Do you know what it means to have a REVOLUTION?

Conservatives run this town, we just have to be patient, in 10 years most of them will die out. I am really not worried about future generations continuing thenonsense because frankly you guys are too stupid. (Thank God), if you havent noticed they are outsourcing the ignorance (Bobby Jindal, Arnold, and MichaelSteele)
Originally Posted by JDB1523

French Revolution > pretty much any other revolution in history.

In reference to what some of you are saying, I don't think our generation is too out of touch or lazy to start a revolution, it's just that we haven't seen anything or experienced anything that our generation, almost as a whole, can agree is so *$%!#$ up that we need to revolt. If you look back in time, think of how much better we live than the eras of feudalism and serfdom and how they revolted. A LOT of people are against the war in Iraq, but we're still talking 60% opposition, maximum, for the whole country. To me, this isn't a political party argument, or a race argument, but a question of nationalism and preserving what this country was built on. If the US invaded a small country like Georgia or Costa Rica, or imposed unjust taxes as the British did, I think we'd see pretty close to a revolution.

How is the war in Iraq any different than Vietnam??? We have seen about 1/20 the level of protest go on that occurred in Vietnam..I realize the draft made things different but still, no excuse in my mind. And that's the thing, the injustice occurring are domestic issues, they are present in American homes each day. Unfortunately, one side of the political spectrum uses a logic of race-baiting and religion to push across their agenda. The sad part is most of these people who prescribe to this logic are not rich, not wealthy and are only hurting themselves. I remember watching one of those video's when Glenn Beck organized that rally I remember one campaigning against a national healthcare system, despite her being uninsured. That just goes against any type of logic but this party doesn't really on any logic, just faith and racial rhetoric to brainwash the masses.

We've seen 1/20th the level of protest because almost half of Americans believe the Iraq war is just and is fighting the enemy on their ground. Anddon't be fooled by videos you watch about Vietnam: yes there were many protests all over the country, but still nowhere near the majority of the countrywas protesting or wanted to be a part of some grandiose 'revolution.' I'm not even trying to say you need majority in order to successfully revolt,but my point is that, historically, revolutions occur due to unbalanced treatment of NEAR WHOLE nations (see: my first post about the birth of the US and theFrench Revolution).

As for 'injustice in American homes each day,' I'm not sure what you're referring to. At least give us an example.

Edit: Sorry airmaxpenny I thought you were the OP. Nvm the last part of my post I deleted.
posting for future reference
The problem with this whole 'revolutionary' rhetoric is that it differs from person-to-person and ultimately becomes a hackneyed mockery of itself inthe process.

What may be considered a revolution in the Black community may not be considered a revolution in the gay and lesbian community, and so forth.

What's so unappealing about a revolution in these times is that if people won't have the money to invest in a revolution as things are, it's goingto be a long time before they will have the time to put into a revolution.

We as people need to separate ourselves from these esoteric plans for the future and take things one day at a time. Rome wasn't built in a single day, andat this point, we won't reach Zion until we die. Let's keep it that way and take solace in the fact that ignorance is in fact bliss.
anyways, theres no need for revolution right now

Another head in the sand.

I hate the idea of giving up on society and chalking them up as being too complacent and lazy, but there are far more of them than there are of us.

I'm sitting in a commons area at my school, and almost everybody around looks terry cloth. The "work/school, TV, repeat" crowd. This post hasmotivated me.
What may be considered a revolution in the Black community may not be considered a revolution in the gay and lesbian community, and so forth.

I think the separatism people force upon themselves by referring to one another by classifications is a big hinderance for any revolution. Not to be cliché,but "divided, we fall." We need to form classifications as either pro-movement or not.

A big problem lies with people fighting for gay rights, black rights, immigrant rights, etc. is that they're all for-themselves, but don't care to helpthe other. Yes, all those groups together may form a majority in the population, but they're all selfish and don't care, or sometimes want, the othergroups to achieve their goals before them (or at all).

Until those that want revolution can be cohesive, none of them will get it.

Originally Posted by WE GET MONEY
Russ, I definitely agree with you. I guess I was just re-iterating some of the sentiments I've heard from different people, as far as thebelief that each individual struggle is attributed to unnecessary separatism.

And that strip that was just posted is simply awesome. It totally echoes my sentiments in this new era of social media, transparency, and overalldesensitization.
This revolution isn't going to come from the civilian leadership, it will come within the govt internally. I would imagine the military leadership takingthe first big step in launching the revolution. I mean seriously are you expecting kids waiting in line for the release of NBA2k10 to have any impact in thisrevolution?

