Doing stuff DOLO?

Originally Posted by TheEmperor45

i shop all the time solo, in and out
movies , watever %!%* a co-sign, waiting for people to do #%%% be the biggest time waster ever.
bro you're in san diego, the girls are wild friendly there.  if you go solo you'll meet one in five minutes anyways. 
really thought about not goin to this slaughterhouse show on friday cause nobody wanted to go but decided im going and you guys made it that much easier. Ive gone to places solo and it is enjoyable time to relax and do whatever you want, eat whatever you want. Also works on your confidence if you see a cutie go put in work
I've done just about everything by myself, but never ever would I go to an amusement park by myself, that has to be the loneliest thing ever!
Funny this topic is up, about to book a weekend up in NYC, and I'm rolling solo. Need to get away for a few and don't want the hassle of having to worry about others.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

bro you're in san diego, the girls are wild friendly there.  if you go solo you'll meet one in five minutes anyways. 

dog idk about other peoples experiences, but being black I've had the exact opposite reactions.  And im a crazy outgoing dude...anybody else notice this, or is it just me?
I do stuff alone all the time. Its just my friends and family all live on different schedules plus I hate waiting for people. Just gotta handle business sometimes bruh.
I hate waiting on folks to get ready charge phones etc. so most of the time i'll just go somewhere like the movies the mall or go eat dolo. Going to the club dolo isn't recommended out here tho so much %!*+ pops off. But I absolutely hate shopping in groups that %!*+ is so feminine and if I end up meeting folks and they group up with me they end up taking all day to shop when I want to dip.

But yeah go to the beach dolo bruh them females choose up on us lone wolf brothas
meet a girl at the beach.....problem you with company     
Whats yalls oppinions on goin to frat parties solo? I think it'd be way easier to get into parties and you can leave whenever and with whoever but it'd be kinda loserish walkin around greek row by yourself
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

No one thinks for themselves anymore. You scared to get a tan at the beach by yourself? 

What's the worst that could happen?

This. NT seems to be a breeding ground for this train of thought.
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by wcghost

you're never going to get anywhere in life if you're concerned about what everyone thinks about you.

ive recently gone hiking 3x by myself and can honestly say its been amazing. hiking in groups slows you down and there's always someone complaining.
would never be able to do it.

one accident and you're stuck sawing your own arm off for survival.
true.... i almost got attacked by a pack of young deer. on another trip, a mountain lion snarled at me.

that life, i am not about.
def don't feel weird, i'm alone most of the time and i love it. i feel so much dumber when i'm with other people (except family/close friends), all I end up talking about is completely, absolutely meaningless $%^.

then again, you are on an online message board, so most people on here tend to be introverted. the responses in this thread aren't really representative of general consensus
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i used to do it frequently.

but i lived right across the street from the beach during that time, so its not like I drove there and paid for parking and whatnot.

Where were you living at the time?
DO it by yourself, nobody knows that you are by yourself unless they ask you. So being scared of how it looks is very foolish. 
i do #!#! by myself all the time, only thing i wont do is go to the club but i'll hit a bar up tho
I go to clubs all the time by myself. Especially if its crowded, all you gotta do is stand near some people and you dont look outta place. Its just not as easy to look out for your personal safety, bc i like those hood spots
Ill go to the city dolo sometimes if im looking for something specific but i cant be on the eating alone dolo wave
*kanyeshrug* *insecure*
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