Does Plies Really Have a Degree in Nursing??

Originally Posted by LDJ

36 OUNCES wrote:
GTEK wrote:
Originally Posted by EdWord

GTEK wrote:
EdWord wrote:
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by THE FAME

This Vid had me like

Just listen to the way he talks and how it contradicts the music breaks throughout the interview.

Real !$%! though, this _ is smart. Plies may not be the realest @!+$% ever, but he know what he doing.

for a "unreal rapper" that was one of the realist inreviews ive seen.He stated that he KNOWS will one day come to an end just like everyone else,puts money in his kids education....and if worse comes to worse he has a degree and can make 100k as a r.n in the most sought after field right now. thats besides the fact that he's dropping his 5th album in 3 years
It doesn't take long to make garbage.
By this logic I assume you have no problems with con-artists or for that matter
anybody who has a degree and puts money in thier kids education.
Talk is cheap and he is doing way more damage then any good he could ever bring to the table. take the good with the bad , if plies can make a kid go bang on someone's grandma.....i blame the wise? who's to say his music is bad?...if its accepted and people are going to the stores and buying the records than thats whats up. if you not buying the record and dont listen to dude , thas cool peronally? i listen to some plies , not a whole lot tho

Music and the media has a huge amount of influence amoung the youth/onlookers.
Parents cannot be there 24/7.
Im tired of this "parenting" excuse making it hard on the parents that really do try today.
This guy in no different than a fraud insurance salesman who
cons masses of their money only to send his child to school and take care of "his" family.
This MF'ers kid getting a full ride to college while yours in jail because he choose
to rid wit da "choppa" with some "goons".
N's need to stop letting this coporate MF'ers sit at the table and feed yall that "its you excuse".
Yeah self-control is in the formula but I'd be damn If I deny these people of their doing also.
Dangling of the carrot.
You wanna set a example? Go make a career out of your degree, send your kid to school,
then tell the same homies who with you now to do what you did.

Plies know better. Rick know better..these police academy, UCF attending mf'ers know what they imposing.
Thats why I don't feel sorry when they come around this way and get that !@# jacked up.

#%%!...Conning people out of insurance and making rap music are two totally different so everything you're saying is completely irrelevant, parents really do need to step up to the plate and take responsibility.

If they (rappers) have the power to manipulate these weak minded a** individuals, then so be it, I don't see how you are trying to advocate ignorant people who listen to ignorant music.

You can apply what my man's Shyne Po said to this topic...

Hip hop ain't responsible for violence in America, Americas responsible for violence in America....

Exactly my man its so funny how every1 is blaming rappers etc for the misogony,violent, and ignorance of todays youth. Half of yall and people who state this are kids themselves let alone parents so how would you know. I have kids most of you guys ages so i think i no a thing or 3 about kids. Plies Jeezy etc aint making kids go sell dope.

When i grew up thats when dope dealing was at its peak, and we had stars famous celebs who did dirt, and where on some real g #+#, not no punk a#$ drive-bys, ski-mask and gloves and sneakin up on ppl, robbin them. This generation to be honest is some punk-a@#, Back in my day ppl snatched chains its just they didnt wait in dark alleys to do it or sneak up on ppl from the back, it was done broad daylight no mask in front of yo face. This 20 something and below generation is some soft panza-a@# es.

As far as parents to busy is bulls$%t, we had less opportunities as far as work,education. You act like these parents are being hosed,chased by dogs,have pipe bombs thrown in there homes,crosses burnt in their yard. We had to work 2 and 3 jobs, yet we didnt act like fools. What has happen is kids are raising kids, thus cant teach them how to be an adult.

Add to the fact parents of this genertion to busy trying to give kids everything they didnt have growing up ie materialistic things, that they 4get to give them the things they did have growing up ie.. discipline, pride in ur culture(women with weaves str8 white women hair, ni%^as shaving facial hair dressin up in monkey suit and tie, trying to impress the man aka look less threatin less ethnic)standing up for urself and community(letting those certain ppl 4rm far east drive out blacks in their communities, opening up the nail salons the cornerstores,wig shops) then take the money and use it to build up an already strong white community.

