Donald Trump is running for president

Don't forget about getting straight up punked by Iran and tucking his tail and running after they were complicit in the Beirut barracks bombings that killed 241 American troops...

Yet this dude is some sort of Conservative deity :lol:
He's probably considered more of a Libertarian than anything if you wanted to label his views. He's a Republican kind of in the same way that Bernie is a Dem :lol:,they've had disagreements with the main parties but they've been caucusing with them for years.
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It's risky for any celeb that depends on people paying to see him and his personality and likability is an integral part of his career. What he did could alienate fans of his that are die hard about trump or blindly vote republican, and ultimately **** his money up a little.

I think he tried to just tread as lightly and bipartisan (or bi-ideology) as he can. People looking too much into this **** and *****ing about it are missing his point. And that's why he adds the whole I'm relatively uneducated and just another guy with an opinion part. This isn't supposed to be deep. He doesn't pretend to be more than just a dude giving his 2 cents with this. He's just doing what he feels is right and telling people to not be stupid and make this man president. And doing what he can to be a part of stopping this movement before it picks up too much momentum. Even if trump has an outside chance, he still has a chance and that was enough to make him speak up.
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That letter, or whatever you want to call it, was just horribly written. Dude was trying to make a point about a political race, while somehow avoiding being political at the same time :lol:
Dude has a career to worry about though, and if he gives too much of his political opinions away then it can ruin his character for fans that strongly disagree with him. I don't even have a career yet and I keep my opinions to myself on social media because I'm worried about what can happen in the future. And nor do I even have fans :lol:

Dude coulda done what most people in his position do which is stay quiet. He took a risk and for that I give him credit and respect that. Even if i didn't agree with much of what he said. I agree with the message he's trying to convey though.
This is a discussion forum, so I'm gonna discuss **** :lol: I understand the sentiment behind the letter, but I can't comment in it? :x

The Hitler comparison he and others have been making doesn't fly to me. Yes, Trump is at the very least a xenophobe and worst case scenario an outright frothing racist, but Hitler literally was the prominent leader of a neo-conservative movement that was KNOWN for violence, super racism (not implied or alleged racism, WE HATE JEWS racism) and intimidation.

Son staged a coup before he became Chancellor that got 20 people killed and he went to prison for it. He literally wrote an entire book about how the Jews were responsible for the deaths of millions during WWI and how they and other "Bolsheviks" should be gassed in order to achieve retribution.

I don't like Trump and think he is an ***, but he has yet to achieve that level of extreme and the Hitler comparisons are very knee jerk to me
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Even then you have Watergate and Reaganomics, the crack epidemic, homophobia brought on by the advent of AIDS, the list goes on. It's rose-tinted goggles.

I really think son tried to romanticize the political and ideological history of the country. His sentiment is appreciated though
Yeah those were all issues but I don't recall conservatives and liberals hating each other the way they seemingly do now. Reagan's assassination attempt included.
Louie was out there explaining white privilege a few years ago. Now he is a living example of white and male privilege. It is easy to be conciliatory and glib and largely indifferent about politics when you are a member of a group that will be fine no matter the outcome. No matter who wins an election, white guys will not be brutalized by the police, we will have control over our reproductive system and we will not be deported.

It is easy to be like David Brooks and wish that we could all be more cordial. It is easy to be like Matt Stone and Trey Parker and say that all political parties are equally stupid. It is easy to be like Michael Bloomberg and to call for consensus. It is easy when the Federal, State and local government where you live was established by and works for the interests of white men, especially wealthy white men.

So, Louie C.K. check your privilege and realize that for many people, the election is a matter of life and death. Many people have to be partisan to survive and do not have the luxury of being able to pose as high minded, disinterested centrists.
I don't think Louis was that worried about revealing his ideologies.

He just seems like one of those anxious neurotic types when ppl talk about politics. Similar to how some ppl get that way about religion.

He smokes weed, pro-choice, and a few other clearly liberal things. I'm pretty sure all of his fans are aware of that.
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I like Louie but his idea that the left and right should take turns leading the country is a little bit ridiculous
I agree there. Nothing would get accomplished. Especially if we're switching every 4 years and not every 8 years. It's hard enough when the House or Senate has the majority one way or the other.
Feels like the right has been in power since Clinton left tbh. We've had Obama for eight years and he hardly got to accomplish what he wanted to due to the right.
Feels like the right has been in power since Clinton left tbh. We've had Obama for eight years and he hardly got to accomplish what he wanted to due to the right.

That's cause the left needs to get out and vote in force/mass during non-Presidential election years :lol: :smh: . That's what the GOP does
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And they force the person who got punched in the face, face down on the ground.  What kind of security is this?

The same kind that let that young lady get berated and pushed out the rally last week. Drumpf is bringing em all out.

Seems Black dude was flippin' people off. But out of the whole video, I only focused on the girl with the booty on the right. They should have taken out the redneck too.

But this ain't about Trump's supporters, there are idiot supporters from both Republican and Democrat and their supporters' violent actions is not mainly the nominees fault.

Lets talk about this:

Another Illegal immigrant, commits murdering 5 people, got arrested twice, but not deported recently. :smh:
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Why do people even go to these events to protest ? It makes no sense :lol:

It is a super weak strategy. Homie needs to the same "L" that the Trump supporters have been holding.

on another taking L news, Carson is sponsoring Trump. lol Wow. For what it is worth, Trump is son'ing these people.
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Seems Black dude was flippin' people off. But out of the whole video, I only focused on the girl with the booty on the right. They should have taken out the redneck too.

But this ain't about Trump's supporters, there are idiot supporters from both Republican and Democrat and their supporters' violent actions is not mainly the nominees fault.

Lets talk about this:

Another Illegal immigrant, commits murdering 5 people, got arrested twice, but not deported recently. :smh:

Well from his interview today, it was revealed that Trump said "Go home to his mother" but the victim's mother died when he was 8 so obviously he was heated. And he was flipping off somebody who was heckling him further up in the crowd.

What's disturbing is the non-response of the officers as well as the sucker punch and being allowed to just continue at his seat. Trump has everything to do with this his rhetoric and divisiveness encourages this type of behavior. Sure there's been protests at other candidates rallies, but nothing escalating to what's happened now twice in a little over a week. Be blind if you want Drumpf has pandered to the lowest common denominator and made it acceptable to say and do anything to anyone that looks or feel different. He's created an atmosphere of intolerance and anger. His bigotry and hate speech is unfortunately resonating with a lot of people. Even worse afterwards the guy who punched him was apologetic and said next time "we'll kill him".

Can't sweep this under the rug and try to deflect.
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