Do you normally go for girls that look just as good as you

im not ugly by any means but im just average/ordinary. so yeah i have to go for girls who look better, cause im not attracted to ordinary chicks at all
and im not super picky but my girl HAS to have some @#$. doesnt have to be huge or anything but flat butts just really disgust me

i cant stand unintelligent pretty girls though. i mean just to smash is cool but id take a 7 with brains over an airhead 10

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by BallinB

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star Psych we learned that people usually go for those that they deem are on the same plane

I think this is very true, the woman I eventually marry will be on the same attractivenes level as me in my opinion
They let you marry animals in Orlando?

this is coming from a dude who trys to emulate a cab driver

I actually like nerdy types, maybe because they seem like virgins so that makes them
but a nice body is always a plus
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

im not ugly by any means but im just average/ordinary. so yeah i have to go for girls who look better, cause im not attracted to ordinary chicks at all
and im not super picky but my girl HAS to have some @#$. doesnt have to be huge or anything but flat butts just really disgust me

i cant stand unintelligent pretty girls though. i mean just to smash is cool but id take a 7 with brains over an airhead 10


Some of you are so strict with your standards.
But then again, the question becomes what is the minimum requirement of how much +$+ is +$+? It is different from person to person. That also does not apply only to girls. I like it when men have butts too. Ok, if the guy ends up with a flat butt, I will squirm, but it is not a deal breaker or anything. It has to be something I can grab on to. But, if I grab and it is just a deflated terrain, no biggie.

When it comes to me, I also need to be physically atrracted to the guy on some level, but there is of course more to that. There needs to be some chemistry and I have to hit it off with you. I can meet a beautiful physically looking man, but if I can't get with you on a deeper level than that, then it can only get so far and it falls flat between us. You have to work with more than just looks. 

It seems like to me that it is men who mostly rely on looks and physical attraction to the opposite sex. For women, it seems to be not as important. They tend to go more for personality, security and stability.
A bag of fruity Skittles to any dude who sits down and wants to compare his "prettiness" to mine.
For the sake of simplicity I'm going to rate myself a 7.

If I just wanna smash, I go after 5's and 6's, maybe an occasional 7 if she's drunk.

If I'm looking for wifey, I go after 7's and 8's.
Yea usually.... its funny cuz me n my girl stay pointin out mismatched couples for laughs

but can somebody explain to me how the ugliest dudes who you know not gon pull a dime holla at chicks and then have the nerve to feel played after the girl gives them cold shoulder....
I never knock what another dude has done to get a high quality (looks) female. He could have used his $, his mouth (sexual and non-sexual), or something else. I don't believe in the mismatch theory. Everyone is fair game. I understand what you are trying to say but it doesn't annoy me the way I have read it annoys some of you. That man just did whatever he had to do to get that girl.

But also remember, just because you see a girl with someone doesn't mean she is his girl nor does it mean she is really interested in him. In this age of dudes giving women unwarranted amounts of $ just for the sake of their company, I don't try to read into every couple that walks by.
I think it has more to do with what you can get rather then what you go after. Example, if you are a 6 and go after a 10 you probably won't score them most of the time, or if you go after a 3 you will probably get tired of them quickly...... which leads to the girls who are rated most closely to you as the likely result.

Also I never hate if I see fat or ugly dudes with a nice chick, I usually give them the head nod on approval or a smirk
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I never knock what another dude has done to get a high quality (looks) female. He could have used his $, his mouth (sexual and non-sexual), or something else. I don't believe in the mismatch theory. Everyone is fair game. I understand what you are trying to say but it doesn't annoy me the way I have read it annoys some of you. That man just did whatever he had to do to get that girl.

But also remember, just because you see a girl with someone doesn't mean she is his girl nor does it mean she is really interested in him. In this age of dudes giving women unwarranted amounts of $ just for the sake of their company, I don't try to read into every couple that walks by.
thats some of the realest **** i ever heard from DC
The problem with the concept of mismatches, who deserves who, etc. is that there are so many criteria that it's hard to judge. A dude might be ugly, but could be 6'5" and swole. A chick might be plain as hell in the face, but have a mean chest game or crazy bunz. Plus money, personality, status, socioeconomic factors, and location all play into the equation. There's really no way you can say what equals what.

But at the same time, I know damn well when a chick is out of my league.
I have 2 tests I give:
-the ugly/not ugly test. It doesn't matter if she's a 1.2 or a 9.99995...I couldn't even seriously begin to tell you if the girl I just saw was an 8, 5, or anything else. If she looks good to me then she looks good to me, nothing else needs to be said.

-the communication test. If we can have a comfortable conversation I'm good. If I approach you and you click with my sense of humor/easy to carry casual conversation with(assuming she passed the ugly test), I'm likely to go after that number.

once I've accumulated all these numbers I don't play favorites really, I just go about my life, and whoever seems to stay relevant is who I go for. I figure they're relevant still for some reason after I've shown interest, we can work it out.

maybe that's just me, but I aint complicating **@%...if she wants to be part of my personal life it's not hard(well technically it IS, know what I mean), but I'm not gonna do anything special or crazy or out my way in general. I'm not a picky person 
^ Don't act like yall don't know the difference between a 5 and a dime. That's like saying there's no difference between JJ Barea and Kobe Bryant. I'm not saying you should treat them any different, but you know who you got a better shot at.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by BallinB

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star Psych we learned that people usually go for those that they deem are on the same plane

I think this is very true, the woman I eventually marry will be on the same attractivenes level as me in my opinion
They let you marry animals in Orlando?



Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Mmmm never thought of this. Thou 95% of the time I only get @ women I know won't reject me. That play the chase $@#+ is not fun to me.Makes me doubt myself even more SMH.

damn... thought i was the only one... playin hard to get is a turn off...

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Originally Posted by GrizztheBoss

as horrible as it sounds no I go for the ones that are like a 6 or 7

Dude this is NT, you're supposed to say no to 9's because their fingernails aren't up to par. Come on

hahahah.... so true.... lol...

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

This is why I've been so pissed lately... cause I went for an average-looking girl and still got shot down, SMH.

 i know, g... smh...

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

^ Don't act like yall don't know the difference between a 5 and a dime. That's like saying there's no difference between JJ Barea and Kobe Bryant. I'm not saying you should treat them any different, but you know who you got a better shot at.

I know a dime looks better than the 5, but to sit there and say "she's a dime, she's twice as beautiful as this girl who is a 5 in comparison"...nah, and I really don't care all that much to figure it out. Either she's cute or she's not, I'll always be able to spot many females that look better than the next one, so ranking them "the top of the top" as a dime would be is stupid to me and I don't do it.

and as for who I have a shot with, it's all about communication for me, as long as you show them you can communicate, they will be happy, and as long as they're happy...well they're happy and that'll make ME happy. It's REALLY not that hard or that deep, some of you guys make it like it's some life-threatening process, just take it for what it is. You came in this world without that one female and you'll leave the world without her, don't dive too deep in finding that one female. It's not a game, it just is what it is.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

^ Don't act like yall don't know the difference between a 5 and a dime. That's like saying there's no difference between JJ Barea and Kobe Bryant. I'm not saying you should treat them any different, but you know who you got a better shot at.
ehh.. personally i dont judge whether i have a shot with a girl based on how she looks. i judge based on her attitude and how guarded/open she seems, and her circle of friends.

we all know there are some girls who are practically untouchable because they move in tight cliques.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Better. I can't be looking better than my girl.
This. Quality > Quantity.
my friends always hate on me for hitting on the baddest girls on campus
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