Do you still use the N word?

Only used it a hand full of times in my life.... and thats is u include the ending with a.... never the ending with er... never meant in a demeaning manor yeta word such as homie or something for my people (click) or a person. (Haven't in atleast 4-5 years.)
From time to time...when it's needed.

When people act like one...

or when addressing a good friend.

and i'm black, if that matters...
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

dude and n word
same here
Bothers me when I talk to people who use it excessively. Like every other sentence, especially when there latino and they say it smh
Nope, not really. I hardly ever type it or say it. It does sound mad annoying when people be using raquetly n their not even black.
I don't want anyone to call me it, so why use the word and promote it's use? I hope anyone who uses it wouldn't get mad if they're called it byanyone of any race. That's the way I feel...
Some of my friends use it, and they're filipino
. It's so weird cuz the black friends that i have don't say it.

I personally don't use it, its too akward for me to say.
I forgot to say I tend to make the -er abundant to certain ppl I find to be the epitome of a +$+@+.
I use the N word but only as a term of endearment. I dunt over use the word nor did I ever, but it is a part of my vocab.
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