Its these type of actions/events that make these youngsters act/do what they do. kids nowadays dont wannabe like malcom,like garvey.. they aint tryin 2 stand up for justices n right wrongs, they dont understand adversity and hardship. they have everything easy,handed to them. this generation isnt fightin for ppl getting that top position in a fortune 500 company. instead they will just cut the dreads off shave the beard/goatee tap dance a lil, throw a few yes masters,and take the 100k a yr job. move away out of the community to a side of town,where the ppl dont even want u there. buy a car from a company who dont even respect u. just to feel like u arrived/made it. then they have kids, dont teach them about the hardships, and just spoil them, give them everything they want.

None of this has nuttin 2 do with rappers images,video games etc. Its got to do with instead of trying to have equal rights etc fightin 4 what is right, this generation is more impress with iphones,bmw's,and flashy fad clothing. True rappers all endorse the things, but to say they the blame for the obsessiveness for keeping up with the joneses isnt true. Its the parents who are going out there way 2 apease there kids by making sure they kids live that lifestyle. As a way of saying i dont want u to go thru what i had 2 go thru.

LDJ I agree with the majority of what you said. A lot of parents don't really take the time to train their kids and instill values like previousgenerations and it is really their responsibiltiy to make sure that their kids have their head on straight. I do think it's a bit naive though, whenpeople totally discount the influence of music, movies, video games etc. If you think about all the images and messages thrown at kids 24/7, parents have towork twice as hard to combat that than in the past.
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

I think i read somewhere before that he said ignorance sells so whoever is the most ignorant will be succesful or something like that. Plies the rapper is a gimmick created by a smart man who is getting bread rite now.
/ of discussion. He's pimping the industry the way they pimp the artist.
Could have sworn I said all the blame doesn't fall upon the "rappers".
I don't see how people can deny the influence.
All day on NT you see people talking about how everybody wants to
dress like Kanye or push bricks like their favorite gangster rapper.
You cant even get someguys to say anything bad about "certain" rappers
as if they know them.

But when it comes time to talk about issues like these, everybody acts as if the @#$%
aint there.

And no Hip-hop is not resposible for "violence in America"
But that BS some of your boys putting out to day is not doing us any good.
Now all of a sudden you have to be a weak*** individual to be influenced by a rapper..
which you probably do have to be, but not act like we all weren't there at some point.
Camron had MF'ers who aint never wore pink in they life rocking the @#%#.
50 cent had lil N round here screaming out GGG-unit and making they own lil clicks.
If you put a Lil John song on at the right moment somebody would def end up shot.

Somebody please tell me how Plies or all these gimmick rappers in general is not conning the rap game?
He obviously not who he say he is?
He don't do what he say he doing?
He pushing this entire image that is not him to masses.
We got a "educated" brother fulfilling another ignorant
slang throwing stereotype.
I not trying to hear that "everybody is fake, it's WWE" speech
Cause that is not what hip-hop once was and is supposed to be.

I swear hip-hop fans are the only one who would let something like this pass.
This @!!%% is a clown period.

@ ya for postin thesis statements about Plies contribution to thedownfall of America.
I thought it was well-known that Plies is FRAUD status.

But there was once a time where rap wasnt so damn false.
Hip-hop was the mouth of the youth, minority, ghetto, whatever someone had to express.
But now the game is full of cash driven, stereotype enforcing schemes and gimmicks.
Well the mainstream for the most part.

As for the "just as fake as they are" part of your comment.
Therein lies the problem for the Plies and Rick Ross's of the rap game.
Cats really are out on the block in the streets 24/7,
somepeople actually live what they bragging about
and sooner or later you gonna get confronted.

I completely agree.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

cartune wrote:
Yea its a funny game rap fans need to live vicariously through rappers so they get a lil hurt when they find out the rapper is just as fake as they are.

Care less I can.
Never a fan of bang bang shoot shoot sell sell trash anyway.
Agreed though.
But there was once a time where rap wasnt so damn false.
Hip-hop was the mouth of the youth, minority, ghetto, whatever someone had to express.
But now the game is full of cash driven, stereotype enforcing schemes and gimmicks.
Well the mainstream for the most part.

As for the "just as fake as they are" part of your comment.
Therein lies the problem for the Plies and Rick Ross's of the rap game.
Cats really are out on the block in the streets 24/7,
somepeople actually live what they bragging about
and sooner or later you gonna get confronted.

