Donald Trump is running for president

I can't wait till there's fully automated shipping. It's unsafe for these truck drivers to do the hours they do, plus the money saved by eliminating the lawsuits that stem from that, and cutting back on those higher than normal wages will definitely help towards the company's bottom line and help da economy.


Can't wait till they get rid of rent control either. Damb liberals telling landlords they can't charge market prices for their units. Then other tax paying citizens have to pay taxes to to give to this landlord tax credits. Unnecessary market distortion.


Coming from a family that owns multiple rental homes in NYC 100% this!! :smokin Free-market economics! :pimp: :nthat:

Oh and since we are deregulating, lets give the landlord the right to terminate your lease and kick you out whenever he wants. So if I come in on the 20th and tell you your lease ends on the 30th and you better get out, well then you better pack your bags and get your **** out by then or its on the street

Da irony he doesn't see nor understand. People really baffle me with their ignorance and narrow mindedness :smh:
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Honest, sincere question: What about Trump do you like beyond him being anti-establishment/outsider/speaking his mind? Are there any specific policies that you think would be particularly beneficial?
You're the same dude that denies white supremacy and think blacks even talking about it in just a political move

You're the same dude that says there was no place better for blacks in the 1950s, so they shouldn't complain as much

Well he called your BS on the second one.

Tell me the first is just as bad as a reach as the second please.

Why you reword dude like that?
You're the same dude that denies white supremacy and think blacks even talking about it in just a political move

You're the same dude that says there was no place better for blacks in the 1950s, so they shouldn't complain as much


Well he called your BS on the second one. :lol:

Tell me the first is just as bad as a reach as the second please.

Why you reword dude like that?

Here some of ole boy's handy work

"Da slavery was still goin on in da Africa B"

Doesn't change the fact how horrible it was for minorities in America during the 50s/60s.

Deflection tactics that you learned from your racist I mean republican buddies won't work on me.

How is that deflection when America was STILL da best best place for minorities on planet EARTH? In 1950 my entire family was under Trujillo in DR...Black Americans had more rights back then in Da US vs my aunts & co did in da same time period.

This discussion about the time time starts here and goes a couple pages

One of the many quotes of him dismissing white supremacy

The biggest issue facing the black community is criminal justice reform, yet you don't here a peep from the GOP candidates on this issues.

Guess Rand paul and da WHOLE SECT of libertarians just dont exist anymore.. :lol:

And business GOP globalists told their grass roots they "deserve to die out"

National Review’s Kevin Williamson believes Donald Trump’s appeals to the white working class are “immoral” because that demographic’s way of life deserves to die out.

In a featured article for the prestigious conservative journal entitled “The Father-Fuhrer,” Williamson seeks to rebut criticism that he and other conservatives don’t articulate any policies that would appeal to Trump’s blue collar supporters.

Williamson, a long-time critic of The Donald, essentially agrees that he doesn’t support any policies or rhetoric directly tailored to the working-class — particularly about jobs being taken by outsourcing and immigration — because it would be wrong to do so.

You know who else that effects? Da black working class.

"White supremacy" politics is strictly a play to protect da Democratic black vote...

Cuz Democrats been rocking with 60+ years wit da black vote...has poverty changed? Has population number crept up as a success of voting for 1 party only? Ill let u tell it. [emoji]128064[/emoji] ::nerd:

Maybe you should keep track on Ninja's nonsense before trying to call me out for misrepresenting his views

And he didn't call BS on thing I wrote, he didn't deny those points. He accused me on playing identity politics which is the standard comeback for him everytime I bring up white supremacy.
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1950-60's was da best time for America economically take is bring that economic might forEVERYONE and it can be done with correct trade deals & tax policies that ALLOW companies to actually stay in da US & invest, and get government off ita damn back.
Straight LIES!
Can you form a sound argument without villainizing 'idiot liberals.' Its like bashing liberals is a crutch you lean on with evvery post.

