Do you believe in Karma

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by iBlink

Firm believer in karma.
Very. At Christmas time I make sure to keep dollars in my pocket for the Red Buckets. Easy stacks of Karma

Exactly my point. Doing good %!# when it's easy to do. Karma is just a made up thing. Say what ya want. Whatever makes you feel better.
I view it as more of a "you reap what you sew" type thing, like if you do good stuff to people someone is bound to notice and do something good to you, and if you do bad stuff to people someone is bound to notice and do something bad to you.
I believe that life balances things out in the long run.
I don't necessarily believe in good karma bad karma, because it's just another way of saying you got lucky or discrediting what's really at hand.
sort of, sort of not

Just a couple weeks ago I decided to stop and grab something to eat late night after the club. When I pulled up to the speaker there was a group of skater teens trying to order but the drive thur clerk wouldn't take their order because they were not in a vehicle. They begged me to order for them and even offered to buy my meal. They seemed non threatening so I let two of them hop in and order. They buy my food and I drop them off on the other side of the building. On my way home something told me to look in the back seat and that's when I discovered the bastard in the back swiped my favorite fitted
, dummy phone, and a couple cds.  Later on I cleaned out my car and found the lil bastard left his wallet with close to $400 in it. 

On the flip side I have known/ know some people who have done mad grimey %+!$ and are still around doing grimey %+!$
im not sure...but i know that every time, seems like EVERYTIME i throw gum somewhere where it can be stepped on, i step in gum... so make sure it goes in the trash or on the roof or something...
+if you step on gum on a roof then that S!!! was meant to be lol+
I don't necessarily believe in karma but I believe that if you continue to do good/bad things it will catch up with you.
Karma works like a mirror. Whatever energy you put out into the world, it's going to mirror back to you. exact and precise. nothing more or less than you did.

doesn't mean that if you steal a bike your bike is going to get stolen. Karma can come back to you in an unlimited amount of ways and there is no time frame

could be in the form of being diagnosed with depression, anxiety, cancer, sicknesses, insecurities, car accident, body issues, people hurting you, financial issues, family problems, etc. your negative energy will be given back to you.

even if you see bad people living great lives..."no one can escape the justice of karma"
In terms of the Hindu and Buddhist sense of the karma cycle, no I don't believe in karma. But as a Muslim, I do believe humans are ultimately held accountable for their actions, good or bad.
People thinking karma is like a point system.


I really do hate how the western perspective shapes things.
If the planet has to respect rules of revolution, I don't see why man shouldn't, I think people think of Karma in terms of some reciprocal energy that attacks you based on your actions, its too simple to think like that........................

The Earth is a living thing, not some big rock we are living on, it does feel.............(I know I need to cut back on the Chron..........)
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

When was society together? Society has never been a utopian perfection there has always been winners and losers..its all about the makeup of the system

.if your an African man I shouldn't have to explain myself because the proof is in the pudding. The point is that the program here has run its course and a new program is on it's way.

You guys smell that?

Spoiler [+]
The most impoverished people in this world are there because of themselves. Everyone has an equal chance at all opportunities; just work hard, karma will reward you.
Originally Posted by wildmoodswings

The most impoverished people in this world are there because of themselves. Everyone has an equal chance at all opportunities; just work hard, karma will reward you.
being poor is a state of mind, being wealthy is a state of mind
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I believe in being a good and decent person. If I get something in return down the line, cool.. but I'll still be the same guy and do what I think is right when given the chance.


But I also believe that the universe has a way of balancing itself out.

Originally Posted by glasses

Karma works like a mirror. Whatever energy you put out into the world, it's going to mirror back to you. exact and precise. nothing more or less than you did.

doesn't mean that if you steal a bike your bike is going to get stolen. Karma can come back to you in an unlimited amount of ways and there is no time frame

could be in the form of being diagnosed with depression, anxiety, cancer, sicknesses, insecurities, car accident, body issues, people hurting you, financial issues, family problems, etc. your negative energy will be given back to you.

even if you see bad people living great lives..."no one can escape the justice of karma"
Pay the treatment you would want to receive forward. It keeps your inner spirit childlike.
No, there's no such thing. The phenomenon some of us witness as "karma" is nothing more than rebounded actions. Say, for example, you come upon the information that a thug killed an innocent pedestrian. You're angry, right? So is that pedestrian's brother, who finds out who the killer was several months/years later, and ends up killed the thug. However, all you hear about is the thug dying, and someone positively ID's the thug as the killer. Karma. It also depends on the positions in which the parties are in. The thug was in a gang, and gangs end up fighting frequently. He could have died from a gang-related fight, and again ID'd as the killer of the original pedestrian. Again, "Karma". It's logic, not superstition.
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