Dominican Republic to be 'Socially Cleaned' in today

So I suppose Dominicans are going stop migrating (maybe even leave) to PR then too, right?

I mean, if they wanna stick to their principles :lol:

Because Dominicans are migrating to PR at the same rate as Haitians are to DR

Ooooook great comparison bro
Ya straight up reachin for straws comparing America to DR, America one of the richest most powerful nations, one that has taken in immigrants from all over the world and benefitted from it to DR, a country already low in resources AND space practically being taken over by its neighborin country....this is two country's sharing an island the size of New York State poor and the other VERY POOR in comparison to america.
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Let me ask yall this, what exactly would make NT happy?...that DR has an open door to all Haitians?...perhaps rename the entire Islad Haiti?...I mean midaswell
Originally Posted by ksteezy  
Let me ask yall this, what exactly would make NT happy?...that America opens the border to all mexicans?...perhaps rename the entire nation New Tijuana?...I mean midaswell

steezy turned into a latin fox news correspondent
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Yeah label me racist now :rofl:

That seems to be NT scapegoat response to anyone who simply has a different opinion in these type of threads :rofl:
Yeah label me racist now

That seems to be NT scapegoat response to anyone who simply has a different opinion in these type of threads
not racist.... just lacking in compassion and having a one sided perspective...

all those rolling smileys don't hide it either..
Ya straight up reachin for straws comparing America to DR, America one of the richest most powerful nations, one that has taken in immigrants from all over the world and benefitted from it to DR, a country already low in resources AND space practically being taken over by its neighborin country....this is two country's sharing an island the size of New York State poor and the other VERY POOR in comparison to america.
It's the principle of the issue that you seem to be missing.

Let's say a black lady gets kicked out of a giant retailer for being black, she can file a law suit.

Now, let's say a black lady gets kicked out of a mom and pop store for being black, she can still file a law suit.

You see what I'm saying? The size of the institution doesn't matter. Its the principle of the issue.
Yeah label me racist now :rofl:

That seems to be NT scapegoat response to anyone who simply has a different opinion in these type of threads :rofl:

loco a discusiones como estas no valen la pena tratar de explicar tu punto de vista a personas de mente cerradas y con personas que tienen su agendas personales, suelta esa vaina en banda y no le de mente manin. Gente que no han vívido la realidad en persona discutiendo cosas que leyeron en línea o que le contaron.
Yeah label me racist now

That seems to be NT scapegoat response to anyone who simply has a different opinion in these type of threads
loco a discusiones como estas no valen la pena tratar de explicar tu punto de vista a personas de mente cerradas y con personas que tienen su agendas personales, suelta esa vaina en banda y no le de mente manin. Gente que no han vívido la realidad en persona discutiendo cosas que leyeron en línea o que le contaron.
From my lackkluster understanding of spanish you're saying most of us dont know what we're talking about....


So tell me in terms of history in its most basic narrative how is the spanish caribbean different from the english or french caribbean?

I ask this because me and rusty both have west indian backgrounds and we're making good points but you dismiss it simply because we're not hispanic/latin?
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I'll translate it for you

dude just let it go, is not worth trying to get your point across to individuals who might be close minded or have their own hidden agenda, just let it go. Some people are arguing about stuff that they haven't lived through, that they read online or someone told them about.

Happy now? Or should I had PM steezy instead.
Ya straight up reachin for straws comparing America to DR, America one of the richest most powerful nations, one that has taken in immigrants from all over the world and benefitted from it to DR, a country already low in resources AND space practically being taken over by its neighborin country....this is two country's sharing an island the size of New York State poor and the other VERY POOR in comparison to america.

No one really thinks America and DR are equal economically, its just a hypothetical question. If tomorrow there was huge influx of immigrants and our social aid became limited or depleted and the conservatives start screaming deport all the first n second generation immigrants, would you still be okay with this law. will you be understanding and say, "ok America is struggling let me pack up my bags"? These are people born in Dominican Republican that are being kicked out. I just don't get how any first or second generation American can sympathize with this law
I'll translate it for you

dude just let it go, is not worth trying to get your point across to individuals who might be close minded or have their own hidden agenda, just let it go. Some people are arguing about stuff that they haven't lived through, that they read online or someone told them about.

