Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

I need to browse this joint more often.
:lol: dude said dogs are trash. What.
And I don't watch sports shows bc sports are not that important. It's merely broadcasting companies milking it for what it's worth. Shock value and pointless arguments.
I don't believe in karma
Rap music hasn’t fallen off, dudes just have a hard time with change and the fact they’re getting older.

American football is the “dumbest” sport in the world.

Star Wars is wack.
Rap music hasn’t fallen off, dudes just have a hard time with change and the fact they’re getting older.

American football is the “dumbest” sport in the world.

Star Wars is wack.

I agree with you on the first one but not the last two
da positive mental aspects of a bully in terms of providing a early obstacle for young kids is underated.
I think people know this, they just don't/can't say it aloud due to the anti-bullying campaigns. But kids are killing themselves at a higher rate, so I get it.

But I also agree with what you are saying, but all kids aren't equipped to handle it
Some kids don't overcome that obstacle.

Btw someone realistically explain karma to me.
There are different forms of Katma that folks believe.

A. You do well in Life A, you get your reward in life B.

B. What goes around comes around.

With B, people want to equate any and every action in this world (that happens to a human) a result of Karma.

IMO, stuff happens. Doesn't mean it is a result of something you did in the past. Stuff just HAS to happen for the sake of simple physics/chance.
With B, people want to equate any and every action in this world (that happens to a human) a result of Karma.

Some people would replace karma with God

I don't believe there's some cosmic force that's going to punish you or reward you based on your decisions in life.
There are people who lived a good life, did nothing wrong....get killed in a car accident.
You can flip that as well.

And it for EVERYTHING? Lol. Like who or what is making those decisions and penalties lol... If I step on a bunch of ants is "karma" going to give me a splinter or something?

I'm with the "stuff happens" crowd.
Yeah I dont believe in karma. Good and bad **** will happen to you regardless of what you do. It's just life
da positive mental aspects of a bully in terms of providing a early obstacle for young kids is underated.
I agree to an extent. There’s a difference between some punk taking kids lunch money and cyber bullying. Asking hormonal teens/preteens to overcome relentless public shaming is a very tall order. Kids are literally one awkward angle pic away from being a worldwide laughing stock for who knows how long. And being immortalized as a meme is probably one of the better case scenarios these days...
I agree to an extent. There’s a difference between some punk taking kids lunch money and cyber bullying. Asking hormonal teens/preteens to overcome relentless public shaming is a very tall order. Kids are literally one awkward angle pic away from being a worldwide laughing stock for who knows how long. And being immortalized as a meme is probably one of the better case scenarios these days...

Wild as HELL when you think about it like that. Sheesh!

Why does a discussion have to be an argument?

I simply want to know what you witnessed.

when you ask for evidence of recipets and stuff that a basis/material of an argument.

now if want my honest testimony ill have holla at u later this afternoon gotta go to work. but be prepared.
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