Do you share a bed with ya boy on trips to save costs

I don't understand it, why can't dudes just respect straightness? It's like it's a crime to be straight. I respect homosexuality, lesbianism and bi-sexuality. My problem is why can't these sexual orientations respect my affinity for heterosexuality? 

If a lesbian went on a trip with one of her straight male friends and asked this question, she'd be labeled "confused" and the guy would be called an interloper. 
Same from homosexual guys who have straight friends, the gay guy would be accused of trying to convert the straight guy. 

I honestly believe as I stated and ksteezy stated it's about PERSONAL SPACE. To call someone homophobic because they're straight as an arrow and want person space says more about your own sexuality than theirs. I'm content and secure with my heterosexuality, why can't some people just accept that? 

Heterosexuality has been vilified in this progressive era it seems. Is it okay for me to like like vagina? Is it okay that I don't want another man in my bed staring in my eyes first thing in the morning? 

No means no, hit that floor or that cot, can you sexual orientations respect my anus? Where's my support group?

You two flip flop back and forth like you're on some crusade to make sharing a bed in a hotel a felony in the US

Why do you guys care so much what someone else does?
yeah you right 

. But one would think that common sense would just squash the dilemma. One person takes the floor while one takes the bed. Simple solution, but I forgot where I was.

I'm baffled myself beh...:smh:
ive come to the conclusion that the generation gap between the 80s babies and 90s babies is almost ions, sharing a bed intentionally with your friend, come on lil dudes step it up.


before "gay" was this thing to be put under the microscope people could do tons of things without being questioned on their sexuality.

now-a-days if two kids are play fighting or wrestling on the floor "Man you're hugging each other and rolling around, what are you gay?" :rolleyes

grow the **** up.

it's cheap, it's uncomfortable.You do w hat you gotta do but to imply there's anything beyond wanting to sleep for a few hours and carry on with a day shows some issues with a lot of your brains.
yeah you right 

. But one would think that common sense would just squash the dilemma. One person takes the floor while one takes the bed. Simple solution, but I forgot where I was.

I'm baffled myself beh...:smh:

Baffled by paying for a room to sleep on the floor. A a hotel floor at that. Might as well be sleeping on concrete.
Almost 20 pages. Both sides of this conversation are hilarious.

"You'd share a bed? You gay."

"You wouldn't share a bed? You insecure."

:lol: :lol:

The most interesting part of this thread is the heated shower floors.
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Fam werent you in the POF thread justifying knocking down 2's and 3's that you've never even met? :lol:

The thirst. It's real.

What does that have to do with sharing a bed with another grown man?

I see dudes are trying to attack from all different angles...but if I smash a 2 or 3 and and she hits the road and I never talk to her again that's more respectable to me than two grown men sharing a bed on vacation.

Nice try though. I said the 2 or 3 is good company for a night, and we don't even share a bed after I get done smashing.

I don't even like to share a bed with a chick unless that's wifey...but that's not even on my radar now so you sound even more foolish.

I smash chicks from the range of 2-10 it doesn't matter. I'm still on body counts honestly.
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What does that have to do with sharing a bed with another grown man?

I see dudes are trying to attack from all different angles...but if I smash a 2 or 3 and and she hits the road and I never talk to her again that's more respectable to me than two grown men sharing a bed on vacation.

Nice try though. I said the 2 or 3 is good company for a night, and we don't even share a bed after I get done smashing.

I don't even like to share a bed with a chick unless that's wifey...but that's not even on my radar now so you sound even more foolish.

I smash chicks from the range of 2-10 it doesn't matter. I'm still on body counts honestly.

Would you go to sixflags with your boys and sit next to him on a rollercoaster or na? :rolleyes
I don't even wanna know why this thread is 13 pages...

My friends & I had to go this route a coupe times for spring break in school. Just didn't have the money at the time, the struggle was real but we still had a lot of fun. It was no big deal though, we're all straight and secure. If we brought girls back, we worked it out. Never was an issue if we had to share beds.

Since everyone started making money, that's never been the case. Random trips, bachelor parties, etc.
There's nothing gay about sharing a bed.

It's a personal space issue.

But if I know I'm only gonna crash for an hour or so then there's no reason to pay double to have my own bed.

We just grab a long body pillow and put it in between and each stay in our lane for a quick nap
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Would you go to sixflags with your boys and sit next to him on a rollercoaster or na?
Get outta here with that bruh. 