Happy now? Or should I had PM steezy instead.
Here's the thing right...

Just as the DR has a problem with Haitian immigrants flooding the do the other english islands.

I'm Guyanese & Jamaican, and in the west indies Guyanese are often illegally migrating because our country is pretty crap atm.

They often are sent back to Guyana or imprisoned so I understand the idea of having to deal with unwanted migrants.

The problem is that the reasoning is different. There is no inherent malice towards the Guyanese person, its just the other islands like Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, Antigua etc. have laws that these guyanese haven't followed so the proper consequences must be enacted.

With the DR there is an inherent malice against the Haitian.  There is an inherent malice against those with darker skin. These laws aren't targeting newly migrated haitians or illegals only, they're targeting generations of legal haitian-dominicans who have resided in the DR, some of whom have never even been to Haiti, dont speak French or Kreyol, and have no ties to Haiti whatsoever.

thats the issue...its not targetings illegals..its making haitians/haitian descended re-up for citizenship they already had and hoping to send them back even though they have been in the DR for generations.
not racist.... just lacking in compassion and having a one sided perspective...

all those rolling smileys don't hide it either..

The irony of you to call me one sided when I've agreed the influence of racism IS present....only thing I said is that this is NOT solely based on that, yet you open minded fellas refused to see way in hell can Dominicans simply have an issue with thousands of Haitians leaving their land to over populate DR because of the slightly better opportunities DR might I said I have family dark as night living in the capital, going about their lives without a worry....this is not me reading it on the headlines, this is me speaking with my I laws with first hand experience of how life is in DR....I mean if this was solely a race issue, I think ever black Dominican would have hit the panic button as well.

Hate crimes happen everywhere...racism is not exclusive to DR but as always NT gon NT with its extremes.
No one really thinks America and DR are equal economically, its just a hypothetical question. If tomorrow there was huge influx of immigrants and our social aid became limited or depleted and the conservatives start screaming deport all the first n second generation immigrants, would you still be okay with this law. will you be understanding and say, "ok America is struggling let me pack up my bags"? These are people born in Dominican Republican that are being kicked out. I just don't get how any first or second generation American can sympathize with this law

I never said it was OK....I said it when this surfaced that it was wrong, I've still yet to see the exodus of these multiple generations you know how unrealistic it is for DR to literally go back 3 generations to figure it who should go and who can stay, there are Dominican born generations that if they were to go back to 1930 they legit wouldn't even have a birth certificate....I see it more as a scare tactic to get people to go through the appropriate procedures to legalize themselves and to let it be know that from here on out the ridiculous influx of illegal Haitians will be under the scope.

Figuring out who's legally bound to the land dating back to 1930 is UNREALISTIC, DR will end up losing more than what it would gain....but yea just keep viewing this as "Dominicans hate black people"
Here's the thing right...

Just as the DR has a problem with Haitian immigrants flooding the do the other english islands.
I'm Guyanese & Jamaican, and in the west indies Guyanese are often illegally migrating because our country is pretty crap atm.
They often are sent back to Guyana or imprisoned so I understand the idea of having to deal with unwanted migrants.

The problem is that the reasoning is different. There is no inherent malice towards the Guyanese person, its just the other islands like Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, Antigua etc. have laws that these guyanese haven't followed so the proper consequences must be enacted.

With the DR there is an inherent malice against the Haitian.  There is an inherent malice against those with darker skin. These laws aren't targeting newly migrated haitians or illegals only, they're targeting generations of legal haitian-dominicans who have resided in the DR, some of whom have never even been to Haiti, dont speak French or Kreyol, and have no ties to Haiti whatsoever.

thats the issue...its not targetings illegals..its making haitians/haitian descended re-up for citizenship they already had and hoping to send them back even though they have been in the DR for generations.

Have you witnessed this first hand?...this malice and HATE towards Haitians you speak off?....if there is ill feelings towards Haitians is NOT because of the color of their skin, because there is far more dark skinned Dominicans than there is light skinned ones who would be suffering from this racism....the malice you might hear other Dominicans speak of is because of DR having become overpopulated by Haiti...there is absolutely nothing to stop them from flooding into DR and Dominicans are obviously tired of it, although Dominicans are lazy, they do find themselves competing in their own land for labor with Haitians....people are poor on the island bros, the little they have they now have to share with Haitian immigrants, why should they be ok with it?...why can't they lock their immigration issue down without being labeled bigots and racists by the rest of the world because of something some crazy dictator tried to pull almost a century ago, Dominicans ain't consigning Trujillo, it wasn't just Haitians that suffered at his hand, many Dominicans lost family members because they refused to hang up dudes picture in their living room.

