Donald Trump is running for president

I'm almost positive that the career, crooked, lying business man will become a clean, above board politician. No doubt about it, this logic is airtight.
^^^If you cant comprehend the chart, I dont know what to tell you :rofl:
If you have trouble reading and comprehending I'm not sure what to tell you.
So all welfare recipients are free-riders? Abusers of the system that simply want handouts instead of need them?
It's really not a hard question.
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I'm sorry, if this is still makes minorities vote for him I lost all hope for them. For once I agree with Paul Ryan with what he said earlier today but to still support him. ****, take your losses and put your chips in 4 years from now before your party goes into disarray.
is this historic???

1st woman presidential nominee.

following the first african american nominee.
don't matter.

he's done.

what we have all expected is hillary vs trump and that is what its going to be.

gonna be good tho.
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 Welp, there goes another nail in the Latino vote coffin for Drumpf, without which he cannot win. For a comment labeled as racist by high ranking members of his own party after clinching the nomination as the presidential candidate of that party. This dude seriously still thinks that the racist tirade that worked in the Republican primary will work for the general election. No wonder he went bankrupt so many times with such idiotic decision making.
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That's funny let anyone here say anything about the latino culture and son will ride to the death fighting it. Let Trump do it and it's ok because it's just political wrangling and he's meta. It's pathetic, it's like those abused souls that adore powerful men and will take whatever from them.
As much as I hate to say it, I'm leaning Hilary.

I think Trump is trolling to be honest.

At first I passed it off as him just being off script which I actually respected.

But dude has been off the hook these last few weeks

Still ain't voting.
I'm really having to choose either Trump/Browns or Hilary/Titans...2-14 vs 5-11. That's a damn shame
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As much as I hate to say it, I'm leaning Hilary.

I think Trump is trolling to be honest.

At first I passed it off as him just being off script which I actually respected.

But dude has been off the hook these last few weeks :lol:

Still ain't voting.
He continually chooses whatever is the most inflammatory thing to say. If he was an athlete or artist, it'd be great.

btw an interesting article about his comments on the Mexican judge basically described how he has been making comments about the judge being Mexican for months. months! and no one in the media called him out. it wasn't till he stated it more explicitly that it became news.

the point? every time trump floats around some funny coincidence or observation about someone being a certain race, sex, ethnicity, background, height, etc., it is not an accident. he knows doing so indirectly gives him the cover he needs while, at the same time, people like #($$ can reinforce their views by reading between the lines.
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Yeah the whole welfare stigma on black ppl when in fact more white ppl are on it does bug me.

Same poor uneducated white ppl benefiting from socialist programs.
Midlothian man sees Donald Trump in bathroom floor tile
Posted 2:24 pm, June 8, 2016, by Scott Wise, Updated at 06:26pm, June 8, 2016

MIDLOTHIAN, Va. -- Clayton Litten was sitting on his toilet, admiring his newly tiled bathroom floor when he first saw it.

"This cannot be. There's no way," Litten said when he saw the image -- "clear as day."

An image of presidential candidate Donald Trump, standing with arms folded, emerged from the tile floor.

"What are the odds?" Litten asked. "One in a trillion?"

When Litten asked the workers remodeling his bathroom if they too saw Trump in the tile, he said they all agreed -- they saw the Donald.

"It's a perfect image of him!" Litten said.

Litten, a Republican who planned to vote for Trump this fall, said he sent the image of his floor to the Trump campaign.

He said he hoped the man himself would stop by for a visit when he arrived in town to campaign Friday.

"I have not yet heard from anyone yet," Litten said.

Workers for the company that installed the floor said people can see all sorts of images in tile, "sort of like when people see objects in clouds."

We sent the photo to the company for further analysis and will update this post when we hear back.

In the meantime, Litten, who said he was dying of lung cancer, is holding out hope that Donald Trump would see this story and pay him a visit.
View media item 2061347
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