Because there isn't enough idiot conservatives here to bash them...

Rigid ideologues from both sides are conservatives, radical liberals, environmentalist, race grievances shake down artists...etc.

But because there's so many liberals here, it puts me in a position who isn't a ideologue to defend position where da left over reach & fail to take into account a actual reasonable position by da right. (Fast food minimum wage being hiked up and jobs being lost to automation for example)
The irony :rofl:
You pretend to be a centrist while you selectively ignore or deflect from all negativity towards Trump or conservatives. Any criticism is met with either "but da left" or "but Hillary..."
You are incapable of giving a direct answer to anything, much less formulate a coherent counter argument that isn't a strawman fallacy and/or a deflection from the argument.

Most of us can discuss the negatives of liberalism and the DNC without resorting to a bunch of deflections and strawman arguments. You don't even seem to acknowledge any negative criticism at all and if you do you'll just ignore the issue and deflect.

You are a hypocrite living in a bubble of blissful ignorance. You're actually the very thing you like to accuse others of so much.
Oh BTW, Trump is up 46% vs 44% in a new Washington post poll that just hit....

So much for da "fox news" & Rasmussen being an outlier.

6 months to go.... :nerd:
WaPo Goes Full Contortionist in Twisting Latest Trump-Leading Poll For Hillary
by Joe Concha | 2:16 pm, May 22nd, 2016 557

trump hillaryDonald Trump 46 percent.

Hillary Clinton 44 percent.

Source: Washington Post-ABC News

Date of release: 5/21/2016

Washington Post Headline: Poll: Election 2016 shapes up as a contest of negatives

Seeing any poll these days showing Donald Trump actually leading Hillary Clinton — who not too long ago led by double-digits — likely leads to more than a few double-takes. Yes… it’s still 169 days until Election Day, and things like a sudden economic downturn or major terror attack can still change the equation, but it’s still fascinating or frightening (depending on your horse) to see things so definitively move Trump’s way in the past two weeks. According to the Real Clear Politics average of polls, two months ago the spread between the two was 50.0 to 39.8 in favor of Clinton. Today, it’s Trump now leading for the first time, albeit by a slim 43.4-43.2. From a trending perspective, that’s a stunning 11.4-point swing in a matter of eight weeks… particularly with all of the negative press the presumptive GOP frontrunner receives justly and unjustly on an hourly basis (which proves how much the media is losing its grip on influence and shaping the narrative).

So if you’re running the Washington Post, what headline do you lead with? The logical one stating Trump — who trailed in your last poll by 11 points — is now leading Clinton? Or an obvious “duh” tidbit — the election shaping up as a contest of negatives — that almost all your readers already know?

The Post, of course, went with the latter… which is a textbook example of burying the lede. But it gets even more hilarious when actually reading the story. Punchline? It takes a chart, a headline, sourcing and five paragraphs (219 words total) to get to that pesky little part that shares the most notable result of the poll. And the best part? After paragraph five with the results, here’s how Post writers Dan Balz and Scott Clement attempted to comfort their readers:

Nonetheless, Clinton is rated ahead of Trump across a range of attributes and issues, and she is seen as having superior experience, temperament and personality to be president. Trump is viewed as unqualified by a majority of adults, but he has strong appeal to voters as the ­anti-Clinton candidate who can bring change to Washington in an election year in which outsiders have thrived.

Translation: Ignore the numbers (nonetheless). And here’s why…

A few paragraphs later, the Post shares its results from a possible three-way race by inexplicably throwing Mitt Romney into the mix. Why? To underscore, they say, the divisions within the GOP ranks:

The Post-ABC poll tested a hypothetical three-way race that included Trump, Clinton and Mitt Romney, the GOP’s 2012 nominee and one of the most outspoken critics of the New York businessman. Among registered voters, Clinton gets 37 percent, Trump 35 percent and Romney 22 percent. Underscoring the divisions within the GOP ranks, Romney gets a third of Republicans in a three-way race.