So in other words you'd rather them really be out there in the streets than rap about it? Is that what you're saying? And btw, when wasthe time when rap wasn't fake? Because we gotta go back to the 80's for that. Probably mid 80's.
Originally Posted by cartune

Da hell this +%$++ got an education? How dare he
^exactly what i was thinking when i read the thread title. ok so lets start dissin brothas for getting a education and making a legal income. seriously people on NT need a reality check. most real business men have a legal income and a few hustles on the side. its amazing how people try to keep usblack men in a box so we can self-destruct. Im not a Plies fan but dont diss the man for having an education and something to fall back on when the gamecollapses. There is nothing fake about having an education. I have three degrees and I used to get busy in the prime of my thugness. How dare i come up andchange my condition.
I Just dont understand... why do people think all thugs/gangstas can't be smart. So apart from the Plies/Jamie Foxx bathroom incident... he is fake becausehe went to college? thats the dumbest thing I think I ever hear. I know thugs and gangstas that be on campus learning in class...... and then selling drugsafter class. you dont have to be dumb to be gangsta. things no rules or certain level of education needed to be gangsta, thug, whatever..
And btw, when was the time when rap wasn't fake? Because we gotta go back to the 80's for that.
We would.

Aint anything wrong with getting a degree and bettering yourself, but no one should be rapping about !$@+ they aint live.
Originally Posted by SEND ONE

And btw, when was the time when rap wasn't fake? Because we gotta go back to the 80's for that.
We would.

Aint anything wrong with getting a degree and bettering yourself, but no one should be rapping about !$@+ they aint live.

Why not ppl act in tv/movies portraying lifestyles they know nuttin about. hell if ppl wanna go there how every1 talking bout rappers etc r fake etc u dontlike plies,gucci etc u cant relate to them, majority of u guys,hell and rap purchasers cant relate 2 any of the music. Most are middle upper classwhites,asians, etc. so how u gonna say u hate dont feel plies cause he fake he aint neva sell coke, yet u can feel mos def/common dead prez. thats bs how can urelate being lower class, being discriminated, slighted because ur black, when u r a priviledge white etc. That makes u just as fake.

So by this theory u shouldnt listen 2 rap cause it aint nuttin u relate to it aint the life u live. Every1 says rap aint entertainment its a culture, ok ifthats the case then the culture is a derivative of black culture. So u just as fake cause how can u relate 2 somethin 1. u aint apart of 2. u not even the raceof the culture.
Originally Posted by SEND ONE

And btw, when was the time when rap wasn't fake? Because we gotta go back to the 80's for that.
We would.

Aint anything wrong with getting a degree and bettering yourself, but no one should be rapping about !$@+ they aint live.

But that's literally 98% of them. And most of my favorite rappers fall in that upper percentile.

Originally Posted by LDJ

rappers etc r fake etc u don't like gucci
Drive slow lil !+*%#
Originally Posted by GTEK
Honestly I get what you're saying, but at some point we all have to grow up ....... At the end of day Plies gives back as much or even morethan you actually think he takes away ....... Also if it wasn't him, it would be someone else the youth would use as an excuse to carrying out actions thatare innate to human beings
Black people kill me with the authenticity they seek from hip hop music. All this stuff you see and have had sold to you is entertainment. Anybody who wants totake it as more than that doesnt have their heads on straight. I dont want rappers to really be out on my corners shooting and selling drugs, hell I dont wantthe real "goons" out there doing this stuff. If you don't want fake rappers to be popular and sell records, talk to their fans. If they tell you"its just music, fall back" feel free to go sit in a corner with your dunce cap on. For anybody to clock Plies or Rick Ross to be sure of there"realness" is ignorance period. For Rick Ross or Plies to come at any rapper who happened to really live that lifestyle that they speak about isidiocy as well. None of that trash matters. The youth really need to be raised better so that this trash doesnt infiltrate their minds and affect their growthas teens and young adults. Nothing frustrates me more than seeing some young kid walking around reciting the garbage thats spewed by popular rappers. Peopleneed to wake up and stop looking to entertainers for anything but entertainment. Let them do them, you smarten up and do you. /rant
Dude is straigt up clownin... If he is educated, even enough to drop out in the program, he gets the stone face for puttin on a wack front to this country forbein an illeterate F that he comes off as..
I wouldnt have a problem with the lying for entertainment if rappers like plies didnt claim to be the "realest" all the time. An ironic themethroughout rap in general
can't knock his hustle. Get yo education and money, but dont rap rap about yo brother lifestyle like you lived it
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