actually burst out into tears man. I was wondering why somebody would pick on somebody innocently taking a dump.

I cried when I went home. I don't miss elementary school at all shun. It was badder than a mug mug.
def def miss middle school, it's just the innocence that all you have to do is go to school

when you're in college you know in less than 5 years you'll be in the real world
I miss high school (Class of 2010) right now. Sometimes, more than others. Last year during my senior year, I kept a video camera and recorded my senior yr basically and whenever I watch it, it kinda makes me miss HS. That and looking back at my yearbook. Senior Year was such a great time. Socially, and academically, I had some good times. So many people who I had everyday contact with just a year ago and now...not so much. Sucks.

Middle school was great. So much fun. Basketball, books, girls, everything was so easy. I was so nieve(Sp?) to the world, my dreams and aspirations were so great then. Need to go back to that.

Hopefully, by the time 2014 rolls around, i'll will have the same memories.
I saw mug once, thought nothing of it. Saw it a second time, thought you may really like the word. Saw it a third time, thought you were joking. Saw it a fourth time and now i dont even know.

Nor do i know what to make of a "shun"
Originally Posted by Mogulson

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

I miss elementary school .. middle school .. high school equally!!

IDK bout ele school shun.. I used to poo my pants like a mug. Matter fact, when I was 11 in 5th grade, I was taking a mad dump and yall know how the teacher always gave you a bathroom buddie? Well my buddie was standing outside chilin. Well some older 6th grade urban youth came in the bathroom and threw tissue or my stall while I was taking a dump. I actually burst out into tears man. I was wondering why somebody would pick on somebody innocently taking a dump.

I cried when I went home. I don't miss elementary school at all shun. It was badder than a mug mug.

Don't even know why but your story almost brought me to tears just now.. such an early MS thing to happen lol.
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