Donald Trump is running for president

Real fascists try to disarm the citizenry and impose massive government control over every aspect of life (modern Democrat party).

That's one of the reasons why I called his rhetoric diet facist and I refuse to outright call him one. But honestly I feel that if revocation of firearms or more lateral and sweeping federal law was an issue that would help his chances at the presidency, he would be all in.

And I like that you used Democrat instead of "left" when you said that, as I'm sure you realize facism is far right ideology. Clever.

If you'd like a good read, check this out sometime, it's an op-ed piece by former VP Harry Wallace written in 1944. I'll quote some parts I found interesting.

A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends. The supreme god of a fascist, to which his ends are directed, may be money or power; may be a race or a class; may be a military, clique or an economic group; or may be a culture, religion, or a political party.

The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power.

Still another danger is represented by those who, paying lip service to democracy and the common welfare, in their insatiable greed for money and the power which money gives, do not hesitate surreptitiously to evade the laws designed to safeguard the public from monopolistic extortion.

The symptoms of fascist thinking are colored by environment and adapted to immediate circumstances. But always and everywhere they can be identified by their appeal to prejudice and by the desire to play upon the fears and vanities of different groups in order to gain power. It is no coincidence that the growth of modern tyrants has in every case been heralded by the growth of prejudice. It may be shocking to some people in this country to realize that, without meaning to do so, they hold views in common with Hitler when they preach discrimination against other religious, racial or economic groups. Likewise, many people whose patriotism is their proudest boast play Hitler's game by retailing distrust of our Allies and by giving currency to snide suspicions without foundation in fact.

The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism. They use every opportunity to impugn democracy. They use isolationism as a slogan to conceal their own selfish imperialism. They cultivate hate and distrust of both Britain and Russia. They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.
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Trump hasn't done a damn thing thou..vs Hillary?

Dont compare bluster you dont agree with to an actual failed foreign policy record.
"Bluster you don't agree with"
Do you support these war crimes? Yes or no.
You selectively support everything that you see as positive about Trump and dismiss everything negative as "but he hasn't done anything yet though" or "but Hillary..."
If we're not taking him suggesting to commit war crimes seriously then neither can anything else has said.
Building a wall? But he hasn't done a damn thing thou
Fixing the economy? But he hasn't done a damn thing thou
Aka "we know better than you" so we wanna dictate/mandate/regulating_______ and take away your power to choose.

Look at da car industry...look at Obamacare...look at da transexual bathroom mandate, look at da energy industry, look at common core...countless examples.

Point out the racism in those examples
And it wasn't before? Do you truly give a **** about Libya?

Gaddafi's fall turned Libya into a cespool for new terrorist...all these strong men dictators controlled their own problems, a vacuum of power made it worse.

What kinda stupid deflection is "but do you care?"

Ayo she did a **** job, but because it didn't happen here i'm not supposed to worry about it? :lol: :smh:

Thats ya defending Clinton? :lol: ok.

Libya had conflict with the United States before Gadhafi lost power. The terrorism was actually a direct response to inability to compete with the American and other country's military. And this was back in the 80s.

I do agree removing him from power made things worse but the way you're presenting it makes it sound like that was the catalyst for their problems.
Just like "the real racists" are all Democrats too huh? :lol:

Yes. The soft bigotry of low expectations.

Aka "we know better than you" so we wanna dictate/mandate/regulating_______ and take away your power to choose.

Look at da car industry...look at Obamacare...look at da transexual bathroom mandate, look at da energy industry, look at common core...countless examples.

-Obama saved parts of the American car industry giving consumers more choice

-Obamacare extended health coverage to millions of people. If the Medicaid expansion wasn't struck down, and there was a public option the law would be even more "choice", "choice that would empower the people and hurt the insurance industry. Conservatives are against all forms of choice in the health care industry.

If you're talking about the individual mandate, then it needs to be there because of free rider issues. That could easily be solved if we provide an all inclusive, non discriminatory public option. Yet conservatives are against it.

