Donald Trump is running for president

These weak liberal jabs don't make sense to me. You're not born conservative or liberal.

It's not hard to understand conservatism. If we're just talking about that it has some reasonable and strong points for how to govern the nation.

Problem is all the other trash it comes with and the ppl that represent it. You don't help yourself or do yourself any favors by deflecting, playing semantics, or avoiding legitimate important issues and never making your stance clear. Same with being disingenuous when trying to make a point.

Thanks, dad.
Any time son.
These weak liberal jabs don't make sense to me. You're not born conservative or liberal.

It's not hard to understand conservatism. If we're just talking about that it has some reasonable and strong points for how to govern the nation.

Problem is all the other trash it comes with and the ppl that represent it. You don't help yourself or do yourself any favors by deflecting, playing semantics, or avoiding legitimate important issues and never making your stance clear. Same with being disingenuous when trying to make a point.

These weak liberal jabs don't make sense to me. You're not born conservative or liberal.

It's not hard to understand conservatism. If we're just talking about that it has some reasonable and strong points for how to govern the nation.

Problem is all the other trash it comes with and the ppl that represent it. You don't help yourself or do yourself any favors by deflecting, playing semantics, or avoiding legitimate important issues and never making your stance clear. Same with being disingenuous when trying to make a point.

Thanks, dad.

Summed him up then he immediately drives home the point.

Sounds like you're constantly crying about democrats, left wingers and liberals and/or calling ppl on here that.

My mistake.

It's the Bill O'Reilly school of thought

Don't identify yourself as a Republican because it will trick people into thinking you're less biased

But we all know better than that

It's a good tactic especially when discussing Sports teams :lol:

And I feel like bloc treats politics like its Sports.
Last Week Tonight :rofl: :rofl:

Robert Morrow :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I thought Trump was sabotaging the Republicans. This dude aint as big league but is saying far worse and already was elected.

Said GHWB is a closeted homosexual that was provided teenage boys to have sex with during his presidency. So is Rick Perry. Obama was a prostitute. Hilary is bisexual. Bill's a serial rapist.
I'm gonna look at the fruit salad of each candidates lives before picking who would best represent me.
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I'm starting to feel like a lot of Trump supporters were disenfranchised or essentially silenced when they were younger and now get to be a bully vicariously through him. There was an interesting story by the podcast 'this american life' which showcased a young, gay, black male. Who insisted he supported Trump because he was a conservative who supported gay marriage, of course when Trump switched his view, the young man backtracked and said, "well, he has to say that to win" Here we have a candidate who can literally say whatever he wants, and his supporters are so blind they will grasp at straws to align their beliefs with his. 

I enjoyed that read, very interesting points and I respect CK's approach to this.
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And I’m not advocating for Hillary or Bernie. I like them both but frankly I wish the next president was a conservative only because we had Obama for eight years and we need balance. And not because I particularly enjoy the conservative agenda. I just think the government should reflect the people. And we are about 40 percent conservative and 40 percent liberal. When I was growing up and when I was a younger man, liberals and conservatives were friends with differences. They weren’t enemies. And it always made sense that everyone gets a president they like for a while and then hates the president for a while. But it only works if the conservatives put up a good candidate. A good smart conservative to face the liberal candidate so they can have a good argument and the country can decide which way to go this time.
Sounds good, even though Louis is covering his bases here. Realistically? America won't see a Republican president for years to come.
The whole game feels rigged and it’s not going anywhere but down anymore. I feel that way sometimes.
I think most people feel that way, even if they don't publicly say it.
Again, I’m not saying vote democrat or vote for anyone else. If Hilary ends up president it should be because she faced the best person you have and you and I both chose her or him or whoever. Trump is not your best. He’s the worst of all of us. He’s a symptom to a problem that is very real. But don’t vote for your own cancer. You’re better than that.
Agreed. The GOP needs to rebuild from the bottom up, but it won't happen.

The cycle continues, we all lose.
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Too late for that letter Louis.

Somebody should've told the GOP this 2 years ago. They're in a current state of collapse. So there is no best republican candidate to make the nominee. The rebuilding process won't be quick either so I don't see a lot of difference in 2024.
I love CK as a comedian but I wouldn't take that letter as cutting political commentary

I don't believe that liberals and conservatives were ever "friends with differences"

Man the bloodiest war in United States history was a dispute between liberals and conservatives :lol:

Son just marginalized both ends of the spectrum
He's talking about growing up in the 70s and 80s. I wouldn't dismiss his sentiment given the time he grew up.

It wasn't suppose to be cutting social commentary. I think Louis wasn't putting on an act and was trying to appeal to ppl's humanity and common sense. Too bad for him.
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Even then you have Watergate and Reaganomics, the crack epidemic, homophobia brought on by the advent of AIDS, the list goes on. It's rose-tinted goggles.

I really think son tried to romanticize the political and ideological history of the country. His sentiment is appreciated though
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