Not even in the same ballpark and you know it.  

Two grown men sharing a bed is not a good look. No matter how you try to slice it up. 

On my senior beach trip in high school it was five of us. 

My brother gets the master room because he's older, and he was somewhat looking out for us. 

I got the room with my friend, but there were two beds in the room. The other two dudes had to work it out between the sofa bed, or hit the floor. 

The dude who didn't get the sofa bed happily obliged to sleep on the floor. Wasn't even an issue for him. As a matter of fact there was no discussion on sharing a bed, it was common sense that somebody was gonna have to hit the floor. 
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What does that have to do with sharing a bed with another grown man?

I see dudes are trying to attack from all different angles...but if I smash a 2 or 3 and and she hits the road and I never talk to her again that's more respectable to me than two grown men sharing a bed on vacation.

Nice try though. I said the 2 or 3 is good company for a night, and we don't even share a bed after I get done smashing.

I don't even like to share a bed with a chick unless that's wifey...but that's not even on my radar now so you sound even more foolish.

I smash chicks from the range of 2-10 it doesn't matter. I'm still on body counts honestly.

My point is this:

Why are you judging the actions of another man when you yourself engage in HIGHLY questionable behavior on a regular basis? You say "dudes will try to justify anything.." when the justification of smashing 2's is so much more of a reach than sleeping in a bed with your boy if the situation calls for it. Yall are FRIENDS and it is a place to sleep. Its never something i would plan on , but if im tired as hell im tired as hell and im liable to knock on any bed in sight.

And fam. If you smash 2's, you dont smash 10's. :lol: :lol: No sane man would do such a thing. And if that is indeed true, you need to get your sexual urges under control. All up on dating websites smashing disgusting females with no shame or remorse? LOL

Option A: sleep in a bed with your good friend.

Option B: smash a 200lb swamp donkey who you just met over the internet.

Youre taking option B? :x :x
My point is this:

Why are you judging the actions of another man when you yourself engage in HIGHLY questionable behavior on a regular basis? You say "dudes will try to justify anything.." when the justification of smashing 2's is so much more of a reach than sleeping in a bed with your boy if the situation calls for it. Yall are FRIENDS and it is a place to sleep. Its never something i would plan on , but if im tired as hell im tired as hell and im liable to knock on any bed in sight.

And fam. If you smash 2's, you dont smash 10's.
No sane man would do such a thing. And if that is indeed true, you need to get your sexual urges under control. All up on dating websites smashing disgusting females with no shame or remorse? LOL

Option A: sleep in a bed with your good friend.

Option B: smash a 200lb swamp donkey who you just met over the internet.

Youre taking option B?
Dude if you go back to where I said I rock with a 2 or 3 occasionally...I always said I don't **** with fat chicks. 

That was rule # 1. Frankly, you really don't know what I smash, and my definition of a 2 or 3 could be your 6-7. 

I posted a chick in TAY that I was rocking with, and I would say she's a 6. Since you're keeping tabs on my preference of women, check her pic out. That 6 could be a 8 to you. 

You can sleep in the bed with your good friend all you want bruh bruh, that's something I just don't do. 
Swamp donkey...

As if I posted any pic of the chicks I've been hitting except that one chick in TAY, and just because I say a chick is a 2-3 doesn't mean she has to be fat. 

Next time do your homework before coming at me about the chicks I'm hitting, then you would know from the gate that I've always said fat chicks were a no go. 

I base the 2-3 rating off of facial features, not physique. 
I just think it's hard to tell someone who works hard 51 weeks a year and just wants to get to the beach or something small that because he shares a room he shouldn't be entitled to a vacation

If that person saves $300 that's probably their spending money for the vacation

It's hard out there and that little time away can mean a lot to some people
Stop frontin too nooera...if that's you in your avy...please cut it out. 


My b, that's Joel Ortiz. 
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There's nowhere you are staying in the US where you are saving $300 by getting a single instead of a double. Too lazy or not knowing to call ahead of time and get the double or atleast have them bring you a rollout, perhaps, but it's not thrifty nor if it efficient. With PriceLine name your own price or Hotwire deals, you can book 3.5+ star chains like the Omni, Sheraton, Radisson, Wyndham, etc. for under $100 a night in any US city, even in NYC (well I was in L.I.C, Queens technically). If you are sharing a bed, I'm not going to call you gay that's a step too far, but a bit unprepared and didn't do your research absolutely fits
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