Do you discuss how much money you have with anyone outside your family or immediate circle?

Nah, I'm not tryna have people be friends with me just because I happen to make 0,000,000.00 dollars a year.
Nah, I'm not tryna have people be friends with me just because I happen to make 0,000,000.00 dollars a year.
Originally Posted by Storm2006

 "Oh I make $$$" a year or "My parents are worth $$$"

"curiosity killed the cat" ..this causes nothing but tension and/or drama. 
they dont need to know/ they shouldnt be asking in the 1st place..
Originally Posted by Storm2006

 "Oh I make $$$" a year or "My parents are worth $$$"

"curiosity killed the cat" ..this causes nothing but tension and/or drama. 
they dont need to know/ they shouldnt be asking in the 1st place..
Originally Posted by Storm2006

I've seen a few threads on here where users will be arguing and one will  post their "salary" in an attempt to prove their intelligence and/or self-worth. Similarly, I know people who will say "Oh I make $$$" a year or "My parents are worth $$$" and it's something I never really understood. Is it really appropriate to discuss your finances with others who it doesn't concern? I was always raised with the mentality that even if you more money than someone else, there's always another person with more than you so why even brag about it. So I just wanted to see if it was just me that felt that this is something that's unnecessary and borderline classless or that it's actually quite common.
Relax dude... it's just money
Originally Posted by Storm2006

I've seen a few threads on here where users will be arguing and one will  post their "salary" in an attempt to prove their intelligence and/or self-worth. Similarly, I know people who will say "Oh I make $$$" a year or "My parents are worth $$$" and it's something I never really understood. Is it really appropriate to discuss your finances with others who it doesn't concern? I was always raised with the mentality that even if you more money than someone else, there's always another person with more than you so why even brag about it. So I just wanted to see if it was just me that felt that this is something that's unnecessary and borderline classless or that it's actually quite common.
Relax dude... it's just money
To be honest i dont even tell me family, if they need something then il help out but even family are on your back when they find out you getting money.
To be honest i dont even tell me family, if they need something then il help out but even family are on your back when they find out you getting money.
My wife knows how much I get paid, but doesn't know how much assessts I have.
My wife knows how much I get paid, but doesn't know how much assessts I have.
After i moved out, my pops received a tuition reimbursement check in his name that was FOR ME. So he had to deposit it 2 states away at one of those credit union services places.. I had forgot if that if he deposited it in my account they would give him a balance receipt without him asking for one.

He called me up and asked if I was selling drugs and how in the hell do i have more money than him.

Other than that I'll tell people how much I make, because it's not much and its not my career. But as far as my investments and savings, NO.
After i moved out, my pops received a tuition reimbursement check in his name that was FOR ME. So he had to deposit it 2 states away at one of those credit union services places.. I had forgot if that if he deposited it in my account they would give him a balance receipt without him asking for one.

He called me up and asked if I was selling drugs and how in the hell do i have more money than him.

Other than that I'll tell people how much I make, because it's not much and its not my career. But as far as my investments and savings, NO.
I rarely discuss my money with anyone, if anything I make people feel like I'm broke just because I don't want people thinking anything.
My parents dont even ask me.
I never do any of my banking at my branch because I dont need people who work with me knowing if I have money or if Im broke.
I rarely discuss my money with anyone, if anything I make people feel like I'm broke just because I don't want people thinking anything.
My parents dont even ask me.
I never do any of my banking at my branch because I dont need people who work with me knowing if I have money or if Im broke.
Usually the 1st thing i bring up when im getting to know someone.
people want to be your friend when your rolling in $$ like me
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