Donald Trump is running for president

crooked hillary, lil marco, lion ted.....thats childish to me.

even if were the other way around like if clinton was calling him lying donald.
like who does that lol??

but it suits him and his supporters.
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crooked hillary, lil marco, lion ted.....thats childish to me.

even if were the other way around like if clinton was calling him lying donald.
like who does that lol??

but it suits him and his supporters.

He's been playing dumb the whole time. Everything that he has said and done has been part of his strategy. This guy is really intelligent. There is a video on YouTube from '91 where he's talking about the economy and housing market before a committee that shows a completely different side of him. There is no way he would've became a billionaire if he were an idiot.

He is a master of manipulating media and getting free publicity. He's been doing it for 30 years. He can actually win if it turns out that his campaign is real. I still wouldn't be surprised if Hillary & him are working together. If so, he sure did a great job of taking out every real threat from the GOP for her.

Now Sanders just has to accept defeat and stop being a sore loser. He had a good ride with the millions in contributions he got. He spent over half a million on a trip with his family to Rome with campaign money. That vacation was not campaign related. The only reason he hasn't conceded the race is to get as much free cash as possible before it's all over.
500k on a trip to Rome!? Man Rome is expensive. Hard to believe Trump my get elected as leader of the USA...
He's been playing dumb the whole time. Everything that he has said and done has been part of his strategy. This guy is really intelligent. There is a video on YouTube from '91 where he's talking about the economy and housing market before a committee that shows a completely different side of him. There is no way he would've became a billionaire if he were an idiot.

He is a master of manipulating media and getting free publicity. He's been doing it for 30 years. He can actually win if it turns out that his campaign is real. I still wouldn't be surprised if Hillary & him are working together. If so, he sure did a great job of taking out every real threat from the GOP for her.

Now Sanders just has to accept defeat and stop being a sore loser. He had a good ride with the millions in contributions he got. He spent over half a million on a trip with his family to Rome with campaign money. That vacation was not campaign related. The only reason he hasn't conceded the race is to get as much free cash as possible before it's all over.
Wouldn't that be a serious violation of campaign funding regulations if he really used campaign donations on a family trip?
Is there confirmation of this?
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Ninjahood I just don't get it man

Dont get what? That Trump is the lesser evil of the three? that crooked Hillary will continue the flawed and fail policies of ODRAMA?

Ohh would you rather wait in line for 5 hours to get a loaf of bread and some sugar like they do in Venezuela? A left socialist state :rolleyes
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^^^ A fraud? why? I see shillary kissing and hugging impoverish people. Like she loves them! like she cares for them!!!! Only thing she cares for its expanding her bs propaganda of BS lies :rolleyes

Dont get what? That Trump is the lesser evil of the three? that crooked Hillary will continue the flawed and fail policies of ODRAMA?

Ohh would you rather wait in line for 5 hours to get a loaf of bread and some sugar like they do in Venezuela? A left socialist state :rolleyes

Damn man you jumped all on me :x
I literally don't like the things coming out of his mouth. I gave him the benefit of the doubt because of media manipulation, but lord have mercy he doesn't even try to set the record straight.
Wouldn't that be a serious violation of campaign funding regulations if he really used campaign donations on a family trip?
Is there confirmation of this?

This is a pro-Hillary site but the info is true. I have gone to and looked at it myself. Just type Bernie 2016 on If you arrange by state, it'll show he spent $13,758 for the hotel and if you arrange it by amount on the 4th page it shows $613,451 for the private chartered flight paid for 4 days in advance. The hotel where they stayed, Boscolo Exedra, is a luxury 5 star place.

Edit: It is supposed to be illegal, but I doubt anyone will do anything. It's also easier to catch him because he isn't exactly wealthy like Trump or Clinton. If he's spending that much, it's not from his pocket and I don't think he even spoke to the Pope. :rofl:
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Man what the **** are these fake doom and gloom scenarios these dudes keep making up. What America are y'all living in?

Gullible Mark. Keep thinking you live in a bubble that certain things cant happen here in AMERICA.

With the wrong people in power, it can have a big effect. I see it here already with the trash governor in CALI :rolleyes
but lord have mercy he doesn't even try to set the record straight.

Why would he? His supporters eat up everything he says, and when he's called out they'll defend and say it's the liberal media. Then bring up Hillary's lies. There's zero accountability for what he says.
Man what the **** are these fake doom and gloom scenarios these dudes keep making up. What America are y'all living in?

everyone here old enough to remember seeing bread & cheese lines in America...not exactly outta da box.

Huh? When in NYC have you had a supply shortage of food. And I've been living here since '93 and my mom was here in '89.

talkin bout da welfare lines in da 80's-early 90's when you actually had a significant number of people depended on that for sustenance.
Man what the **** are these fake doom and gloom scenarios these dudes keep making up. What America are y'all living in?

Gullible Mark. Keep thinking you live in a bubble that certain things cant happen here in AMERICA.

With the wrong people in power, it can have a big effect. I see it here already with the trash governor in CALI :rolleyes

Damn y'all got a food shortage and a water shortage >D

"Tag my skin with your computer chip
Run your hand over tha scanner to buy your dish now
No more fishing for your fish"
Man what the **** are these fake doom and gloom scenarios these dudes keep making up. What America are y'all living in?

Gullible Mark. Keep thinking you live in a bubble that certain things cant happen here in AMERICA.

With the wrong people in power, it can have a big effect. I see it here already with the trash governor in CALI :rolleyes

Sure lil buddy, Trump will make it all better.
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