Does anyone in the NBA want it with Jerry Stackhouse?

Time to revisit this thread
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

It's pretty sad that the NBA has become so soft that Stackhouse is considered a tough player.

Someone take me back to the 80's where hard fouls weren't flagrants and when players wouldn't complain about 80% of the calls made by officials.
thats alexis texas in ur avy




The question isn't 'Does anyone want it with Stack?'

The question is 'Does Stack want it with anyone who can actually kick his tail?'

And the answer appears to be 'No, he doesn't.'
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02





The question isn't 'Does anyone want it with Stack?'

The question is 'Does Stack want it with anyone who can actually kick his tail?'

And the answer appears to be 'No, he doesn't.'

I mean, they shouldn't have been talking $*%% if they didn't want it. Word to Snyder.

Oh and my dude Stephen G. Jackson is that dude for a reason.
Memphis where'd u find that?

I swear to goodness I've looked all over the net and have never seen the vid online!

Great find my dude
Got damn that left Stackhouse put on dude kills me every single time.
Stack don't want it with them, trust.

That's why we have all these stories of him 'manning up' against guys that don't matter.

Oooooh, Snyder is 6'6", 220. And? Dude doesn't exactly have a reputation of being a bad-a.

Stephen Jackson does. Barkley did. You think those dudes never talked trash to Stack? Of course they did.

But Stack don't want it with them.

He wants it with freaking Hornacek.
^ I agree, man.

Let Stack put his hands on Stephen Jackson's throat like he put his hands on Hornacek's throat.

We'd be reading about where the funeral's going to be.
this guy is like the big dude at the rec center who, if he doesn't get his call, will try to intimidate the smaller ones knowing damn well they aren'tgoing to do anything; they're just out there to make show. somebody needs to give him a hug.
@ u guys arguing over this..who cares...this is the nba not the damn ufc...
@ grittyman..dude is defending stack od
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ I agree, man.

Let Stack put his hands on Stephen Jackson's throat like he put his hands on Hornacek's throat.

We'd be reading about where the funeral's going to be.

What are you talking about, Jackson's track record is a innocent little white boy fan in middle row, who else you know that he's fought in the NBA?Plus dude got punched in the jaw and ran over by a car, and dudes who did it are probably in their homes right now drinking a beer laughing about it.
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