Uh-huh. So one would think the Post — along with ABC — would also test a hypothetical three-way race between, say… Trump, Clinton and Bernie Sanders, right? Of course not. In the Washington Post-ABC News Fantasy Land, there aren’t any divisions within the Democratic ranks, nor any chance of a contested — or at the very least — a protest-laden/ugly convention for the Democratic party in Philadelphia this summer.

Do I think Bernie would ever run as a third-party candidate? Nope. Do I think Romney would launch a third-party candidacy after witnessing what’s happening to establishment candidates on both sides of the aisle? Absolutely not. But that didn’t stop the Post and ABC for dreaming out loud in giving Romney a seat at its imaginary table anyway while totally ignoring deep problems on the Democratic side.

So how do Balz and Clement end this train wreck of a poll report? With this takeaway paragraph, of course:

Trump has refused to release his tax returns, in contradiction of the practice of presidential candidates dating back decades. More than 6 in 10 Americans say he should conform to that custom and release them, including most independents but fewer than half of Republicans.

Again, balance is fleeting here as no such question was asked of those polled about Mrs. Clinton releasing, for example… her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts. And to end the story on such a negative note given the biggest news in it (Trump 46, Clinton 44) getting buried is another example of why the media is so mistrusted these days. It’s painfully clear those who came up with the questions for this poll — along with the reporters assigned to report on it — were on a mission to spin here… even to the point of needing a chiropractor.

Another day, another attempt by establishment media to protect its establishment candidate.

But that’s the thing about numbers… they tend to behave.
You are deflecting again by not answering any question but either changing the subject or making a new point. You are nothing but an ill informed individual who can't argue or debate because you have zero of your own opinions that are actually self thought out. Like Columbia said, you are the sheep that you try to hate.
Oh BTW, Trump is up 46% vs 44% in a new Washington post poll that just hit....

So much for da "fox news" & Rasmussen being an outlier.

6 months to go.... :nerd:


Can't wait until November to see these liberal tears flow. There's gonna be some real meltdowns. And lots of new Canadian residents.
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Of course he is deflecting. Whenever he is stumped or back into a corner he does the same steez.

He got exposed for not knowing/spreading lies, got mocked for his blatant hypocrisy, and the one dude that was giving him the benefit of the doubt was made of aware of his foolishness.

Now he wants to talk about polls, for dudes to forget the last page, so in a couple days he can repeat the same nonsense talking points
Oh BTW, Trump is up 46% vs 44% in a new Washington post poll that just hit....

So much for da "fox news" & Rasmussen being an outlier.

6 months to go.... :nerd:


Can't wait until November to see these liberal tears flow. There's gonna be some real meltdowns. And lots of new Canadian residents.

Yep... apparently drawing comparisons to hypocrisy is "deflection & changing da subject" :rofl:
Wouldn't surprise me all that much if Trump wins. This election has taught me to never underestimate the bigotry and sheer stupidity that plagues America. In terms of policies, Hillary crushes Trump but he didn't get this far talking policies. Whether he wins or not will depend on how gullible the voters are. Hillary is far from ideal but her policies are a lot more realistic. How does Trump plan to pay for all he intends to do? Unprecedented economic growth? :lol:
Which of his policies are your main reason for supporting him ninjahood ninjahood ? Assuming his policies play a large role in your support for him.
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Wouldn't surprise me all that much if Trump wins. This election has taught me to never underestimate the bigotry and sheer stupidity that plagues America. In terms of policies, Hillary crushes Trump but he didn't get this far talking policies. Whether he wins or not will depend on how gullible the voters are. Hillary is far from ideal but her policies are a lot more realistic. How does Trump plan to pay for all he intends to do? Unprecedented economic growth? :lol:
Which of his policies are your main reason for supporting him ninjahood ninjahood ? Assuming his policies play a large role in your support for him.

