Do you share a bed with ya boy on trips to save costs

Man i had to do this the first time i went overseas for vacation.
We stayed at a hostel and i was the last one to come home :smokin
They was four of us in the room and dude had left a tiny spot on the bed >: so i was like f**** that and slept on the floor. But the floor was stone and it was crazy uneven >D

I couldnt sleep so i hopped in the bed and slept feet to head 8)
ol boy had morning wood tho :x
d*** all on my back |I

never again.
Why you dudes keep talking about cuddling?
Did poor people cuddle with their cousins when they all slept on the same bed together?

Pretty sure it's a queen bed anyways. Is it ideal to share a bed with your boy? No.
Is it the end of the world if that scenario came up? No.

You dudes so against it are practically bursting out the closet in this thread,

right...cats in here acting like the bed is a damn cot at the Red Cross emergency center

homophobic tendencies really showing in here
I would but then again, I shared my bed with a girl on my last road trip :evil: . I wouldn't mind to save cost as long as he stays on his side.
Man i had to do this the first time i went overseas for vacation.
We stayed at a hostel and i was the last one to come home :smokin
They was four of us in the room and dude had left a tiny spot on the bed >: so i was like f**** that and slept on the floor. But the floor was stone and it was crazy uneven >D

I couldnt sleep so i hopped in the bed and slept feet to head 8)
ol boy had morning wood tho :x
d*** all on my back |I

never again.
:rofl: :x
This thread should not be 16 pages

Dude, we should get a room and discuss this matter in the morning, Pricelined us a room with one full size bed. They offered us a couch pullout but we don't need none that useless junk, let's get some sleep bro. 
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Dude, we should get a room and discuss this matter in the morning, Pricelined us a room with one full size bed. They offered us a couch pullout but we don't need none that useless junk, let's get some sleep bro. 

You try way too hard
Lighten up gaiz...Love you.

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Look at that gay nonsense.

they're practically dreaming about each other. I mean it's cool being gay and all but if you're going to be gay like this at least be gay on two different floors.


what happens if he rolls over in his sleep? is he going to roll back over after bumping into his friend?!!!
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Why you dudes keep talking about cuddling?
Did poor people cuddle with their cousins when they all slept on the same bed together?

Pretty sure it's a queen bed anyways. Is it ideal to share a bed with your boy? No.
Is it the end of the world if that scenario came up? No.

You dudes so against it are practically bursting out the closet in this thread,

so you tryinna tell me as an adult with a job, planning a VACATION you think its ok for your mans to share a bed with you?....would YOU going on vacay share a bed with me for the sake of saving 200$ only arguing the whole vacation scenario, a premeditated event that was planned for months in advance where dudes made the conscious decision to say, "yo dawg, lets be frugal and cram up into one room" you know damb well thats not flying.

im not talking about your boy passing out drunk/high and you sharing a corner of your bed with him, college students out on a road trip/springbreak saving their pennies for liquor, or our less fortunate cousins back in the motherland, im talking dudes like you and me, making a good living, working approaching their 30's being cheap as hell, compromising on sleeping arrangements but spending 1k on clothes for that same trip.

why can't you just accept the fact that some people are more comfortable with sharing a bed with their homie, regardless of age. i'm not even talking about homophobia. some people just don't need all that space and don't mind.

you want your space on a vacation. you would rather spend extra money for your own bed. thats cool and understandable. why can't you see it the other way?

you're constantly spouting your opinion, and yet trying to throw shade at others. ie "you're too broke to go on vacation"
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why can't you just accept some people are more comfortable with sharing a bed with their homie, regardless of age. i'm not even talking about homophobia. some people just don't need all that space and don't mind.

you want your space on a vacation. you would rather spend extra money for your own bed. thats cool and understandable. why can't you see it the other way?

you're constantly spouting your opinion, and yet trying to throw shade at others. ie "you're too broke to go on vacation"

im not trying to change anyone, it doesnt bother me one bit, but im entitled to an opinion just like you with yours and everyone else, OP stated a scenario and asked us all what we thought, whats the problem again?.....ya want everyone to have the same opinion on all subjects and start throwing personal jabs when dudes dont agree and ya really cant counter the argument because both sides are right to an extent.
Why you dudes keep talking about cuddling?
Did poor people cuddle with their cousins when they all slept on the same bed together?

Pretty sure it's a queen bed anyways. Is it ideal to share a bed with your boy? No.
Is it the end of the world if that scenario came up? No.

You dudes so against it are practically bursting out the closet in this thread,

so you tryinna tell me as an adult with a job, planning a VACATION you think its ok for your mans to share a bed with you?....would YOU going on vacay share a bed with me for the sake of saving 200$ only arguing the whole vacation scenario, a premeditated event that was planned for months in advance where dudes made the conscious decision to say, "yo dawg, lets be frugal and cram up into one room" you know damb well thats not flying.

im not talking about your boy passing out drunk/high and you sharing a corner of your bed with him, college students out on a road trip/springbreak saving their pennies for liquor, or our less fortunate cousins back in the motherland, im talking dudes like you and me, making a good living, working approaching their 30's being cheap as hell, compromising on sleeping arrangements but spending 1k on clothes for that same trip.

In Vegas (or trips similar) I'm ok with sharing because I barely sleep if at all

But a real vacay I'm spending the extra dough to have my own bed.

But I understand the other viewpoint, if these dudes are ok with sharing a bed and having limited space for 6-8 hours x multiple nights then more power to them. I just think it's foolish to not put yourself in the most relaxing situation on a vacation
its hilarious when some of you wave the flag of good guy and claim to be the one to not pass judgement on what another man decides to do, yet 95% of the members in this board that are active have passed judgement on the homie Ninjahood, myself included....lets stop being hypocrites, if a grown man with a paying job planning a vacation wants to save a few dollars and in return is willing to share a bed with his boy, im calling that dude CHEAP and ridiculous, very little to do with sexuality or whatever ya been claiming for the past 16 pages.
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