-What bathroom mandate? How is that affecting choice? If anything it extends choice and civil rights protections to a new group. If has zero affect on you life other than making you resulted

-The energy industry? How is becoming energy independent a bad thing. It protect us against something that caused many post war recessions, oil shocks. Conservatives are also against electric cars and solar power, see blocking of Tesla sales, so it is shocking that conservatives are the ones giving me an option by telling me that the market should remain the same.

Your confusing setting minimum standards with stripping away freedoms.


Having affordable healthcare gives people more freedom

Being food secure gives people more freedom

Your nation being immune to foreign oil shocks gives people more freedom

Knowing your Federal government will use fiscal policy to soothe the harsh effects of a recession gives more freedom

Knowing the Fed will do the same on the monetary side gives people more freedom

Having affordable quality education available to you and your children gives people more freedom

Having a nation that constantly aims for social justice gives people more freedom

When you're not stuck having to worry about your economic well being hanging on by a thread because the economy is being controlled by private interest that are only concern with their profits, and not the good of the nation, you can be free to actually chase the "American Dream"

So Social Democracy gives people more freedom.
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The funniest thing about this "lesser of two evils" thing with voting Hillary over Trump is that Bernie is over there chillin and people will dead *** tell you they're not voting for Bernie because he's not gonna win...


This **** is like the twilight zone...
And it wasn't before? Do you truly give a **** about Libya?

Gaddafi's fall turned Libya into a cespool for new terrorist...all these strong men dictators controlled their own problems, a vacuum of power made it worse.

What kinda stupid deflection is "but do you care?"

Ayo she did a **** job, but because it didn't happen here i'm not supposed to worry about it? :lol: :smh:

Thats ya defending Clinton? :lol: ok.

:lol: oh my goodness.
-Obama saved parts of the American car industry giving consumers more choice

-Obamacare extended health coverage to millions of people. If the Medicaid expansion wasn't struck down, and there was a public option the law would be even more "choice", "choice that would empower the people and hurt the insurance industry. Conservatives are against all forms of choice in the health care industry.

If you're talking about the individual mandate, then it needs to be there because of free rider issues. That could easily be solved if we provide a all inclusive, no discriminatory public option. Yet conservatives are against it.

-What bathroom mandate? How is that affecting choice? If anything it extends choice and civil rights protections to a new group. If has zero affect on you life other than making you resulted

-The energy industry? How is becoming energy independent a bad thing. It protect us against something that caused many post war recessions, oil shocks. Conservatives are also against electric cars and solar power, see blocking of Tesla sales, so it is shocking that conservatives are the ones giving me an option by telling me that the market should remain the same.

Your confusing setting minimum standards with stripping away freedoms.


Having affordable healthcare gives people more freedom

Being food secure gives people more freedom

Your nation be immune to foreign oil shocks gives people more freedom

Knowing your Federal government will use fiscal policy to soothe the harsh effects of a recession gives more freedom

Knowing the Fed will do the same on the monetary side gives people more freedom

Having affordable quality education available to you and your children gives people more freedom

When you're not stuck having to worry about your economic well being hanging on by a thread because the economy is being controlled by private interest that are only concern with their profits, and not the good of the nation, you can be free to actually chase the "American Dream"

Social Democracy gives people more freedom.

A+ post.

That is the crux of the liberal and conservative arguments over freedom. Is it about legal and theoretical choices or is it about having higher taxes, more regulation but actually having greater levels of practical freedom.
-Obama saved parts of the American car industry giving consumers more choice

-Obamacare extended health coverage to millions of people. If the Medicaid expansion wasn't struck down, and there was a public option the law would be even more "choice", "choice that would empower the people and hurt the insurance industry. Conservatives are against all forms of choice in the health care industry.

If you're talking about the individual mandate, then it needs to be there because of free rider issues. That could easily be solved if we provide an all inclusive, non discriminatory public option. Yet conservatives are against it.