A REAL revolution meaning an event that will actually change this country would require the support of the military, there is no other way. A group of BlackPanthers or WUO vs a team of Jack Bauers? Give me a break. Current/veteran high ranking officers would probably run the militia/insurgents. Off course therewill be hundreds of thousands of people dying. Anarchy, riots, rape, theft would be an everyday result. I see a group of Americans(Democrats/Republicans) thatsupport the current govt against the other group of Americans(Moderates, Everyone else) that want a change. The people who have been stock pilingweapons/supplies would probably survive, while the regular folks clinging on their laptops, Blackberrys, 360s, Starbucks coffee would probably end up being thefirst casualties.

Just remember America's first revolutionary was a trained military leader...


The question is what event in America could cause us to revolt in this manner and whose going to be our George Washington in this revolution?


^ That was a dope comic. Thanks for sharing.
It's exactly like somebody posted before: All the minorities are divided into many small groups (I mean, there's even rifts within a minorityclassification because of minute crap--light vs dark blacks, Americanized vs un-Americanized immigrants, etc.), and making us all weaker in regards to gettinganything done. When people are ready to view each other as other pro-movement people, and not want them to fail, things can change. However, it would requireblacks, hispanics, gays, different-religious folloers, etc. to unite... and that is next to impossible.
Love the thread.

If any revolution starts it's gonna have 2 come from those who have nothing. Unfortunately those people aren't aware of just how bad we are beingtreated. There is nobody there to tell them listen this isnt acceptable, something has to be changed and the truth is for most of america a leader is needed.There has to be someone to openly state "We need Change, America is broken". Sadly in this Era The revolution must be televised in order for it tooccur

For Example Take a guy like 2pac, He in all seriousness is the closest thing to a revolutionary this generation has saw. He had the ability to really make achange in this world, Even in a time where people were distracted by media, his message was getting through. He was an exception to the rule and sadly he waskilled before he reached it
Cartoon was ill, totally right. Children would be so much better off, if they learned the power of boredom, unfortunately humans today are captivated by thethrill of constant entertainment.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Its actually the other way around. I'm the only white one in a pack of angry blacks.
Airmaxpenny is white tho'
I prefer Pigmently Challenged
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

anyways, theres no need for revolution right now

Another head in the sand.

I hate the idea of giving up on society and chalking them up as being too complacent and lazy, but there are far more of them than there are of us.

I'm sitting in a commons area at my school, and almost everybody around looks terry cloth. The "work/school, TV, repeat" crowd. This post has motivated me.

Head in the sand

you dont know me at all Russ. i love and value my life, how amazing is it that we are all managing to exist during the same sliver of time?? With that said, ilove learning about life. What good would a revolution do? Who has a better plan to run this world? What can you accomplish with a revolution that you cantaccomplish peacefully? Come on now
that comic strip was epic

you always hear 1984 got it right and not brave new world. good argument though
Both of my parents used to be Panthers and there is a reason why the USE to be. They finally realized that blaming things on the white man didn't get themanywhere.

My father was a good friend of Eldridge Cleaver. Good man, right there. Got to pick his brain when I was younger before he died.
What are people suppose to do?

I read the comic posted above and it was just normal activities. Whats up with the one with the guy working out........

It's impossible not to be affected. I can't think of anyone or anything which does not support the comic posted. There is no way around it
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

What are people suppose to do?

I read the comic posted above and it was just normal activities. Whats up with the one with the guy working out........

It's impossible not to be affected. I can't think of anyone or anything which does not support the comic posted. There is no way around it

If you read both books, then you would understand it.
What may be considered a revolution in the Black community may not be considered a revolution in the gay and lesbian community, and so forth.
That doesn't really matter tho. If it is a true revolution it'll eventually effect all groups who initially thought"they're" revolution didn't concern them.

America's revolution wasn't just for America, the renaissance didn't only effect Europe and so on and so forth.

I'm not one for labels but if were separating ppl in w/e groups it'll just be a game of dominoes.
I'd like to set in the motion the idea that ABH has to make a minimum of 1 thread like this per week.

Always interesting stuff ..
I have the book a Brave New World...but I never finished it..I'm going to reread it again..

Knowledge is Power.

REAL Power is People.

REAL Power is People.

REAL Power is People.
This thread is the truth. In America we don't control the government they control us and unfortunately it seems like it won't change any time soon.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]We Get Money[/color]...that was a dope strip.

Since overzealous people are leaking my (copyrighted) work like Jay-Z albums, I might as well give my people a sneak peak at an upcoming project, which relatesto the subject matter of the comic...

Spoiler [+]

An earlier version got a full page spread in September's Advanced Photoshop Magazine....


Hopefully you guy support my vision once the product drops. A large amount of any profits will be going to charitable causes (schools, food programs and after school activities)

I'm aiming to shake up the game.

Its due for a REVOLUTION too...
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