Donald Trump is running for president

Do you guys approve of this fascist behavior also? Protestors trying to shut down Ben Shapiro's speech last week at a California school?

No I'm talking about the ones who go in his rallies and protest and cause trouble.
Ah. You're still wrong tho. Freedom of speech doesn't mean we have to take turns and speak. It actually gives people the right to interrupt him mid sentence if they want. They get kicked out because they are "disturbing" the event. But no, the first amendment doesn't give him speaking priority to everybody else
If Trump wins, we will be a Super Power again, if Hillary wins, it will mark the end of the U.S. A lot of female leaders at the helm have always been the pivot point for a down fall.

No one in the past 2 centuries would‘ve thought the US could ever lose its Credit Rating, but this is just a sign that the problem is in government itself.

The US is the cleanest dirty shirt too.

With possibly the worst president ever finishing up, it really is time to make America great again.

America should represent power, leadership, equality, fairness, justice and opportunity. It should represent THE PEOPLE and the founding principles.

America SHOULD NOT be about bailouts, hand outs, leaches, and government liberating and creating regulations to achieve equality.

Stuff like allowing women to vote makes sense. But things like mandating that the wages jump up to $15 does not.

Stop socialism and Obamanomics where they force you to do what you may or may not want. Defend the people‘s right!!!
There's no reason, on Niketalk, that "Yes" for Trump is at 20%.
Racist cant like sneakers? Shame on you shawty
Maybe when Trump loses he can buy a giant island and all of his supporters can go live in Trumplevania
I think pulling the fire alarm was going too far


No, that means you think blocking entrances, ripping down flyers, professors threatening students, and assaulting reporters and students is ok.
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Trump has the freedom of speech just like any American. It's called the First Amendment, many people died for that right. He should be able to speak for as long as he wants, uninterrupted. The protestors can stage their own competing event across the street if they'd like. They're not supposed to be little facists and infringe upon the free speech of others. Can the liberal brain comprehend that? It's doubtful.
Do you really not understand that under a fascist government any would be protestors of authority would be killed or imprisoned?

Protesting is an American right and is a part of the freedom you're taking for granted.

You're just mad about who and what they're protesting.
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Funny, no mention of the tea party protest.... I guess those were "patriotic".
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No, that means you think blocking entrances, ripping down flyers, professors threatening students, and assaulting reporters and students is ok.

Sorry but I only got as far as the fire alarm part of the video because Ben Shapiro is a deplorable human being
Protesters even interrupted those nasty liberal events. Try harder.

Or let me guess, that was staged by the liberal media...
Funny, no mention of the tea party protest.... I guess that's "patriotic" though.

Where did they interrupt a candidate's rallies? I'll wait.
I'll pull one of your moves

Again please stop all this fake outrage calling ppl scum about ppl doing something you don't like.

Yeah he's completely full of ****. To this point i've thought he was reasonable in his conservative views, but he's gone off the ledge and will join that other dude in the block pile. Nothing constructive here.

But in addition to this, let's set this off a bit:
The New York Times reported on August 8, 2009, that organizations opposed to the President Obama's health care legislation were urging opponents to be disruptive. It noted that the Tea Party Patriots web site circulated a memo instructing them to "Pack the hall. Yell out and challenge the Rep's statements early. Get him off his prepared script and agenda. Stand up and shout and sit right back down." The memo continued, "The Rep [representative] should be made to feel that a majority, and if not, a significant portion of at least the audience, opposes the socialist agenda of Washington."[125]


Man wearing Trump T-shirt protests at Sanders rally

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