Do you ever go to the movies or out to eat by yourself?

PF Changs is the most mediocre Chinese restaurant in the US. All their chicken dishes taste exactly the same, aka like NOTHING. It's edible but so damn bland, and the price :rolleyes
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Mom and pop Chinese stores that are in like every strip mall> PF Changs
I haven't watched a movie in theaters in years but I've never watched one alone. I prefer to eat alone bc I dont like to talk and eat
I do both here and there, not a big deal at all and it's nice sometimes to be solo and just think to yourself
When I was younger I would do movies all the time, haven't recently though. Eating alone yes, I love food and discovering new places.
I've been looking forward to see Ride Along by myself all week.
Plan on going Saturday morning at the earliest viewing.
Hopefully I can have the theater to myself.
New city, new job, no friends or family here. Most of my co-workers are vegan so I eat by myself all the time :\
I've done it for crappy movies.

Never been out to eat by myself but I have eaten at the bar like it was a diner in a lounge while waiting for someone but never anything like stroll in to a restaurant and say table for 1 :lol:
not often, but i do.

if it's a movie i want to see and nobody wants to go or flakes and stuff,

No damb given. i'm going alone.

probably gonna watch the hobbit alone soon.
I used to get done work at 12pm on Fridays in the summer and I would go get a burger and beer at my local Rock Bottom Brewery; it was like "me time" :lol:

but a couple times you get the random person who decides to sit next to you and talk to you the entire time :smh:
For me, I go out to eat by myself all the time due to my lunchbreak.
As for movies, never because I like having somebody to talk to before and after the movie.
What about you?

Posting this as I'm sitting at a restaurant by myself.
Yep. I was raised without siblings so I grew up to be independent. Even in college I wouldn't have an issue doing things solo. Some of my friends wouldn't even go to the mall by themselves, quite ludicrous IMO.

I travel for work quite often so when the work is done, I truly enjoy exploring the town at night on my own. I find it easier to talk to interesting females when I'm by myself too when I'm at such outings.
Yep. I was raised without siblings so I grew up to be independent. Even in college I wouldn't have an issue doing things solo. Some of my friends wouldn't even go to the mall by themselves, quite ludicrous IMO.

I travel for work quite often so when the work is done, I truly enjoy exploring the town at night on my own. I find it easier to talk to interesting females when I'm by myself too when I'm at such outings.
Hmm, doubtful.
K bud, jimmies rustle attempt fail.
I probably eat by myself at a sit-down restaurant, with waiters & everything, at least once a week, sometimes as many as 3 times a week.

I'm not a big movie guy, but I've gone to those by myself too, not just matinees either.

I really value my alone time & other times I often just don't feel like making it a social outing & talking to someone, even if I know I can get someone to pay for me.

I've often bagged waitresses too, not even on purpose either. Because again, when I do this, I'm not in a talking mood at all
eat by myself regularly.

i ask for a table and for all the other chairs to be taken away. 

i'm eating. this is not an invitation for socializing. 
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