-What bathroom mandate? How is that affecting choice? If anything it extends choice and civil rights protections to a new group. If has zero affect on you life other than making you resulted

-The energy industry? How is becoming energy independent a bad thing. It protect us against something that caused many post war recessions, oil shocks. Conservatives are also against electric cars and solar power, see blocking of Tesla sales, so it is shocking that conservatives are the ones giving me an option by telling me that the market should remain the same.

Your confusing setting minimum standards with stripping away freedoms.


Having affordable healthcare gives people more freedom

Being food secure gives people more freedom

Your nation being immune to foreign oil shocks gives people more freedom

Knowing your Federal government will use fiscal policy to soothe the harsh effects of a recession gives more freedom

Knowing the Fed will do the same on the monetary side gives people more freedom

Having affordable quality education available to you and your children gives people more freedom

Having a nation that constantly aims for social justice gives people more freedom

When you're not stuck having to worry about your economic well being hanging on by a thread because the economy is being controlled by private interest that are only concern with their profits, and not the good of the nation, you can be free to actually chase the "American Dream"

So Social Democracy gives people more freedom.
A+ post Rusty.

I cannot stand people like that.

If you have no horse in the race and "don't do politics", then what the **** are you asking questions in a political thread for? And why are you critiquing the answers people give you if you truly don't care? Makes no sense. Cats just want attention these days.
I can't have opinions and questions without having a rooting interest?

You sound dumb as hell
I can't have opinions and questions without having a rooting interest?

You sound dumb as hell :lol:

Sure you can

But you ride the fence and act like that somehow makes you better than the people who have decided where they stand on the issues
If you want to see what a Donald Trump Presidentcy would look like, just watch the Super Mario Bros. film.

King Koopa is basically Trump.
Sure you can

But you ride the fence and act like that somehow makes you better than the people who have decided where they stand on the issues
Nah, my bad if I made anyone feel that way.

Honestly not my intentions.
If you want to see what a Donald Trump Presidentcy would look like, just watch the Super Mario Bros. film.

King Koopa is basically Trump.

I'll pass on political advice from someone who is busy watching the Super Mario Bros film, thanks.

This is another thing about leftists that bug me. Constantly talking about how disastrous Trump would be, leading to WW3, etc. They are fear mongering and playing on people's fears to push their political agenda. The exact same thing they accuse republicans of doing every 4 years, especially during the Bush years.
His major policies rely on an incredible amount of economic growth, pushing the US further into massive debt. His plans don't look like they would succeed.
He is a bigot and his rhetoric breeds a hostile xenophobic social climate
He has suggested committing war crimes (killing terrorists' entire families) and would "enforce the military to follow orders" to commit these war crimes
He has said he wants to "loosen up libel laws", aka limit free speech
Being a good businessman doesn't necessarily translate into a good president. Trump has made excellent use of bankruptcy laws for his failed vantures but that won't work as president. See his fairly recent comments about the debt
There's plenty more I could list

Call it fear-mongering if you want but Trump is a real threat to the US and the rest of the world.
Obama saved parts of the American car industry giving consumers more choice

Straight false...

He gave GM a loan on da condition:

-They kill Hummer & Pontiac
-Forced da automakers into cafe regulations which MANDATE 54.5 miles per gallon (which ostensibly chooses cars over what consumers wanna drive by da soaring sales of Trucks & SUV's)

Come next year, da midterm view calculations of those cafe regulations come up, a leftist president beholden to radical environmental donors is going to be hostile to not only oil & gas exploration, but will refuse to pull back on da mandate. Therefore FORCE automakers into building expensive hybrid/electric cars that DONT sell in order to comply with regulations that kill options.

You wanna have freedom? Let automakers make da cars people wanna buy.
Therefore FORCE automakers into building expensive hybrid/electric cars that DONT sell in order to comply with regulations that kill options.

You wanna have freedom? Let automakers make da cars people wanna buy.

