Do YOU THINK Other Players In The League Resent Steve Nash For.........

I am sure there are guys on every team that thought they deserved it more.

Pretty much like any award.
why doesnt he deserve them? he was the most important player to the team who had the best regular season record for the 1st time he won it. and the second onehe put up even better numbers than the year before and the suns were the #2 seed. it doesnt make sense on why people hate on nashs mvp trophies. he was theclear winner on both seasons. get over it
Originally Posted by khoshabasfinest23

why doesnt he deserve them? he was the most important player to the team who had the best regular season record for the 1st time he won it. and the second one he put up even better numbers than the year before and the suns were the #2 seed. it doesnt make sense on why people hate on nashs mvp trophies. he was the clear winner on both seasons. get over it
well put......
If Nash got 2, Jason Kidd should have like 5
I am not saying he DIDN'T deserve them but I think we all should UNDERSTAND the argument that he didn't deserve them.

That isn't the point of the post though
I'm sure Kidd, Garnett, and Duncan sometimes feel like they should have had one of Nash's two.

And if they do ever think that, they're right.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am not saying he DIDN'T deserve them but I think we all should UNDERSTAND the argument that he didn't deserve them.

That isn't the point of the post though

ok for this to work there has to be some type of statement say why he DIDNT deserve it.
Kidd got robbed for the mvp several times in his career and didnt he get traded for nash once, im sure he has a lil resentment more so than alot of the peoplein the league
I don't think other players resent him so much as they understand that it was all about politics.

Dirty Snake should have easily had Nash's first MVP and it's not even close in my book.

But fresh off of his rape case and it's aftermath, there was NO WAY IN HELL the L was gonna give Hiss that award.
it's a 2 part question:

Q1: how many players in the league didn;t think he deserved it?

A1: some

Q@: Amongst those that didn;t think he deserved it, how many resent him for it?

A2: Very few....maybe the younger, more naive players. Or people that have envy. Or those that just hate Nash. (I don't know why anyone would, he'sseems to be a good team player and not dirty or anything) . Everyone else understands the politics of the league, thus, you can't really resent someone forsomething out of his control. He just went out and played his game for his team.
Hell I resent the NBA for that panel who gave them to him so I'm pretty sure your KG's, Beans, Timmy's , Shaq's. Or the legends who've wononly one or weren't fortunate enough to win any Barkely's, Pat's, Stockton's etc

He barely cracks top 10, if that at his position so no way does he deserve to be mentioned among these players when it all comes to a close. That would beenough to frustrate me.
Seymore , Barkley has a MVP award and Stockton wasn't a MVP caliber player. Now if you would have said Isiah Thomas I would agree with you.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I'm sure Kidd, Garnett, and Duncan sometimes feel like they should have had one of Nash's two.

And if they do ever think that, they're right.

I agree to the point where Garnett had two great seasons both those years..but I don't think he deserved the MVP either of those years (he may havethought he did though). We didn't make the playoffs either of those years so if you're the most valuable player to a team that doesn't make theplayoffs, I'm not sure if you deserve the award.
Don't get me wrong, I love Garnett for what he did for us, but the one year I think he deserved itthe most (03-04) he won it.
I'm sure Kidd, Garnett, and Duncan sometimes feel like they should have had one of Nash's two.

And if they do ever think that, they're right.
K8be wan Kenobi:
Or Shaq, who was robbed in 05.

It's just disgusting that a player who is not even top 5 in his generation has, not 1, but 2 MVPs...

And to add to that, it's disgusting that a player who is arguably the BEST of his generation (I said 'arguably', folks) has, not 2,but 1 MVP.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Dirty Snake should have easily had Nash's first MVP and it's not even close in my book.


My bad. I mixed up the seasons. Shaq should have had the first. Hiss the second.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

why doesnt he deserve them? he was the most important player to the team who had the best regular season record for the 1st time he won it. and the second one he put up even better numbers than the year before and the suns were the #2 seed. it doesnt make sense on why people hate on nashs mvp trophies. he was the clear winner on both seasons. get over it

typical Suns fan on NT... lol at "he was the clear winner" when the race with Shaq was one of the closest in NBA history.

Shaq was robbed, hands down.

Steve Nash played with 2 beasts, Amare averaging 26-9, Marion averaging 19-11. and a future star Joe Johnson adding 17 ppg. don't use the Nash "made those players better" because Amare was a beast before Nash got there, Marion was a 20-10 guy before Nash got there, and Joe Johnson continued to get better after he left the Suns, so he was obviously on track to being a star regardless of whether he played with Nash.

So Nash is playing with 3 stellar players and is only averaging 15-11 (i say "only" because Jason Kidd, Chris Paul, John Stockton, Kevin Johnson isshhhed on those season numbers during their careers, and didn't touch the MVP).

And on top of that, Nash is one of the worst defenders in the history of the NBA by MANY respectable people's accounts (Nash's own college coach said Nash is the worst defender he has ever seen). He is/was such a bad defender that it actually played a factor in many of their close losses.

Shaq averaged 23-10 on the best team in the EC that season, and as the leader on his team he was a beast offensively and defensively. Shaq's 23-10, 59-23 Heat season with D-Wade and uhhh.. Eddie/Damon Jones >>>>> Nash's 15-11, 62-20 season with Amare, Marion, and Joe Johnson

Cosign if someone can break down Kobe's season during Nash's 2nd MVP season, and you will see why Nash robbed 2 people ofMVPs.

My bad. I mixed up the seasons. Shaq should have had the first. Hiss the second.
Nah, I'm saying I was shocked you thought wither should have went to Kobe. Rare to see such objectivity in the Sports forum onNikeTalk anywhere.
Originally Posted by khoshabasfinest23

why doesnt he deserve them? he was the most important player to the team who had the best regular season record for the 1st time he won it. and the second one he put up even better numbers than the year before and the suns were the #2 seed. it doesnt make sense on why people hate on nashs mvp trophies. he was the clear winner on both seasons. get over it

The MVP is supposed to be given to the bestr player in the League, how does a guy who is so 1 dimensional like Nash win 2 MVP's
Seriously, who cares about an MVP. Bill Walton had one of the best quotes ever when in the 1997 Finals he said, "First you win the championship and thenyou win the MVP." Referring to Karl Malone.
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