Does everyone cheat in relationships?

I never have and don't plan to. I've come close many times but have never gone through with it. I do feel most people do though and find it very hard to trust most women, ruined a very good relationship before because of it and regret it now. Even after making the mistake once it's still impossible to just blindly trust in someone
I don't. I know how you feel, though, it feels like just about everyone I know has either cheated or been cheated on. I ain't 'bout that life, though.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

I can say that I never have, nor will my morals allow me to do so. And even if I DID, I would not be able to live that @@$% down.

But now a days,cheating seems to be the norm. As if its ok just to go around cheating on your partner just because you can. Everyone I go, I see cheating. The MAJORITY of the men in my family are cheaters (including my dad), a lot of my friends have either cheated or been cheated on, everyone here on NT is smashing chicks with boyfriends.

So do you think that everyone cheats? Is everyone going to be cheated on at least once in their lives?
so true. fml
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by 2o6

i never have and never will cheat on anyone i am emotionally tied with.
i think there is never ever an acceptable or justifiable reason to have sex with anyone behind my girls back. I could never stay with someone who cheated on me either.

btw, speakup, i noticed youve been making a lot of threads about this sort of thing. not to be nosy or anything, but whats been making you think about this so often?

I just have extreme trust issues. I cant trust females (very insecure basically) and Im not with my ex anymore because of that.

I've been driving myself crazy for a loooong time thinking about and fearing being cheated on. My head is killing me

i feel the exact same way man.

always end up making my self od mad and its usually over nothing.
Originally Posted by calibeebee

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

I can say that I never have, nor will my morals allow me to do so. And even if I DID, I would not be able to live that @@$% down.

But now a days,cheating seems to be the norm. As if its ok just to go around cheating on your partner just because you can. Everyone I go, I see cheating. The MAJORITY of the men in my family are cheaters (including my dad), a lot of my friends have either cheated or been cheated on, everyone here on NT is smashing chicks with boyfriends.

So do you think that everyone cheats? Is everyone going to be cheated on at least once in their lives?
so true. fml

I have, several-it's not my moral obligation to make sure women are faithful

If you make that commitment it's your responsibility to see it through
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Most dudes I know in relationships do-So my answer for men is yes-I think most men cheat or would cheat if they had a chance
That's a sad realization.

No, I've never cheated on anyone. I may have hardcore flirted with people but haven't taken it as far as getting physical with someone else who isn't my significant other. All I could think about is how hurt they would be if they found out or how big of a psycho I'd turn into if the tables were turned.
This whole cheating thing is BS.

I used to be like all of you guys.  I actually broke up with my girl of 3 years because I was having urges to sleep with another female.  So i broke up with her to sleep with another girl.  Needless to say it would have been 100x easier to cheat on her apologize and keep it moving.  We are now getting back together after a year break.  As a man I never stopped loving her but I refuse to die with regrets.  Everything is a give and a take and you make calculated decisions in life.  But don't let society dictate what you "should" do.  

People have all these ideals about cheating is wrong because society tells you human's are a monogamous species.  Ignorance is bliss ask adam and eve. 
i do not know if i was cheated on, i do not want to know...

but i cheated once when i was a freshman in college. (relationship was goin downhill)