Do you think if the vehicles were more affordable and attractive people would want to buy them? I think more money being put into bettering the batteries would help since it would decrease the overall cost.

That could theoretically decrease the cost of da hemi tbh.
Obama saved parts of the American car industry giving consumers more choice

Straight false...

He gave GM a loan on da condition:

-They kill Hummer & Pontiac
-Forced da automakers into cafe regulations which MANDATE 54.5 miles per gallon (which ostensibly chooses cars over what consumers wanna drive by da soaring sales of Trucks & SUV's)

Come next year, da midterm view calculations of those cafe regulations come up, a leftist president beholden to radical environmental donors is going to be hostile to not only oil & gas exploration, but will refuse to pull back on da mandate. Therefore FORCE automakers into building expensive hybrid/electric cars that DONT sell in order to comply with regulations that kill options.

You wanna have freedom? Let automakers make da cars people wanna buy.

Such revisionist history, those companies GM and Chrysler where going under, already got Tarp money and where begging for a bailout.

That is why Obama had so much power over them to reorganize. Even the Econimist that was against the auto bailout said that they where wrong because not bailing out GM and Chrysler would have sent systemic shocks through the car industry, and maybe even the entire economy.

It is funny that a supposed free market capitalist like yourself has no faith in the market to beat the CAFE restrictions.

Markets will adjust papi, in the short run car companies will improve their asthestics to attract more people to hybrids. They will invest in RD for new battery and engines tech too.

The cut in demand will drive oil prices down, further lowering gas prices, which will help on the supply side. I mean you praise Reagan's economy and he benefit from a sharp drop in oil prices, and you constantly say fracking is the savior of Obama's economy. So I would assume you would be supportive of something that drives down oil prices.

Secondly, will a decreased demand for oil, and fracking existing, the US will be back on the road to energy independence. That means immunity from oil price shocks, and no more kissing g the Saudi's *****. Another thing I would assume you would be happy about since you praise Trump for his suggestions of isolationism. You know, no more being allies for free.

Third more investment in alternative energy sources will drive growth, in the short run with R&D and the long run with new technology advancements leading to higher productive and bew jobs. You should see the Republicans in my state, they are giddy about the Tesla gigafactory. And I mean you're a classical economist right, that should fit right in to how you believe the business cycle growth works.

And of course the investment in new tech will come, you have already stated that the demand is there. That's too much for the private sector to ignore. Can't have all that dead weight loss now can we, b.

So you see Edwin, these regulations are not only good in my eyes, but if you apply your of supposed ideologies, they should be good in yours as well.

Unless you're just mindless against them to protect a subset of vehicles just because you like them. But I doubt you would be that petty and short sight :D
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Straight false...

He gave GM a loan on da condition:

-They kill Hummer & Pontiac
-Forced da automakers into cafe regulations which MANDATE 54.5 miles per gallon (which ostensibly chooses cars over what consumers wanna drive by da soaring sales of Trucks & SUV's)

Come next year, da midterm view calculations of those cafe regulations come up, a leftist president beholden to radical environmental donors is going to be hostile to not only oil & gas exploration, but will refuse to pull back on da mandate. Therefore FORCE automakers into building expensive hybrid/electric cars that DONT sell in order to comply with regulations that kill options.

You wanna have freedom? Let automakers make da cars people wanna buy.

As someone who was working for Chevy when they went under in 2008... there are 100 places you are wrong here. So much so that I won't bother to dissect them all. Manufacturers have had the means to make better more efficient cars for nearly a decade now. They were forced to actually roll it out.

You probably don't remember this, but when the people called for now efficient cars, they rolled out "ethanol gas" and hybrids that were so inefficient it would take years to even break even on the extra msrp.

Back in 2008, Chevy made us learn about some certain cars and technology that was released and pulled back then erased within a week. Those cars didn't come out again until literally like 3 years ago... and they trained us on them in 2008.

