Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

The African american community and our disdain for mayo needs to end. A nice spicy chicken sandwich and a small amount of mayo is god status.

Carl's Jr. Spicy chicken sandiwch >>>>>
The Black Delegation needs to get together and vote on this once and for all.  We need to embrace the mayo

We need to accept mayo into hearts and our sandwiches and our potato salads.  We love potato salad
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Duke's mayo is the truth
I never knew not liking mayo was a black thing until I watched Undercover Brother. Then I noticed no one in my family ever had any.
since were talking about condiments heres an unpopular one... i hate mustard especially on my hot dogs can only have ketchup and thats it... only time i mess with mustard is the honey mustard from wendys that goes well with nuggets

ketchup on a hot dog :x
:lol: it's hilarious when people talk about hot dogs like it's some gourmet meal. It's a ******* hot dog, put whatever you want on it. That spicy ny red onion sauce and spicy mustard are goat condiments though.
Who said anything about gourmet? The **** just don't go together. It's the culinary equivalent of ordering a well done steak.
For something that basically comes with the option of ketchup and mustard since day one you dudes make no sense.
Once again see my steak analogy. You have the option to order it well done but prepared to get looked at funny.
Not sure if this is wildly unpopular, but

My favorite thing to get at a sushi restaurant is sashimi. (Just the raw cuts of fish on a plate)

Good Salmon sashimi >>>
A little mayo isnt bad. But a lot of it is gross. Like that chicken mayo from the Chinese restaurants, just more than one teaspoon on a sandwich is too much. Fries with mayo = fatso.
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