Ya think Dominicans are trying to carry out Trujillos legacy simply because they want to control their border and the people they want to keep out, just so happens are black.
And just for your information this law/deadline was passed by the government not the actual people of the land, go to DR and you will see Dominicans and Haitians just stop labeling these people jumping to judgement based on a couple of videos.
If you think the people actually have ANY pull on what the government does or doesn't do over

That's why everyone's biggest aspiration in DR is to get into politics, because it seems that's the only way to actually get a good piece of the pie down there....**** is bad down there bruh....but lettuce take on the issues of Haiti as well....because if they don't, Dominicans are racists.
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If you think the people actually have ANY pull on what the government does or doesn't do over

That's why everyone's biggest aspiration in DR is to get into politics, because it seems that's the only way to actually get a good piece of the pie down there....**** is bad down there bruh....but lettuce take on the issues of Haiti as well....because if they don't, Dominicans are racists.

No one said that

But if you lynch them and strip them of their citizenship

Then they are.

The DR has open elections right? How bout this, if the people are sooooooooooooo against the government doing this, I'm sure they'll vote them out next chance they get

And if they don't. Then I'm sure you'll be able to call a spade a spade and put some of the blame on the people too. Sound fair right?
Like I said to steezy, people talking about things they don't know about. How do you explain the 275,000 Haitian migrants that registered by the deadline given by the government. Some of you race crusaders want to turn this into a racial thing, when is really a migration thing and humanitarian issue. Unfortunately Haiti lacks the proper government infrastructure to help out it's people due to massive corruption. As someone who grew up in DR more than half of my life, the only tension with Haitians was when the bad apples were caught stealing and they were severely punished, as they would punish any other Dominican regardless of skin color, by beating him up. Many of the Haitians I came across during my years growing up were very hard workers and honest peole,many of them would work for money and food. Like every other society there's a group of racist or people who have their own agenda,but simply that nonsense that this is racial cleansing, Trujillo has been dead since 1961, those ideals died with him.
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The government doesn't put issues on the ballot so people could vote for or against the issues. Is definitely not that kind of government. Is a group of people trying to get rich via corruption and hiding assets.
No one said that

But if you lynch them and strip them of their citizenship

Then they are.

The DR has open elections right? How bout this, if the people are sooooooooooooo against the government doing this, I'm sure they'll vote them out next chance they get

And if they don't. Then I'm sure you'll be able to call a spade a spade and put some of the blame on the people too. Sound fair right?

Because electing representatives that promise the people the world and never come through on their promise is something you've never witnessed before :rofl:

America quick to point fingers at Obama and other politicians, but expect somehow for a third world country to have better politicians
Like I said to steezy, people talking about things they don't know about. How do you explain the 275,000 Haitian migrants that registered by the deadline given by the government. Some of you race crusaders want to turn this into a racial thing, when is really a migration thing and humanitarian issue. Unfortunately Haiti lacks the proper government infrastructure to help out it's people due to massive corruption. As someone who grew up in DR more than half of my life, the only tension with Haitians was when the bad apples were caught stealing and they were severely punished, as they would punish any other Dominican regardless of skin color, by beating him up. Many of the Haitians I came across during my years growing up were very hard workers and honest peole,many of them would work for money and food. Like every other society there's a group of racist or people who have their own agenda,but simply that nonsense that this is racial cleansing, Trujillo has been dead since 1961, those ideals died with him.

Someone that actually can see things for what they are....thank you!
I think is best to see how this plays out, doubt the country will go as far as derooting 3 generations of Dominican born citizens that can't provide the right documentation for their grand parents born in a hut en el campo...

I like to have faith in this people and think that this is more of a scare tactic to get things in order and try and control the further migration.

Said the German citizens in the 1920s

So just do it, against the world's objections, and worry about the consequences later. Great policy.
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