Donald Trump is running for president

Lindsey Graham went on a pretty great roast of Drumpf a few weeks back,that's why he was wearing the hat while making fun of him :lol:
Those protesters are heroic

I hope they continue to protest every event that idiotic bigot holds
These protesters are scum. Hold your own event, don't interrupt others.
Yes they're SCUM. You don't see conservatives interrupting every single Hillary or Bernie event. It's because we're respectful and know that freedom of speech is important. These fascist scum hate the first amendment.
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Yes they're SCUM. You don't see conservatives interrupting every single Hillary or Bernie event. It's because we're respectful and know that freedom of speech is important. These scum hate the first amendment.

You just said you support freedom of speech and called protestors scum at the same time?

Put the drugs down, b :lol:
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Trump has the freedom of speech just like any American. It's called the First Amendment, many people died for that right. He should be able to speak for as long as he wants, uninterrupted. The protestors can stage their own competing event across the street if they'd like. They're not supposed to be little facists and infringe upon the free speech of others. Can the liberal brain comprehend that? It's doubtful.
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Trump has the freedom of speech just like any American. It's called the First Amendment, many people died for that right. He should be able to speak for as long as he wants, uninterrupted. The protestors can stage their own competing event across the street if they'd like. They're not supposed to be little facists and infringe upon the free speech of others. Can the liberal brain comprehend that? It's doubtful.
The protesters outside?
I must have missed the part in the Constitution that says you have to wait until the rich man is done before you're allowed to speak
Trump has the freedom of speech just like any American. It's called the First Amendment, many people died for that right. He should be able to speak for as long as he wants, uninterrupted. The protestors can stage their own competing event across the street if they'd like. They're not supposed to be little facists and infringe upon the free speech of others. Can the liberal brain comprehend that? It's doubtful.


So now you're just gonna twist constitutional amendments to fit your narrative? Scalia's dead *** wouldn't even agree with the crap you just said.
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