i didnt have any guilt at all
Cheating is at an all time high because its a zombiehoepocalpyse out here. These females are heathens. They are swallowing and devouring so much man meat its borderline cannibalism. Its like the 60's free love movement with a ratchet twist. Make love to who you see fit but its the deception in the game that trips me out. Literally 95% of the women I have dated in the last two years have had boyfriends that I found out about eventually. I'm like the dude that women want to cheat on their man with and I don't get down like that. Chicks will call or text me with their dude in the shower or at work or in the next room playin 2k. I didn't realize how wild it was until I was single again. In all seriousness young girls are worse than dudes now.if you are under 25 and your girl is cute I PROMISE you at one point or another she was talking to another dude inappropriately via,text,facebook etc. Its too easy to cheat now. There are sooooo many avenues to flirt and spark convos with folks. Hell I think women are easier to get at when they are IN a relationship versus being single wherein they have free reign anyway. I stress to you that I do not talk to girls in any form of a "serious" relationship and I have an uncanny ability to sense when a girl has a dude even though they ALWAYS lie. 100% faithful girls are so rare its crazy. Even "good" girls test it out on the low.
Flirting constitutes as cheating in some cases and at one time or another in a relationship, everyone flirts. It's human nature. It's a matter of showing restraint and keeping from anything escalating to a physical encounter. 
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Cheating is at an all time high because its a zombiehoepocalpyse out here. These females are heathens. They are swallowing and devouring so much man meat its borderline cannibalism. Its like the 60's free love movement with a ratchet twist. Make love to who you see fit but its the deception in the game that trips me out. Literally 95% of the women I have dated in the last two years have had boyfriends that I found out about eventually. I'm like the dude that women want to cheat on their man with and I don't get down like that. Chicks will call or text me with their dude in the shower or at work or in the next room playin 2k. I didn't realize how wild it was until I was single again. In all seriousness young girls are worse than dudes now.if you are under 25 and your girl is cute I PROMISE you at one point or another she was talking to another dude inappropriately via,text,facebook etc. Its too easy to cheat now. There are sooooo many avenues to flirt and spark convos with folks. Hell I think women are easier to get at when they are IN a relationship versus being single wherein they have free reign anyway. I stress to you that I do not talk to girls in any form of a "serious" relationship and I have an uncanny ability to sense when a girl has a dude even though they ALWAYS lie. 100% faithful girls are so rare its crazy. Even "good" girls test it out on the low.

Originally Posted by Buc Em

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Cheating is at an all time high because its a zombiehoepocalpyse out here. These females are heathens. They are swallowing and devouring so much man meat its borderline cannibalism. Its like the 60's free love movement with a ratchet twist. Make love to who you see fit but its the deception in the game that trips me out. Literally 95% of the women I have dated in the last two years have had boyfriends that I found out about eventually. I'm like the dude that women want to cheat on their man with and I don't get down like that. Chicks will call or text me with their dude in the shower or at work or in the next room playin 2k. I didn't realize how wild it was until I was single again. In all seriousness young girls are worse than dudes now.if you are under 25 and your girl is cute I PROMISE you at one point or another she was talking to another dude inappropriately via,text,facebook etc. Its too easy to cheat now. There are sooooo many avenues to flirt and spark convos with folks. Hell I think women are easier to get at when they are IN a relationship versus being single wherein they have free reign anyway. I stress to you that I do not talk to girls in any form of a "serious" relationship and I have an uncanny ability to sense when a girl has a dude even though they ALWAYS lie. 100% faithful girls are so rare its crazy. Even "good" girls test it out on the low.


so true
I dont think I could ever sleep with another man while in a relationship.

I know guys who are in long term relationships with a kid or two and sleep around unprotected like crazy. Its disgusting. If you really love that person or had any respect for them you would never do something like that. I dont care what anyone says theres no excuse bec if tables were turned guys wouldnt know what to do with themselves. Most of these guys who do cheat go fn crazy if they know there girl is flirting never mind anything else. Its just so disrespectful imo.
I know more women who cheat than men who do. Clearly OP's question should've been "is it wrong to cheat?" and I'd say it is. It's a line that I told myself I wouldn't ever cross. But I've dealt with females who were in relationships before, I see that at it not being my problem. If you can't please your girl, there's a reason she's hollerin at me so why would I back down? I feel no remorse in that sense.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Most dudes I know in relationships do-So my answer for men is yes-I think most men cheat or would cheat if they had a chance

The verdict is still out on women, I'd say like 50 percent of women cheat
Completely agree!!
I do not see the point of cheating. Why take the time out to get to know someone establish a relationship go through all of the ups and downs, to cheat it just doesn't make any sense. Yes, I was cheated on and feel the affects of that everyday and it does not get better but worse over time.
Do you ever make positive/happy threads? You always have these sad/depressing situations/threads.

And no, not everyone cheats. If you truly believe in your heart that every man and woman cheats, I feel sorry for you.
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