Do you still use the N word?

I commend the OP for his efforts, especially for not looking down on or telling others not to use it. this is a perfect example of how good people are goodpeople regardless of race, etc. props to you sir
I'm white and never understood why black people say it to eachother even as the OP pointed out as a term of "endearment" and I don't everexpect to understand it because I am white and have no idea what it's like to be black.
but I do like the logic of kicksgetmehigh.. "If I don't wanna hear other races saying it.... then theres no point of me saying it."
Originally Posted by punisha15

I have switched to using "president."

Over the last few years I tried to slow it down. I used it every other word in high school but now only in certain situations (violence, promiscuity,irrational behavior).
No. stopped using it for two reasons.

1. i felt stupid saying it. after awhile every sentence i made had the n word in it.
2. white people felt the need to say it only after i said it. catz felt it was cool to say it around's not
"I say it a hundred times every morning, makes my teeth white N-N-N-N-N-N" Paul Mooney

But really I've cut back on my usage, I used to just say it all the time.
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