The thing with businesses is, if you don't force them to do right, they'll take any and every shortcut that will save them money. So if there was no bailout, and there was no extra stipulations, they would've went back to business as usual.

Oh and btw, truck and SUV sales are increasing because they're finally becoming gas efficient at an acceptable level. For instance, the Mazda cx5 gets 26/35. 35 highway is what you can expect from a good car
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ninja, do you also have a problem with the federal government controlling a large amount of medical research conducted in this country?
It is funny that a supposed free market capitalist like yourself has no faith in the market to beat the CAFE restrictions.

Markets will adjust papi, in the short run car companies will improve their asthestics to attract more people to hybrids. They will invest in RD for new battery and engines tech too.

These fuel standards represent the single most important step we’ve ever taken to reduce our dependence on foreign oil,” Obama declared, while also cutting CO2 emissions by an estimated 50 percent.

But far less certain is the impact the new rules will have on the auto industry and on the motorists of 2025. Naysayers have warned that, at 54.5 mpg, tomorrow’s cars will be smaller, largely battery-based and significantly more expensive. Proponents of the CAFE increase dismiss such forecasts as fear-mongering and insist things will change less than people anticipate.

For his part, Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne believes the industry will be able to make the new target – even though the rules do provide a mid-term analysis to ensure things remain on track. A future administration could roll the numbers back if there’s trouble.(insert Trump here)

But Marchionne insisted, the new rules “will change the way this industry operates,” adding his belief that, at 54.5 mpg, it will be difficult to continue producing high-performance vehicles such as the Hemi-V8-powered Dodge Challenger. Such muscle cars, the executive warned, will become “as rare as white flies

And Chrysler was never given a bailout, it was told either going to merge with Fiat or kick rocks...only GM was given a bail out.

The thing with businesses is, if you don't force them to do right, they'll take any and every shortcut that will save them money

Aka we know better than you..of course its in a business's best interest to save money...
They cant operate like da government does or it would go outta business in 5 mins...

The industry is trying to build what people want while still complying with what the government says they should build" (i resent da **** outta that) says AutoPacfic’s Sullivan. “Right now, however, regulator and consumer demands are pulling in opposite directions.

The car companies are already pressuring the California Air Resources Board to loosen its highly restrictive mandate that calls for 10% of all cars to be zero emissions in a few years. In 2017, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will seek public comment on whether the fuel economy standard should be revised for model years 2022 through 2025, John Graham says. A decision on whether to change the 54.5 mpg target is expected in early 2018. Of course, by that time, a new president will be sitting in the White House and the membership of the US Congress may have changed significantly after the national elections this November.

Da bottomline is government shouldn't be telling car companies what it SHOULD make when da reality is da market has no appetite for these products....

A Trump administration would let em build whatever da hell they want & repeal onerous regulations.
You sound like one of these children who can't even vote yet. This conversation far beyond this juvenile talking point.

And Rusty, how many times are you going to drum up that one quote and what does it prove? You're projecting your own ideas by talking about "hateful yams." No woman of any race expected me, as a black man, to openly support Trump, especially at that time. So the shock factor alone was a great icebreaker, regardless of who I was talking to.

I'm a married father of three who works in politics you ding a ling, just be a man and say your full of ****.

Nothing about this clown is reasonable and the only people who want him in office are poor white racists and ***** IMO
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Haven't read anything in this thread. Just stopping in to say as long as women and minorities have a right to vote, no way trump wins this election. Unless the underground kkk is way bigger than I know of
Haven't read anything in this thread. Just stopping in to say as long as women and minorities have a right to vote, no way trump wins this election. Unless the underground kkk is way bigger than I know of
As much as I hope you're right, don't underestimate the stupidity of the Democratic Party. They have alienated a large amount of voters this primary with their tactics to hand the nomination to Hillary. Sanders supporters will not vote for Clinton if she is the nominee. This election is going to look a lot like the 2000 election and don't be surprised if this dumb **** Drumpf ends up winning it in the end.
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