This is not an isolated incident with just America. It's happening throughout Europe as well. Austria, Poland, and many others will follow. At least in Poland there are wide protests against the changes but it doesn't matter since those politicians were elected by the same that try to get them out now.
This is not an isolated incident with just America. It's happening throughout Europe as well. Austria, Poland, and many others will follow. At least in Poland there are wide protests against the changes but it doesn't matter since those politicians were elected by the same that try to get them out now.
It is becoming an increasing trend in the west in general but I think da Donald trumps what's happening across Europe, no pun intended.
America has always had a reputation of deeply rooted bigotry, racism and ignorance.
It's in a league of its own.
The rise of Trump has been a rude awakening for everyone who underestimated that. Trump won't be the last. If he loses, imagine what kind of concoction of bigotry comes up in the next election.
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How does Trump plan to pay for all he intends to do?

U serious? :lol:

Before i even answer this question, did you entertain where Hillary & Bernie was going to pay for their massive proposals while we're 20 trillion in da toilet?

All Trump has to do is set up remotely close to da 2nd term of Reagan, when a business friendly government policy kicked up GDP to 7+%

When we'll be more than fine.
U serious? :lol:

Before i even answer this question, did you entertain where Hillary & Bernie was going to pay for their massive proposals while we're 20 trillion in da toilet?

All Trump has to do is set up remotely close to da 2nd term of Reagan, when a business friendly government policy kicked up GDP to 7+%

When we'll be more than fine.
Yes. Hillary's policies seem like the safest bet. Ideally I would vote for Bernie but I think some of his major policies are too idealistic as well.

And this isn't the Raegan era and Trump isn't Raegan. "All Trump has to do"? :lol: Do you even realize how much 7% is?
Good luck with that.
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Ninja you have no idea what 7% GDP means. We haven't had that sort of growth in decades. We did it back in the 80s and 90s because the rise in efficiency was taking hold. Those gains are going to be minimal now. Also a tech boom which created a new industry. I nor almost anyone I know that work in financial services see anything on the horizon that will create such a boom. It's delusional to even think that kind of growth is possible.

And stop citing China because like I keep stating every time you bring them up as an option, they manipulate their GDP statistics. Add the ghost cities and such and we can easily remove 2-5% off their reported numbers.
Man, I would be all for Hilary as the lesser of two evils, but she's a warmonger let's be real 

Trump is left of her as far as Nation building & interventionalism is concerned.

Im willing to bet a Trump in Office is a mini version of Rand Paul as far as proto isolationist.

When you're willing to pull outta NATO cuz da US basically pays da entire freight & no one else does anything in comparison & we're not gonna be da "World's Policemen" without getting compensated....thats straight up new ways of lookin at a issue.
How does Trump plan to pay for all he intends to do?

U serious? :lol:

Before i even answer this question, did you entertain where Hillary & Bernie was going to pay for their massive proposals while we're 20 trillion in da toilet?

All Trump has to do is set up remotely close to da 2nd term of Reagan, when a business friendly government policy kicked up GDP to 7+%

When we'll be more than fine.

Trump plans are more expensive that Bernie, and more expensive that Hillary. I have linked you research papers regarding their tax plans and a video summary.

You are blatantly lying right now, or being willing ignorant. Click the links in the descriptions of these videos, many I have posted here on NT, and educate yourself.

-------And Real GDP growth was over 7% for one year under Reagan, in 1984. ONE. You're mixing up nominal and real if you think it was more than that.

Here, see for yourself.


For Trump's plans to be even close to budget neutral we have to beat that, in real terms, for like a decade.

And btw, Reagan ran HUGE deficits, exploded the national debt, he benefited from oil prices dropping, and our currency got devalued which caused exports to increased.

This is not the 1980s, our economy is very different. And you're remembering the 1980s through rose colored glasses. Ignoring the bad, and thinking everything that went right was dude to Reagan's tax cuts

.............Waits, for a Hillary or Obama deflection
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