Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

I believe she was violated, however, like tr1ll pointed out, the timing. There is so much I want to say on the whole #metoo ****, but it just isn't really worth the dialogue to me.
He played in the hand check era. He also played in the least athletic era.

I don't think "mainstream America" truly understands that many Black people are sometimes clueless about non-black affairs/entertainmentsmusics
I say Fresh Prince > Sienfield because can't relate to Sienfield. I'm a black "military brat" from the south. I can relate more now because I'm an adult and have been around a bit but still not as much as a black kid, moving to a new place and being different from everyone. Even the people that look like me.
I've never found Seinfield to be even mildly entertaining. Would honestly rather watch nothing at all than watch that show
[pimp c voice] Look at me ****** ******, look at me! When you see a pimp tell me what you see. Woowoo woowoo[/pimp c voice]
I say Fresh Prince > Sienfield because can't relate to Sienfield. I'm a black "military brat" from the south. I can relate more now because I'm an adult and have been around a bit but still not as much as a black kid, moving to a new place and being different from everyone. Even the people that look like me.

Waiting on your definition of "success" shouldn't come with a age limit.
Man today's "great" NBA players wouldn't last 5yrs with that early, physical style of play. If athleticism mattered THAT much then more AND 1 and Globetrotters would be in the
Family Guy hasn't been funny in a very, very long time. Which is strange cause I still enjoy American Dad
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