Do you really care if white ppl use the "N-Word"

not at all.

used to work with a yt guy that referred to himself and his close friends/ family as n-words

he also knew SEVERAL “white Mike’s”

paint that picture
I thought this was bout the UVA Girls lacrosse team sining along to Lil Dickys "freaky Friday" on snapchat.

I went to a High School on he Nawf West of Houston and blacks were the minority but the area was very diverse, lots of middle class white families and low income to low middle class black families. Blacks had a very strong influence on the school. White kids and mexican kids would refer to each other as ninjas.

The older I get he less I care. Only time anyone would get a reaction out of me is if they physically put their hands on me.

What I absolutely HATE is when Africans use it towards one another. I had to check my little cousin fo saying it. You’ll be a man not a damn *****. I’m trying to engrain that in his head early.

As a Nigerian man born here I’m in no position to say what blacks should say or shouldn’t say to one another but my two cents is as a collective; if blacks continue to call each other it then everyone else will get more comfortable saying it.

I’ve been in situations where it’s just my homie and I and we’re out to eat around a whole Bunch of white people and he’ll throw it in every other sentence. I get this weird feeling as if they WANT us to keep saying it towards each other. I can’t think of another race that’s calls each other by a negative turned “positive” term maybe I’m wrong.

I also think it’s easier to fight one another, steal, rob, mistreat one another if we look at one other as ****** rather than brother and sister. Too many ****** not enough brothers out here.

That’s my 2 cents
Well, folks speak the truth when they are drunk. What did you do/say?

Did she stop after she said it and said it was an accident?
I was driving at the time, in an upscale neighborhood (enemy territory)

Not going to lie, it took a lot not to smack the **** out of her. Broke up with her the next day.

She was very apologetic, I was drunk, been mad at things for a while blah blah....
I remember when JLO said it in her song "I'm Real" back in the early 2k's, there was mixed emotions about it. If that song were to drop today, I don't think it would fly.
This topic crossed my mind earlier. So people that have a problem with white people singing the n word in a rap song, do you get rustled when it's in a club or something and everyone is singing?
This topic crossed my mind earlier. So people that have a problem with white people singing the n word in a rap song, do you get rustled when it's in a club or something and everyone is singing?
So u think it’s ok for anyone
Black people included
To use it
At this point I've given up on the topic.
I always thought it was bizarre how it's only disrespectful based on the race of the person saying it vs the context. I was against it for the longest and didn't say it.

Like many other issues, i think now is the best it's gonna get. People gonna keep saying it on private, people gonna always say it on clubs. I just wonder if any of the NT panthers gonna check people in a club.
At this point I've given up on the topic.
I always thought it was bizarre how it's only disrespectful based on the race of the person saying it vs the context. I was against it for the longest and didn't say it.

Like many other issues, i think now is the best it's gonna get. People gonna keep saying it on private, people gonna always say it on clubs. I just wonder if any of the NT panthers gonna check people in a club.
I’m not a *****
so I would
I know for a fact i couldn't date a girl that used it, regardless of race. I can't exactly explain why, but it won't happen.
360waves 360waves

Funny you seem to see this as an AA issue and not a worldwide black issue. You even refer to black americans as black and you as other (african). wtf???

An african in europe today and an african during colonization fully understand the meaning and history behind the word while simultaneously feeling the wrath of it.

Anyway, in my younger more vigilant stages (high school and college) i didnt use it and did not permit anyone around me to use it.

Nowadays, I aint getting locked up for it but if someone gets folded for saying it, i aint eem mad.
Living in the bay, I've literally seen almost every race use the N word and nobody really makes a fuss about it.
In casual conversation, yeah.

In music? No. I was just thinking about this after watching that lacrosse team on snapchat..

Rap is one of the most dominant music genres on the planet rn, if not the most dominant. With how often the word is used in it expecting people to moderate themselves constantly is irrational. We can't own the word forever
I know mad Hispanics that use it. **** is crazy. I feel like **** for not stepping in and saying anything, but on the other hand theyre not exactly doing much with their lives so I couldn't care less.
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