Do you still use the N word?

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

i'm black, and it used to slip when i was around my boys, but i have basically eliminated it from my vocabulary because i'm pretty much in a predominantly white, educated environment these days.
Ive said it once, but it wasnt even on purpose lol, I was gonna say something then changed the word while it was comin out my mouth and ended up soundin likethe N word lol

Im white, but my black friends stay callin me N all the time. I dont really care, but I would personally NEVER say it, and i hate when other races do.

however if its supposed to be no longer negative, everyone or no one will have to use it, nothing in between
LMAO at more than slave traders

"I use N every day makes my teeth white"-Paul Mooney
Some peoples ages are showing.
Originally Posted by T11Time

"I use N every day makes my teeth white"-Paul Mooney
Basically. Who knows, if I say it enough I might actually be able to summon a militia

I also encourage other races to say it as much as they can.
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