Donald Trump is running for president

Why would he? His supporters eat up everything he says, and when he's called out they'll defend and say it's the liberal media. Then bring up Hillary's lies. There's zero accountability for what he says.

The media has also let way too much stuff go because of ratings. CNN has given him too much coverage. They are starting to "attack" him now though. Fox has to support him even if some of their commentators/anchors don't like him. Fox is the GOP's propaganda outlet and they want a Republican in the White House no matter who it is. His comments about the judge are really ridiculous. If you read at the Trump "University" 2010 playbook, it has scam written all over it. The entire thing is a guide on how to get everyone to pay $1,495 minimum the same day and then upsell the gullible students all these 5 figure packages that they "need to be successful." None of the "teachers" were experts or had anything to do with real estate. Sure they signed whatever they were given and that's why Trump is saying that he didn't do anything wrong. It's not illegal, but morally wrong. Also he they supposedly didn't deliver all that they were promised. The "school" never had any accreditation and this is really why this got taken to court. In this country you can get away with almost anything by saying,"But they signed the contract."
Damn y'all got a food shortage and a water shortage >D

"Tag my skin with your computer chip
Run your hand over tha scanner to buy your dish now
No more fishing for your fish"

We actually did have a water shortage recently. We also had a power shortage as well, but I get what you are saying...
The media has also let way too much stuff go because of ratings. CNN has given him too much coverage. They are starting to "attack" him now though. Fox has to support him even if some of their commentators/anchors don't like him. Fox is the GOP's propaganda outlet and they want a Republican in the White House no matter who it is. His comments about the judge are really ridiculous. If you read at the Trump "University" 2010 playbook, it has scam written all over it. The entire thing is a guide on how to get everyone to pay $1,495 minimum the same day and then upsell the gullible students all these 5 figure packages that they "need to be successful." None of the "teachers" were experts or had anything to do with real estate. Sure they signed whatever they were given and that's why Trump is saying that he didn't do anything wrong. It's not illegal, but morally wrong. Also he they supposedly didn't deliver all that they were promised. The "school" never had any accreditation and this is really why this got taken to court. In this country you can get away with almost anything by saying,"But they signed the contract."

So what's new, that how it is anywhere in the world. from the rich to the poor. from corporations, to the little guy with the bodega down the street. It will always be that way. Its called business...
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So what's new, that how it is anywhere in the world. from the rich to the poor. from corporations, to the little guy with the bodega down the street. It will always be that way. Its called business...

Sure, but when the public is intentionally misled like in this scenario a hefty lawsuit is in order. He never should've called it a University and should've never even started this thing up in the first place. It's not like he needs some poor people's life savings. People only get away with stuff when others do nothing about it. The city is about to charge tolls on all the east river bridges and no one is protesting. As if the MTA has no money.
The media has also let way too much stuff go because of ratings. CNN has given him too much coverage. They are starting to "attack" him now though. Fox has to support him even if some of their commentators/anchors don't like him. Fox is the GOP's propaganda outlet and they want a Republican in the White House no matter who it is. His comments about the judge are really ridiculous. If you read at the Trump "University" 2010 playbook, it has scam written all over it. The entire thing is a guide on how to get everyone to pay $1,495 minimum the same day and then upsell the gullible students all these 5 figure packages that they "need to be successful." None of the "teachers" were experts or had anything to do with real estate. Sure they signed whatever they were given and that's why Trump is saying that he didn't do anything wrong. It's not illegal, but morally wrong. Also he they supposedly didn't deliver all that they were promised. The "school" never had any accreditation and this is really why this got taken to court. In this country you can get away with almost anything by saying,"But they signed the contract."

So what's new, that how it is anywhere in the world. from the rich to the poor. from corporations, to the little guy with the bodega down the street. It will always be that way. Its called business...

So what's the difference between a lying business man and a lying politician?
krispacinla krispacinla

So what's new, that how it is anywhere in the world. from the rich to the poor. from corporations, to the little guy with the bodega down the street. It will always be that way. Its called business...

Scamming your way to wealth is not business, and places where this mentality is accepted by the majority usually rank at the top of the list of most corrupt countries.
krispacinla krispacinla
Scamming your way to wealth is not business, and places where this mentality is accepted by the majority usually rank at the top of the list of most corrupt countries.

Sadly all of the wealthy all ripped people off if they weren't born rich, married into wealth, or invented something. It's very rare for a successful businessman to be an honest person. Honest people usually don't get very far in the world unfortunately.
Businessman in politics: Fire a bunch of people, lower the taxes, give your friends private contracts and get kickbacks in offshore accounts/shell companies, leave and let the next guy take the blame for the economy.
Sadly all of the wealthy all ripped people off if they weren't born rich, married into wealth, or invented something. It's very rare for a successful businessman to be an honest person. Honest people usually don't get very far in the world unfortunately.

I agree 100% with this statement. Unfortunately is the way the world works :smh:
^^^ A fraud? why? I see shillary kissing and hugging impoverish people. Like she loves them! like she cares for them!!!! Only thing she cares for its expanding her bs propaganda of BS lies :rolleyes

Man at least Clinton went to a few hood spots out here in Los Angeles such as East LA, and Long Beach City Colleges.

Where was Trump? Dude is so scared, his rallies are at big ol auditoriums that require 10,000+ law enforcement personnel to keep the peace. :lol: Pathetic!
Ohh would you rather wait in line for 5 hours to get a loaf of bread and some sugar like they do in Venezuela? A left socialist state
Yeah, we all know that Venezuela is the country they're striving to be like. 


Man at least Clinton went to a few hood spots out here in Los Angeles such as East LA, and Long Beach City Colleges.

Where was Trump? Dude is so scared, his rallies are at big ol auditoriums that require 10,000+ law enforcement personnel to keep the peace. :lol: Pathetic!

Pathetic and sad!
I don't remember that either.

I remember my mother waiting in line at the pantry, but that's because we were poor.:lol:



Only when it benefits me.:nerd:

Man what the **** are these fake doom and gloom scenarios these dudes keep making up. What America are y'all living in?

everyone here old enough to remember seeing bread & cheese lines in America...not exactly outta da box.

Huh? When in NYC have you had a supply shortage of food. And I've been living here since '93 and my mom was here in '89.

talkin bout da welfare lines in da 80's-early 90's when you actually had a significant number of people depended on that for sustenance.
You and I both know those lines haven't gone anywhere. Especially in New York, the numbers of people waiting for government subsidised apartments and food stamps are probably longer than ever.
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Ninjahood I just don't get it man

Dont get what? That Trump is the lesser evil of the three? that crooked Hillary will continue the flawed and fail policies of ODRAMA?

Ohh would you rather wait in line for 5 hours to get a loaf of bread and some sugar like they do in Venezuela? A left socialist state :rolleyes

Yours Mans Trump keeps telling me socialist in China are kicking America's *** doe.

What up wit that.
Of course Crooked Hillary is going to go in there and pretends she cares about them. She is a career lying politician and a DEM. All minorities are mostly Dems because that's who hands out the most freebies for them.
Oh, so all minorities are mostly free-riders of the welfare system?
Of course Crooked Hillary is going to go in there and pretends she cares about them. She is a career lying politician and a DEM. All minorities are mostly Dems because that's who hands out the most freebies for them.

At least she went! That's the entire point. Where was Trump? Scared?

This will be the last time I repond to you my friend. Worry about your liberal countrymore than this country. Go fix your broken policies in Belgium
I didn't ask how much % of minorites is on some form of welfare, I asked if all minorities are mostly free-riders (aka abusers) of the welfare system.
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