Doing stuff DOLO?

nothin wrong with doin stuff dolo imo.

if my friends have stuff to do, im not going to wait around on them if i want to get stuff done when i know i can get it done myself.

aside from that if you have the gift of gab, it's a good chance that you'll go to a bar or lounge dolo and end up leaving with a new female friend.
Originally Posted by Stork

Originally Posted by solarius49

Is anybody in this thread in So Cal, couldnt hurt to meet up and kick it sometime
lol i'm in socal too, what city/area are you in?
I'm from socal as well 
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by Stork

Originally Posted by solarius49

Is anybody in this thread in So Cal, couldnt hurt to meet up and kick it sometime
lol i'm in socal too, what city/area are you in?
I'm from socal as well 

me three,

if any of you guys are ever down to hit up hermosa and bag some of these local south bay chicks by all means hit me up.
Wait on people to come up with excuses? Or how about waiting on possible c*ckblockers?
I've gotten more play from women when I'm out by myself.
I guess it shows a sign of independence and the fact that you have a mind of your own.

I'd actually prefer to go out dolo... that way, I'm on my own time and don't have to depend on anybody else.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by swooshdude

I get tired of waiting on people. Man, I've had days when i'm off work, and I'll drop the kid off at school and let my wife sleep in. Please believe i'm sitting in Ihop or someones restaurant with the paper and my breakfast. ME time...flat out. Sometimes me and the wife will go to the movies to see separate flicks and meet up after. The joys of actually being in a happy and functional marriage.
thats kinda cool lol
I agree. Though I'd want to see all the ones he'd most likely want to see. Chick flicks are so damn awkward/cringe-tastic nowadays.

Originally Posted by kevi

I love shopping by myself absolutely love it

Ain't no other way to go about it. I hate going out with somebody that has to look at absolutely everything in the shop. I skim and then I'm done. Either it's eye catching or it's not. In and out.

Have yet to eat at a restaurant by myself or go to the movies. Frequently go to watch hockey at the local ice rink by myself though. No damns given. Amazing sport.
Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by Stork

lol i'm in socal too, what city/area are you in?
I'm from socal as well 

me three,

if any of you guys are ever down to hit up hermosa and bag some of these local south bay chicks by all means hit me up.

i went to rome dolo this week. had a lot of fun, don't have to worry about what other ppl wanna do, u can just do what u so desire
^ that's awesome.

i love some me time. used to catch a movie on the 5 dollar theaters all the time. or set up shop outside a coffee shop with my dog just chillin on the side while i read a book.
I'm so jealous. I wish I could just go to a beach and put one in the air. I live in New Orleans, ain't exactly a beach city..
The only problem I have when I go shopping by myself is that I tend to buy more +%!# then if I am with someone else
ill go to the mall, venice, 3rd st or somn like pinks by myself every once in a while.. u need that time
i had no clue guys went shopping with friends truthfully. Ive always went by myself when im truly goin to shop....

been to the movies a few times by myself.
I been wanting to hit a couple of LA clubs up, any places that are cool to hit up dolo?

im black btw
I want to come out to Cali and try Mary J Blidge for the first time. I think it could be hilarious, but I don't know anyone down there other than 1 NTer who says he'll help me facilitate that.
I'm tryna decide if I should SKYDIVING for the first time alone. Not a lot of my friends want to do it, and the few that want to don't have the money for it (supposedly). It seems like a nice experience to have with some friends, but damn I don't wanna sit around waiting, my body is ready. What yall think NT?
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