do you support universal healthcare in the U.S.?????

Feb 18, 2007
I do, im so jealous of my uncle who lives in the US illegally but then goes back to canada whenever he's ill. I need to get my wisdom teeth out but %*@costs mad paper.
hard to say. the financial incentive in a non-universal health care setting
promotes innovation in medical procedures and drug development. but
that doesn't necessarily justify allowing 47 million or so Americans to be
People come from around the world to get treated in the US. The system is not perfect but it has produced the best medicine and treatment. If you're evertravelling abroad and have to go to a hospital...with little exception: RIP.
At the end of the day, I'm against it. However, I think most people need to understand what universal healthcare in the US would entail before making adecision. It really isn't some cut and dry issue.
If it is done correctly then it will be good. If people really think about it, the uninsured is one of the reasons for the rise in costs and also this will bewhere epidemics will take hold in our country. Quality healthcare should be a right in our society. I think that the currently plan set out by President Obamahas the best chance to succeed because it is regulated competition with a system check with the public option to keep costs down. There could definitely beabuse within the system but there is abuse and fraud in everything.
Originally Posted by infamousod

People come from around the world to get treated in the US. The system is not perfect but it has produced the best medicine and treatment. If you're ever travelling abroad and have to go to a hospital...with little exception: RIP.

Tired of this excuse.
I few people come from out the country and thats suppose to speak for everyone in it.
Originally Posted by infamousod

People come from around the world to get treated in the US. The system is not perfect but it has produced the best medicine and treatment. If you're ever travelling abroad and have to go to a hospital...with little exception: RIP.

Are you talking third world countries? People travel to European countries as well for health care. I just moved back to the US from Europe and it'snothing like you make it.
A thought:

The funny thing about a lot of the business community is that on one hand, they argue (perhaps correctly) that healh care costs will come down when individualschoose a healthy lifestyle, yet at the same time love when McDonald's and YUM! Brands are on a rally. That is free market capitalism for you.
i don't believe in forcing people to pay for healthcare. but making it affordable to as many people as possible is a good thing.
This system is built upon competition and altruism dosent function along with it's structure.
Originally Posted by soundwave24

If it is done correctly then it will be good. If people really think about it, the uninsured is one of the reasons for the rise in costs and also this will be where epidemics will take hold in our country. Quality healthcare should be a right in our society. I think that the currently plan set out by President Obama has the best chance to succeed because it is regulated competition with a system check with the public option to keep costs down. There could definitely be abuse within the system but there is abuse and fraud in everything.
BFE. People act like there isn't abuse and fraud in the current system. I'm sorry, but I've always believed that good healthcare foreveryone should be a fundamental right. I think if we take the time to put the best possible system in place then people will see that it won't be so bad.IMO, insurance companies are the scum of the earth; they have a damn license to steal and I think it's time that we do something to lessen the amount ofpower that they do have. It's funny because I hear alot about people traveling OUT of the US to get health procedures done alot more than I hear aboutpeople coming here to get it done.
Lol...people kill me with the "won't be able to see a doctor" thing...seriously? Basically what u are saying is that if u can't afford a gooddoctor u don't deserve to live, or that if a patient comes in with less than average income u won't treat them? Sounds like blatant discrimination tome..
The US is the best place to be educated in medicine..people act like the doctors education will get worse as a result of public health care...I just don'tunderstand..
Mostly yes, every American citizen should be entitled to health care........that being said, a lot of innovations and research in medicine is financiallydriven. I hope the government can afford to pump in as much money into health-care research and development as when health-care was privatized. I also wonderhow doctors will be compensated under this new system
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i don't believe in forcing people to pay for healthcare. but making it affordable to as many people as possible is a good thing.

damn i stay quotin my man

but yea basically what i was gonna say.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by infamousod

People come from around the world to get treated in the US. The system is not perfect but it has produced the best medicine and treatment. If you're ever travelling abroad and have to go to a hospital...with little exception: RIP.

Tired of this excuse.
I A few people come from out the country and thats suppose to speak for everyone in it.
At the end of the day, someone is going to get short-changed. There isn't an answer suitable to everyone. Chalk it up and keep it moving.

In this country we do things to benefit the GREATEST GOOD for the MOST PEOPLE. If you don't like it, tough. Thats what makes us better than everyone else.Thats what makes this country so great.

For all of our faults we still want to make things better. If you don't understand that, you should really evaluate what's important to you and yourfellow man.

For all of the things we can point out that is wrong with this country NONE OF US would want to live ANYWHERE ELSE (aside from a few ...VERY FEW SELECTcountries).

Take it or leave it.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

At the end of the day, someone is going to get short-changed. There isn't an answer suitable to everyone. Chalk it up and keep it moving.

In this country we do things to benefit the GREATEST GOOD for the MOST PEOPLE. If you don't like it, tough. Thats what makes us better than everyone else. Thats what makes this country so great.

For all of our faults we still want to make things better. If you don't understand that, you should really evaluate what's important to you and your fellow man.

For all of the things we can point out that is wrong with this country NONE OF US would want to live ANYWHERE ELSE (aside from a few ...VERY FEW SELECT countries).

Take it or leave it.

You couldnt possibly be talking about America....
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