Does anyone in the NBA want it with Jerry Stackhouse?

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

He patted West on the chest.

He put his hands on Hornacek's throat, and then cheap-shotted Jeff across the face.

But he patted West's chest.


No, he didn't want it. Like I said, West can talk the same crap Hornacek did and Stack is good to go. "C'mon, David, stop talking to me like that. Or I'll... *pats him on the chest*... do that."


Ska when the Hornacek incident took place, Jerry was about 22 years old...when this incident took place, the guy is like what 34?
I hope that he has matured somewhat after 12 years....

BTW, I didn't think that was a cheap shot...they were face to face.
It was a cheap shot.

He was STIFFARMING Hornacek's neck, and Jeff's face was already turned away.

I don't know about YOU, but that tells ME that Hornacek was not wanting to engage in a slugfest. How are you going to hold someone's face away bystiffarming their throat, and then slug right across the jaw... and then expect that to be seen as a fair shot?


Only by the fans.

TO most, that was a cheap shot..
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

It was a cheap shot.

He was STIFFARMING Hornacek's neck, and Jeff's face was already turned away.

I don't know about YOU, but that tells ME that Hornacek was not wanting to engage in a slugfest. How are you going to hold someone's face away by stiffarming their throat, and then slug right across the jaw... and then expect that to be seen as a fair shot?


Only by the fans.

TO most, that was a cheap shot..

I ain't even a fan of Stackhouse, in fact I hate the guy, but that wasn't a cheap shot IMO. Hornacek had his chance to get away from that, but triedto push Stack away by his face. Only time I've actually seen someone get pushed by their face effectively is when Ben Wallace did it to Artest. That mighthave something to do with Hornacek being the 90 lb good boy of the NBA that has never been in a fight in his life, but he had his chance to defend himself.
He was looking AWAY... at the GROUND... with Stackhouse holding his face AWAY.

@ that being a clean shot

@ anyone thinking Stack would ever try something like that to David West

Oh that's right, he patted West's chest.

How cute.
Looked to me as if they both stiff armed each other, but Hornacek left his arm out there just a sec longer.

Didn't appear that he really "looked away", he probably could have seen it out of the corner of his eye but couldn't react quick enough.

Anyhow, I agree that Stackhouse was already locked in and probably knew exactly what he was about to do....Horny didn't see that one (fight) coming at all
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

He was looking AWAY... at the GROUND... with Stackhouse holding his face AWAY.

We must not be watching the same video then. The video I'm watching clearly shows Hornacek with his hand attempting to grab Stack's neck, thenflying up past Stack's face as if his hand slipped right off of Stack's body...After the hand goes sliding off of Stack's body, the punchescome.

And how are you gonna say he's staring at the ground? Take a look at the video again. In the one I'm seeing, Hornacek is looking right at Stack whenthe first punch comes.
O.K., yes, he is looking right at Stack when the first punch comes, but I'm the one that brought 'cheap shot' into the discussion, and I wasn'ttalking about that first punch. I was talking about when Hornacek was looking down and away, and Stack just started going to work.

And gritty, I'll agree that maybe Stack knew what he wanted to do from the beginning ('We're going to fight'), and that may not have been whatHornacek had in mind from the beginning ('We're going to sie each other up real quick and then get back to the game.')

Be that as it may... ... ... ... you need to edit the emoticon out of your sig please. We don't allow pics in sigs, and emoticons count as pics. Thanks,bro.
How is that a cheap shot?
A cheap shot is if you walk up to someone who has no clue of anything and pop'em.
you go to act (appear) to shake they hand and pop'em.

thats about it, not two folks who got they hands on eachother.

I was talking about when Hornacek was looking down and away, and Stack just started going to work.
so Stack was ok throwin the first one, but the second one was bad?
you punch, then i punch, then you punch? is that how its suppose to work?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

O.K., yes, he is looking right at Stack when the first punch comes, but I'm the one that brought 'cheap shot' into the discussion, and I wasn't talking about that first punch. I was talking about when Hornacek was looking down and away, and Stack just started going to work.

I'm not gonna accuse you of thinking this, because I know how you are about this...but I can guarantee you if Stack would have punched Hornacek thefirst time then just backed away, people would be saying he's soft for backing off and not finishing the fight. But since he did what you're supposedto do when a fight occurs, he's throwing cheap shots

And for all this talk that I hear about how rough the NBA used to be, and how teammates used to be down to fight for each other and had each other'sbacks...where the hell are Hornacek's teammates right there? Oh that's right....they were too busy not wantin' it with Stack
Originally Posted by mario23407

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Stack didn't want it...


stack did not back down, he patted west on the chest

I look at the title.... I look at this picture..... I look back at the title.......

yup, its official, David West is quiet comfortable with the fact that HE wants it with Stack, and Stack.... I don'tthink he wants it with West.

-Forget Jeff, and the angle of deviation of his face from the ground, and if that makes it a "sucker punch"
-Forget how much Stack has "matured" and how he made a good choice
-Forget Kirk Snyder's scrub %#%
-Forget all that.

Look at the title.... look at the picture. David West, wants it with Stack. End of story.

I'll edit my sig, no problem
Be that !%@ it may
What's that about??
Yeeeeah... that was definitely supposed to read 'Be that as it may', but apparently I accidentally typed 's' twice, so it was'a__' instead of 'as'.

My fault, man.
SHUGES wrote:
Stack didn't want it...


- i came into this thread just to point this out.....

- always been a semi fan of stack but after the BS he pulled with chris paul im like Stack is an %%*@#$#. D. West should have at least push him in his head,but then i though about who they had to face next round and was like its not even worth it........

- and also to *right click save* that stackhouse gif. ive been looking for that since forever. thanks man.

- i mean damn man what a @++$*%+ punk man. throwing all kinds of elbows and *$!% on Paul. then goes to slap the ball away like a little girl, but when D.Westcomes over.....lets talk about this...
what a punk! any other timeStack would have been trying to catch guys in the tunnel, the bus wherever, why not now?? i hope that dude never gets his championship.....
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I'll edit my sig, no problem
Be that !%@ it may
What's that about??
Yeeeeah... that was definitely supposed to read 'Be that as it may', but apparently I accidentally typed 's' twice, so it was 'a__' instead of 'as'.

My fault, man.

Okay...for a second there I was like Ska is cursing me out
David West is a boxer and not on some he likes to box for fun stuff. It's prettyobvious Stack picks and chooses his battles.

He's like that dude in the hood always mean muggin and talking crazy to he meet somebody who could mess with him. Then it be like "you cool, Irespect you, I wouldn't even wanna do that to you."

But yeah, I'm definitely not doubting that a lot of the NBA don't want it with Stack.
Nowitness, I'm not even gonna lie...I didn't watch that Mavs game nor did I see the replay to really comment on the Stack/West incident.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Yall dudes actin like West was tryin to run up on Stackhouse.
- but thats just it, you dont have to 'run up on' stack to catch hands from him. all you have to do is stand your ground and he becomesoffended and fights. but when D. West stood up to him, now its time to talk......and that my freind is

- Stack made his reputation not us. if you had to run up on stack to catch hands you'd have a point but you dont......
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