Donald Trump is running for president

It's funny hearing people talk about unity and healing a divide but there's no possible scenario of that, when to half of the country the only means of "unity" is the other half knowing their place as second class citizens, and real unity and equality evoke feelings of threat and insecurity.

Through out our country's history, white men have been engaged in a democracy of manners. You can have vast amounts of economic inequality but we act as if every citizen is equal.

Today, white conservatives have imposed that same democracy of manners on people of color and it is quite devious. As far as conservative whites are concerned, all that matters is being polite and not using overt racial slurs. It also means that, in the eyes of white conservatives, anyone who is disruptive and seeking real change, is now "the real racist."

This democracy of manners means that white guys can dog whistle about "Chicago" and "the inner city" all they like but if you call them on it, you are "making everything about race."
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You know what's crazy, that in the 60s people were either aware enough to see through George Wallace as a major candidate yet we in 2016 with all our advances elect a branch off of his tree.
The Dragon against the Beast, this is the last showdown folks. China vs America. For my people it's either the military or prison. Private prisons are big business. This is what they mean when they say they're bringing jobs back. It's all business.
The Dragon against the Beast, this is the last showdown folks. China vs America. For my people it's either the military or prison. Private prisons are big business. This is what they mean when they say they're bringing jobs back. It's all business.
The same Ernie Johnson who basically said he'd love to see how far Colin Kaepernick gets with trying his protest in some other country?

Yeah, ok.

I can't take the Inside the NBA crew seriously anymore.

Shaq has been a Trump "supporter" for a while yet sat up there the same night Ernie gave this speech and acted as if he agreed with the guys that it was a bad thing that Trump won.



One thing you have to understand about some of these black people who made it, like Shaq and Cam is that they don't see themselves as black people first. Now they're:

1. Rich people

2. Black people

When Zimmerman verdict defender Charles Barkley started to vote republican, his grandmother asked him: "Charles, how can you vote Republican? Isn't that for rich people?", to which Zimmerman verdict defender Charles Barkley replied: "Grandma, I'm rich."

They will get millions of dollars from tax benefits while ordinary black people are going to get shafted. All because they can play a certain sport well enough. Sellouts in the truest sense of the word. Props to LeBron though for publicly endorsing Hillary, even though he personally stands to get $15 mil extra from Drumpf's tax plan.
A lot of republican voters I know vote for the party despite most of the ideals going against what they believe in because they think they'll benefit when they become millionaires. Of course, those people have been waiting to become millionaires for the past 30 years, so... :lol: Karma for going against their own people
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The same Ernie Johnson who basically said he'd love to see how far Colin Kaepernick gets with trying his protest in some other country?

Yeah, ok.
This is why I simply don't idolize atheletes,musicians or movie stars.
Most of them are clowns...

Now when it comes to someone to look up to...
View media item 2229606

Honor thy father and thy mother. |I
Glad Hilary lost or the US will be this how Germany is nowadays? They're so liberal that they can't protect their county anymore. Someone from Germany give me some insight.


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You and Van Jones really need to reevaluate your "whitelash" conspiracy theory. Even if a sliver of the population feels the way you describe, the fact is that a small group of trees does not represent the forest. Your choice to focus on the fringe is what caused you to miss the movement.

Obama ultimately represented the establishment. He started his campaign saying he would only take private donations, only to buckle to the banks and insurance companies (based on what we've seen from the bailouts and Obamacare). There's a reason he said that not getting votes for Hillary would mess up his legacy. Obama was a last-ditch attempt of the establishment to regain the collective trust of the American people.

It's ironic that I'm a truck driver that picks up trucks in Minnesota and drives them through the entire "rust belt" out to the east coast. ALL I saw was Trump signs. I also stopped at rest stops and diners and spoke with people. I found a lot common ground with people of all colors. I didn't understand at the time how important that area was, but i knew Trump had tapped into an organic groundswell movement.

Please make an attempt to let go of the media-driven "everything's racist" narrative and actually reach across the aisle and ask your fellow man why he voted opposite from you. Try to have a dialogue instead of walking up and telling people (falsely) why they did what they did. Everything isn't as black and white as you think.
Silent majority politics goes way back to Nixon, white people love to be told their prejudicial views are mainstream and politically correct after all! Trump gets credit for running a campaign that spread organically, but that is where the praise stops. Even copped Reagan's campaign slogan. You can preach all this "all color" nonsense, but everyone knows what a Trump voter looks like. 
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Why do you think that is?
Republicans know that their demographic is shrinking. Only way to keep the south Relevant is the Electoral college. Hillary wouldn't have stepped foot past the mason dixon line without it.
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No why do you think that it'll take a Republican losing to change the electoral college? It's happened to the Dems twice.
No why do you think that it'll take a Republican losing to change the electoral college? It's happened to the Dems twice.
To overturn it will take a Constitutional Amendment. Good luck bringing republicans to the table unless they have a vested interest. (My last post)
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